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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


I go to sleep

Cannot open my eyes.

Babaji: Go

You have to believe in people's career choice, someone really grown up in the age of 15 years old ....

And I will be late like 30 years old...

Why anyone imagine in life to grow up another 10 years to sound like each human in a different world inside that MD office your own per Class new graduate of this medical school pre-med, were all trying in the MCAT or the USMLE 1 and 2 and 3, can really meant it : they make it, or they break it that debts, and what makes them so sure being a doctor path is their only IQ problem, if not MD, Ph.D in the research of the medical journal, you wonder if they are all fake, and no one has that IQ indeed behind American all board in that 50 states, not just one Top board, its every states in America, has all bad reputation in this ilegal pursue, that justice must be served.

Don't you agree that kind of the argument, how can anyone grow up to believe, its to grow up, how to grow up at the money staring sign or grow up to take care of the house, or ask someone, or not fear to walk in the hardware store to look at something or calling someone to ask for someone, or the parents, or the sibling, or the relative whom could manage a home owner manual near by.

And that so small tiny circle, if were not the celebrity too perfect, I had only ever needed 2 people, you wonder if I will ever needed any of you to every story I put out, the audio sounding methods all that....the mis-leading the medical practice, you have a mind to imagine the ilegal methods.

What is that?

Your attitude is very permissive or what is the word 消沉 - sadden sunk it in Chinese.

I didn't embark that road - to the medical school. You glow yourself for the last 16 years over this medical school, the international school, to a resume, to a work place, to every set upon your foot to be, and?

You want to tell me all that was not glowing enough to all those around peers and for free? You will never see, met, hear, heard, or join those kinds of the ground, or the facility, or the close by anything that participate out of the context. You are debating that is or will be, in between the choice given to you, you will have a free will you telling yourself what you gonna do.

At the mean time you ride that all given to you, to your parents, in that hatred manner to handle everyone else has to be put up over you yourself to pamp up, they given you those chance, you silence away....

- because you are too afraid, when you debating that is how real, you keep screwing up, or even you yourself don't believe, you can just keep screw up the patient profile.

You calculate a upper idea of some money, for saying per monthly what is the doctor's office in the clinic you yourself to market yourself how to acquire your own salary methods. 

My computer here says 20,000 US

Here in Taiwan I think about 20,0000 NT.

4 zero.

Babaji the Department of the Transportation

"I have a second thought, I calling you often one of those....you know you are right and I am wrong, but if I won't be saying it that often it so, you don't think there is a reason why I am so? If you know the argument it was lean toward the technology side, you gonna tell me in the end of the line that many degree / points of this argument none of that sustain in today's how this all involve with a manufacture process? "

I think I am taken back what I say, not just said that many times in many ways. We have a difference, not accord at all. Not in my mental sphere, not in this what I see right in front of me. Is this what I see in front of me. That is everyone seeing, or you will be telling me I am too old too trespassing. I need a very clear answer you open up your mouth and tell me...today.

Babaji the energy crisis

"I often say that if you don't spoon 2 to yourself the tooth be true, its one of those how often we say in English, 2 makes the tangle, you believe that yourself? And that often when things get worse or dismay or displeased, its not the anger first to start spinning around. "

The Gypsy women, sorry the dance of the century old upon that history incarved at your heart and soul, it was not 2 it was....the drum or the bell, not the foot rings, it was the waist line hanging.....danging.

Babaji the Department of Business Associate

"I would like to have an opening for speaking today how our cordial meeting has reach an agreement, and that is - to that every obstacle we meet, its another rise up opportunity and therefore to all that present here today, its often my sincere apology all that has happened in the last 20 days or so, how each of us be so careless in today's adjourn meeting - that is, how I express myself today isn't what you expect and I know that and therefore to that tiny sincere heart of your behalf, this is not our conversation end."

You have make a mistake that cannot be measured or talked about. Right now its me standing here the end of the line, that is your saying? To that every chance I given you weren't free, so that you present here to listen or to accord in whichever direction that you make me turn, well, to turn around that you imagine that so, or I imagine the days of the month wasn't on our calendar, tell me exactly that numbers of the passing, weren't you flying on this itinery here I have a number, and you will tell me ...yours?

They will be returning tomorrow back to America


板指 (that things hands to Tamang looking has a word)

opposite =

The paper board = 紙板

板指 = 板子 = Ring => the hitting you behind board (The Ancient Jury court room, hit your butt until you tell the truth)

斛珠夫人 Ep 12 10:37

Don't you wonder if Obama is on it?  Harry Potter today? My lunch?

A physical inside structure all around (hospital)

You will tell me that hospital lie on the map as long as it shall ever exist, because one day the data is false, another day this is wrong. You just didn't know what I saying here, with this one board has any meaning register to any of your claim, nor Tamang. But he has heard something in his own position. 

SMCH hands to a disciple old female women performers in Love of Century before some musician producer, or writers. She was a singer. Not that Chinese name of the Ring, her design jewelry rings, in those edenrules.com - unless Tamang never receive it in the University of South Dakoda, he supposes to know where everything he received, other than that....what that is.

It might be the red dress in the matrix song even, that singing performers in the Love of Century. She looks like One World 1999, "I will Forever Love you", coming out of the red dress. Guess where is the Sophia, behind the children's choir, that tall lady, with the clouds curls hair.

This board needs a black surface behind to read ....it.

We gonna continue to talk about the claim you all UB, University at Buffalo make before the noon.

The case you all considering the file, or were file-ing, or modifying, or re-file /file-ing statues. Like I say, you all believe that claim so you keep file-ing on that statue on check . I did say that, didn't I?

People have a different reason to believe in you. Your parents also got jam up to believe if you were pretending enough your real issues, and telling them another. That is the humanity you often saying how much you lie, or how much you willing to lie to your parents, no matter what.

In life, when you have nothing to hide let's say you were 35, to 42, to them 44 before 45 years old. When your hair turn grey and white that mirror scene 55?  You want to re-write each number to the re-state statement?

When you have nothing to hide let's say you were 35 years old... ...

When you have nothing to hide let's say you were 42 years old... ...

When you have nothing to hide let's say you were 44 years old... ...

When you have nothing to hide let's say you were 55 years old... ...

Your parent didn't die out when you were 35 years old, you are about to 39 years old, you telling them they are not dead yet part, how you truely believe in the last 2 days, you were the Disney princess with every cooking lesson or the China Smart Living as if you are the maid to be that pajamas looking without the palace music orchestra to welcome you.

You mean the Princess Dairy 2 the pajamas party sort on.

You know I know Tamang, and he is....wherever he supposes to be with his wife.

You think his wife is also a MD on the road with him, at least 2 kids to keep studying? I have no idea what that Love Actually means in the movies, but if I say to Tamang, in front of his wife.

"You know how I met Annca, there was a room next next by him, because they are the main room lobby activity from. They pay those room, I got in later. There was someone got tight up 4 limbs be seen inside that room."

You think he or she evaluate, if Jonathon believes yours every lies?

You think he and his wife will come to this map, where this location room look like at his own TV? The notebook I have, they have a board, just happened....to what I was going to tell the doctor inside, they bar me down every turn. The nurse stop. 

Babaji Department of the Transportation

"I had a wish to express myself thy thou Self how we embark our meeting here adjourn. Let that I speak for myself, this apparatus of flying object has its own insurance cover issues to that let one household to be tear down upon its expense, that is heart taken to that mind, soul and body. This is the speech I have today. "

I wish you all to know that every efforts make a great forward momentum of that thy Self thou shall not crossing over its own strength talk. Meaning we are the human flesh, the billing cycle of the insurance coverage to that aviation to the domestic flying objects not limited to 1, not limited to thousand, or not limited to the aircraft space shuttle or the aircraft itself flying routes - the private or the commercial. Are we looking at the same thing, you are looking at what? I have a speech today.

Babaji the Department of Energy

"Greeting tonight, I am so indeed I do present myself to thy thee so gracious to embark my journey inside all this story in the people's mind, and let that the beginning of this cordial meeting and the gracious of all that present allows me to speak some of the most dying urgent issues upon the sphere of our world, meaning our planet in large."

At today our meeting here, I am very welcoming to today's we are having such a meeting that you all embark my life journey in the diary here, and people's mind rendering all the details as my life passing on, not the congregation of this warming welcome how we finally meet, this is spacious enough for me or allowing me to speak to one of this Energy Department Chef or the Administrative how all this upon our dying wish, its a still a beautiful glow of the sphere, meaning itself the planet we are stood here today.

Zawanna 是那種人格.一批人去政治極端叫做 riot, 然後背後長的像李維那種人格,叫做心情惡劣!


醫科是說一件一件案子看好一個人一個人! 不是一群人吃飯,我最痛恨就是看到人!

Movie: Mission Impossible! 

在正常世界裡面,假設叫做你們真的做過哪種領導或是女孩子團體,或是男孩子,或是什麼什麼去國外叫做爭一口氣,你們沒有覺得事情一定要壓到誰的神經上面,叫做最高效率,我怎麼就沒有這種外面多偉大,自己現在這種社會體系是出了什麼你們覺得很巨大,必須出去外面戀愛一張照片? 這可能根本就不是同一個人。

我說這樣,我說那樣,我是哪種時間以為,人生就活的跟人一樣,我沒有那種野心叫做至高無上,一個社會體系就相信所有人都在做自己的本份,我跟誰過不去的意思,只是多一個人坐在那邊,我是有說我不會,還是說我金錢是我自己對我自己負責,你們並沒有打算說活到四十歲,是成人,或是你小孩 15 歲的時候覺得大人都很有自己人生方向,那現在是我的時間,通通滾到你們人生最在乎的事情,我一件都不在乎,是多重要這種漫畫,那西城男孩 ( Westlife ) 我有說不重要嗎 ? 我有事情,我是全天下有某種事情是我自己的事情,剩下跟你們整個社會想幹嘛,我已經說只有那樣 ~~

Movie: Harry Potter (traveling power grill, The Deathly Hollow 1)

他們很遙遠,這邊其實對他們存在的人來,是非常危險,第一,我家人還在~我腦袋是說假的事情叫做饒堯邦、跟提娜在門口,他媽的叫做每年逢年過節,我只是沒有講我小時候,說幾年就站在門口,這台北市長現在是附近有些我的年紀,我爸媽還沒死,這到底是哪張照片叫做我一人對著四個牆壁看著人生? 家人是說中國節、聖誕節,以前就是這樣有他爸的他媽的朋友一起聚會,這就是他們的天堂,我爸媽,或是我弟妹需要這種東西,我存在呀 ! 我是哪裡沒有去過?躺在家裡等這種叫做我出去、還是我在哪,在呀!

家庭聚會某些人會有,就是每一天都在電腦的正前方,亞洲台北聚會是誰不知道去哪裡? 這種基本禮節叫做基本人身福報,我自己會跟那個 Shane 講,有事情就張開嘴巴講,我是哪個時間沒有在講,站在玄關等人,你們沒有做過這種家庭會,還是不知道人身有時候就是坐在那邊的玄關等等等,餐廳的前面等~~~、位置等! 食物等,飯店,自助餐,這台北跟很多亞洲的城市,都會區是誰不知道叫做,穿好禮節,家人出現吃飯 ?! 

你們要說我現在尊上沒家人的意思 ? 我到底是做了什麼這麼天大的事情,我不能有這種玄關站著等等等等 !! 我媽就是饒邦他媽的有些女孩子朋友,小孩就是饒堯邦大人以前玩電動的小鬼,以前是小鬼!!!  這些人叫做人!!!! 很多人就是站在那邊等等等等,這基本時間跟他們隔年再去國外或是台灣就是自己奮鬥的意思! 一年就一次吃飯,你們要說這種東西不存在,還是我尊上幻想叫做我到底在講個什麼呀 !!!!!

電影 : 在講婚禮,還是什麼誰誰誰....我弟弟呢只回家一年一次,就是看著這些人吃飯給他 strength, 叫做我每一天躺在家裡 + 他媽的,知道是什麼意思? 沒有任何事情為什麼我在還是有什麼太重要工作,工作意外那種,他沒幾年回家叫做可以看到一個家有,聖誕紅,有聖誕樹,有中國年中國節,穿紅色不是真的那種

李維 + 西門,講穿越時空進入美國紐約市,你們是真的生長在台北、台灣去國外的? 哪個國外? 加州州立還是常春藤州立,我自己很有用去紐約市,那是提娜娜種瘋子天下,才講這種法國最後一個皇后類似,不知道是哪一個跟她媽玩講話遊戲叫做,被抓到,還是換個方式講話,人要存在生命,坐在那邊別動,才會有每一年,一定是不知道我在講呷咪,要坐在房間不用動,饒堯邦的每一天他最偉大 ! 他跟他小鬼同學長高長大,不管背景怎麼樣,他自己覺得他最好~~~!!看著一樣的東西,聽得同樣家人存在,在台北(台灣),那有些人 ABC 更是應該知道這種生活模式 ! 不管事哪種人生,叫做在眼前,其他我已經過了七年,我其實不太清楚我自己到底是我做不了大姊我認為的事情 ! 講真的~~~~!!!

3 Art cc ? That 10 Buddhism chef disciples, its I say whom are the sequence, I say I am?

If I would BE THAT stupid, to saying what that cc hold in his hand, and hermione took his wond, and now this Babaji look like Harry Potter to staring at? Its the creature that is dangerous !!! 

Right, that all looking right. I care about my sequence, I make sure that is what my brain is made of. He understands that or not that 3 Art cc, they are the commercial reason would have get out of my sight, I am perfectly on my venture that was 10 years ago starting, this is the 7th years I living here, I can care less, a lot of things not that time, and certainly will never be at this time I say all things in the description A to Z never ending from above. He cc (Keanu's boss in 3 Art), didn't understand that per word he understood, or now that Rising from the East, I didn't mean it, all words that I say, I meant well, whatever I got a life, its the things I staring at it in front of me. All those stupid bimbo classmate has everything else sounds so painting in that Pinterest of the Sailor Moon other than the existing one, that is so funny, I never think it was I claim always staying as the claim. I would be that jealous over the things, it will never be 10 years ago, don't you think? MINE entire life trajectory since I am be that psychi enough, there is a lot of sense, he is the 3 Art, I am the Ra, that is a perfect sense, I meant I tell, or I meant I entail the details, isn't it?

李維公司叫做 3 Art? 十個佛教大弟子當初是誰說這種列數? 我說我是?

我一定是非常愚蠢叫做那個 cc 不知道這他手上拿著什麼? Hermione 拿掉那個魔杖,現在好了巴巴基是這種哈利波特的長相,是那兩隻的問題叫做 creature. 危險的東西。

剩下叫做威脅的英文,自己翻譯 !!

Harry Potter (now with Babaji in it as Harry Potter) (9:41)

The girls don't need to be that useful. To sound like...in my age evaluation wise. Not this.


Harry Potter ( Queen 1921 and Script investigation ) (10:17)


The physics origin of our Earth textbook starting in 1920, that per lab experimental results allows that later on, every other theory incorporate in this debates. I told the American President, and now I can get up from my chair exercise, lose weight, not bind to the chair, laying back to my bed, never running out of the door. This one things is very important on the Queen Elizabeth failure case inside this Harry Potter. Someone died. She is dead. 

Nineteenth twenty one

Nineteenth twenty eight

One house being destroyed on the left side, the right side is the graveyard.

Tell me about the atomic number in the periodic table inside this Earth planet starting this modern science development. Not the atomic bomb.

Harry Potter ( no one has the kids ) (5:51)


Double helix Dr. Bing and daughter

Sayer Bio + me (he has a wife)

Ron (Prince Harry and his wife)

Someone has a very bad impulsive nature going to kill someone. Like I told everyone, no one has the kids. I waiting home for my brother, we both have no kids, at the front door to his outting things, he will be 40 years old soon like me. Everyone grow tall, waiting in the hallway, the bench, the arrange family social events. Waiting in the bench, we all waiting there.

They waiting there. (England)

We waiting here.

Never those running the forest. Running for a discussion for someone lock the door. That kind of the impulsive life running back and forth. 

台灣新聞 亞運今晚,在浙江紹興?!



1) 50 州的醫師執照

2) 美國醫學委員會 (董事會,最上面叫做什麼? The committee boards)

對,就算 Zawanna 他們是競爭對手,建造醫院有一年做完嗎? 第一那是不可能,第二一定是他們去 Run, 第三這是我尊上自己賺的錢,又不是你們給的錢,這很多東西跟你們一點關係都沒有,我尊上不吃東西跟這些食物有什麼關係?

加上,你們吃的是社會成本這種東西,我尊上怎麼跟妳們這群東西講活的歲數,活到哪一年? 我有事情要做,不是每一天做這種 ADD 你們自己去做小吃店最好 ! 我不可能跟你們去做那種事情,在亞洲人口太多了 ! 你們...吃東西非常非常昂貴+傳染 ~你們躺在醫院叫做社會成本!

我有一天可能不是男的,那時候我是不會甩這什麼 Zawnna 照片 + 這什麼哪個 Ancient Chasez 這種東西,有些人,在某種真實世界叫做不相往來 !!! 我現在陪你們一起耗,說大家一起在意,一起流淚,這什麼方方的鬼東西,你們真的相信那種時間,還是真的相信那種人格,我人格問題的意思! 

你們現在年紀沒有那種旁邊人存在,或是同班同學,在某種工業,或是科學,或是講英文去國外的哪種委員會,我其實也不會翻譯,我看一下,就是開會那群人,需要一種 ID 卡,這種建築物裡面可以進去叫做背教科書,我現在把英文翻出來念的意思,你們管我尊上怎麼幻想,這所有人在人生裡面,有很多聲音,這種看著前面你自己房間,或是你自己國外宿舍,假設,選擇職業或是跟家長討論,假設我自己已經在某種我自以為的人生規劃,在我的眼前,我有我自己認為,不是每一天什麼這男孩樂團等等等,還有這些照片,怎麼不說我一堆照片,我自己最重要? 假設今天你們出門,你們抬頭往上看,叫做看著這建築物,假設,那說你們今天應該是往西邊還是往東邊,就假設 ...

你們在某一年的某一的時間點,你一個人大概要離開家裡或是一堆家人在那邊吵架,男孩子也很在乎他們自己家裡的爸爸、媽媽、哥哥姊姊,叫做爭一口氣,包括這左邊右邊的表堂親,你們說電是很搞笑,大家一起大小聲給,附近叔叔阿姨,或是講他們有什麼東西,我說我忙~我給你們一堆照片叫做開場,滾出去我的視線 !


我很忙,滾出我人生,我認為什麼是我認為 ! 

你們沒有非常確定一些事情,要我講什麼嗎 ? 你們假設人生裡面有仇人,有隱瞞的事情沒有跟你家長每一步講,我講了七年還是五年好了,我其實人生沒有什麼東西,我也畫給你們看了,叫做你們覺得看起來很清楚,多簡單,一張畫的意思 !!!

有些人就是沒有那種人格,我沒空 !

📁📁 🥗🥗🥗🥗🥗🥗📁📁 🥗🥗🥗🥗🥗🥗📁📁 🥗🥗🥗

📁📁 🥗🥗🥗🥗🥗🥗📁📁 🥗🥗🥗🥗🥗🥗📁📁 🥗🥗🥗🥗🥗🥗


Babaji: Go

No, Ola, you not replace. You have a plan, to kill someone. Whatever that story says to you.

You put that belief inside your mind, it may not be true.

You wish to kill someone.

A lot of people guessing it, the neither nor. But for someone whom really files those correct things be train, I will tell you, its you are on the criminal trial. It might be involved at your evolutionary biology lab, someone sees you too. Everyone must prepare the class, how do you gonna chop or cut someone a limb, literally like that, I cannot understand where that movie is. The head skull, or the 2 hands freeze the chain inside. Its in VS, Fanny was my same high school.

It might be when you have the kids, that entire situation will be lesson.

You suppose to talk to the doctors. The spiders, I remember....its the limb, they have more than the human in the limb numbers, that is so psycho. The bullock Top those, its very very painful. 

📁📁📁📁📁📁 You keep saying they are nuisance (Spider den)

You want to claim what besides?

You trap them, the guys....unknowingly, and never show up, so you claim, they deny your access or something you all don't need to meet, you insist its a fate. So psycho in the end of every terms, 10 years.

I used to say to a lot of the other people the success comes in 3 points, a spiral up words. The guy break free from a prison inside an isolate place. The story say by how. You trap the guy by 1 and 2 and 3. That success will never be with you, or any of them agree to join you.

You know all of their behavior is like that. Like you keep calling them, or something how do you get their phone number, not from me. I have no more my phone, everyone can tell that. No, not any of your number, not one. You will getting this rejection so hard because the guys never call you back.

You done what to everyone, you know they won't return your call, but you taken this very very very very hard. VERY. The person look like you, sound like you.

No, your hw might be fine in the high school.

You keep hitting yourself, for 20 years, the guys never knew...its as long as each and every time your small tiny number calling time like 2 times, and the guys never return for 20 years never quit, and they didn't think of anything. Already called the police. 

They never put their mind in 20 years,

But you keep beating yourself with the phone company.

I just gonna tell Dean about this AOL like Tamang, its Ella Enchanted.

But its not the AOL. Its the phone numbers.


Babaji: Go

one hour late....I already ate.

You cannot re-file the original date

I know and I told everyone Mat probably not with you anymore, I took you in the car to find him, at his school. You didn't see him for only 20 mins, we drive back and forth in 4 hours without a rest.

If you convince the judge why that was 2014? Your original file-ing that relationship date, you gonna move to Dean, he was in FL I think or you all seeing each other in UB or SUNY Brook classroom, 2018 on ?

You cannot make 2 guys, this Mat or Dean to show up at the court for another 10 years, you gonna say which movie after another 10 years since 2024? 

That is a claim

You claim to the Judge, but you cannot make the guy to bend by the court, he disagree, and he wish to solve outside the court room - the arbritrary, and you decline. You want to force the guy to bend, to kneel, to call you back, to.....listing 1 to 100 things you wish him at that court. He can decline any of your claim, he is unware, untold, and you refuse a group of the stranger pairs to solve outside the court.

Meaning you wish one person dominating that Judge, and you have. If they participate with you, I don't know.

Your claim would be, between the time of "xxx year to 2013 year or 2014", we are in 2024 soon-to-be, that is 10 years, and I assume 8 years before was me and nick, so you and him were almost 20 years gone by?

Your file original date.

You make a claim, that doesn't mean you make a correct argument (laws side)

Its just you have 2 people argue inside the court room, probably the pairs to pairs.

Your claim is, "calling upon the God's power = the judge, to those whom present must in the obey to the God such as the Judge for these people inside the movies to show up in pairs or flying in as a pair, to testify this movie is validity."

That is what you did, or everyone knows that time 10 years ago, or 10 years now. 

Ola with high school Mat (finally bossing him show up or return the Judge's call)

Lee and his ex-gf, Anna

Dean and his gf Ana (FL)

How does that proven the movies worth, to....every ghost realm or the boy's cartoon, I am living in one. BTX.

A lot of people gone through break-up

There must be a break-up manual people don't do in America. So starting from the fresh, that is a red hair. And going through together and buddy with another heart cut, heart pulling to where it ends with the slide all together, with the friends, not the wolf. You gonna tell me the real wolf shows up in the court room.

I don't want to know.

"I am calling the power of the God, replace him to set the Laws straight to punish you."

Sailor Moon line is in Dream Exchange Game.

"oh, yo, shi oh ~"

Not shishi O.

= shi = shut up mouth.

You have 3 pairs, that is not the Power of Be.

No. You have 3 pairs, not the 3 individual shows up. You are the exception. They meeting outside the court room, and between them they can seek the arbitrary. Not to get involved with your claim, any claim. 

You will have black guy fucking your mother in front of you, and spit in your cooking soup, so hard, harder, neightbor well wishing never end...

And you all don't know how hell you don't be here to solve every spit of the virus and bacteria things into people anyway...

Remember the porn has to be louder, swallow it down, every thing you meant it, you have a reason to keep existing and breathing.....

Cut off cable and grill and electrocity.

You don't hear one word, I say.....you don't mean it. American medical board, never ending funny.

💝 The school, the UB only last 4 years !!!! 💝 1 2 3 4 , right....4 years !

That is a very very very long time ago to me.

I think you have the breathing problem, the hands on get up from your seat if you fallen, those are the 194 countries in their own chair between 18-25+ years old age. You telling me this one guy so important....right. Or you yourself UB is important?

"Here is a cup, and a bottle vitamin C, can you open and drop that in the cup and drink it, it will dissolve." 


"Here is how you wipe the mouse next by your keyboard."

"The hard drive, my speaker phone 2 ears and the wire. The wire included...the apple wire hanging included. The IPad, the IPhone, no more facebook, its the birds or that Westlife facebook."

"The cup needs to be wash with the soap at the mouth place, and you pay attention, your routine at your sink, or at your cup every morning, or the evening include, and your kitchen facet running for sometime until all those soap going it down, you stand there waiting your cup or my cup?"

"Really ~~ how amazing....!!!"

"Do you keep a house, whose house is that? ME OCCUPIED his or her house. Near by maid those human until I get my own house, I already don't know if I have that options anymore. Westlife is 5 people, next by 10 Boyzone."

Outside its everything high tech, and perfect, meaning maid, or the maid boy age or high tech calling, the apartment sleek similar to China drama.

They have the first floor house too. 

You don't have any money, so while both degree of the lower scale true love meet - you need to cook the food, washing the food, set the plate, set the dining table (the napkin, the cup, the mug, the baking urn, the baking casserole dish, and the combination of the guest, the VIP or the guest to that family, relative, or whom is a lot more important)

Not just to make an impression, its between the reason about the money to make that courtesy a lot more like a normal human I keep saying it the outside, THIS is not a career, that is not a job to generate your life time after the age 65 years old. But while the hardship to build a trust with one guy, you failing so badly so, badly!

The hardship you 2 suppose to work together, the life routine included.

You mean that link URL? Those upper sphere guy, or the inside my vision that ....whichever turning faces guy?

The real sphere upper there, I already describe you in the lawsuit 413. You know whom that is? In Mark's singing this Amazing. They have a lot more real amazing up there with the IQ because the education or the money can make the brain to read the books.

I wonder where I am.

The taller guys like they themselves might be in the aviation outside. I cannot go outside. Their life and responsibilty in YEARS, in HOW LONG those normal human does a normal thing will NEVER be that weaver at your service feet that LAZY, and frugal, or dirty. One of those combine. 

They have the discipline, to get up on time, or wake up or something friends to buddy together in their happiest time on whichever happy life without me. They have folded everyone else clothes, their kids, included.....the shoe lace, the scarf on your neck to pull up your jacket zipper, included....

Comferter your bed sheet, or bed comforter included....oh my God. You saying a MD idea, how to look like a correct human, none of you were or you are, or you ever be. I told you 20 second of that flow rate of the housing choice, because that is EVERY older house, for your eyes, for your face, for your chin or jar. You do it ONCE.

The plate, the kitchen plate to steady hold it in your hand, not at the sofa, eat at the table, that is MY SOFA.

Your finger tips needs to wash, your working profolio bag, or suitcase needs to have these moisture crème, the pharmaceutical. The chalk board too hard to paint on it, not on my face, on the committee board, to never stop washing or rinsing on a beautiful, pretigious classroom setting, you saying meeting your WHAT love, your finger tips of the rinse rinse rinse, you just need to stand alone, standing in front, standing there, standing right where no one watching you so you can keep using that public free water from the University, and SHUT UP birds, that I be quiet how to rinse out my hands so I can have the bag with the creme to my finger nail or the finger tips.

You come to the end of something.....ever since when you heard about that Harry Potter

I assuming.

I wrote all that myself. I cannot possibly doesn't know, or your parents don't know.

I change my script all the time.

You want me to sit over there, reading him, reading you, so this is what, me and your ex-husband sitting across, trying?

You 2?

Or trying how you walking the opposite direction further and further? You sit there to control him, control me, or your ex-husband / ex-bf, whichever faces one of that is not real, or all that is not true. And you get your one breath of hate feeling better doing that in front of him?

With me and your ex-bf or friends

Sit there watching you a glasses water to his face? That is how it feels like winning? You telling me, that is one time or the last time seeing this guy, we talk through to this one guy, the very last time we all 4 sitting there, one glasses water on him.

We finish all that conversation here, so that an easy job to do.

If you care so much about this = that position whom looks like to each other...

You can just treat them a meal sit down, and turn around to go back to your perfect life, is that still a couple life, no one told me. Or according to me, to imagine I am the mother, you had enough any of that just like those running away never finish this flood - the movie: Safe Haven. 

I cannot tell what that is, or what might be, that was me at the Ella Enchanted, to ending up a Conan Ai Grey Origin?

Funny....the high heel at the stepping where the foot with the ice.

Ancient Chasez


I am at the high tech influence, and all those Black Ops or the classified didn't get things their own people right, on their own parts, so remains me, or they imagine it has to be one person's jobs to arrive, where? Tell me where? Stargate - Atlantis, all by myself that is what I mean. Stuck til when? 

The Westlife to show up, that is the same life never ends. 

You want to tie up your own dad, your mother, your sibling whom, or the cousin lend you an arm, right next by. The first aid box your mother must have somewhere the iodine, or the alcohol, or the peroxide. Exactly exactly exactly.....like the Day You Found Out (Extraordinary You).

In this higher Asian one person apartment its a big bright LED light all that. Your own home was those yellow bathroom light, you cannot see a thing with anything at all. Go to the hospital, or your make-up table needed so much to polish your face or your eyes, you cannot see, if the bright light too shine at you?



Whom kills the rabbits. I think its the fox on TV? The animal world cartoon.

You cannot go and control every guys in this world, or controlling every otter, tell them to shut up. You are not the real doctor even, or whichever the career you set your path towards, those are fake, those not real until you work yourself up, the American Medical Board lent that position to you, for and at your parents to look a better at you whenever you need to come home and glow.

One of those, nothing is real inside the TV, and none of that were you suffering for saying uncovered your crime, or soon-to-be, or plan-to-be, during all those time whenever things turn out to be a tiny better in your life. A congratulation letter at your interview process or anything next by. You sit among that wrong things but you keep going.

No one needs to know you have a conscious, or you yourself know what that means, with all things combine. You didn't think that is you yourself the very rooted problem, or talking with other people as if that everyone owes to you, or if others found out, things won't look pretty or easy at the court room, or the court judge, one of those stupidity arguments. 

Babaji and the selected disciple

"I would like to first reprimand you by opening saying this, your behavior science and the psychological disturbance get through my mind too, your mood or your mood swing included. That often at this leisure time of the pancake, or the frying stuffs, you put the oil at your finger tip, or you mean at your eyes without telling me at all. You need to open up your mouth and raise up your volume to tell me to call the first aid people NOW, YOU UNDERSTAND A WORD I SAYING TO YOU at your ear?  I need a peaceful mind to sleep and sound with all of this, you all just be too perfect on itself to figure it out how to deal with all of this, ALL THE GUESTS on the lists, THAT IS WHAT I MEAN YOU ARE DAMF !!! "

WE have a task, you are the maid or the bulgaler, we are in heaven, so you make the crime right in front of my face. You know one of those things you fried for me to eat, or for me to think, that is one oil sip at this food, or at your eyes, not the palm makes a bandage like her photo in the video showing it to me, right on my desk here. You did what on your wrist, or you did what behind my back. You need to speak up one of this things bothering me greatly, or else I will always be bothering without you knowing, you can live like that? Knowing I got bothered? Not just you all the maid and the butler ideas, I have the world outside and inside here supposed to the spell like the magic wonderland, the heaven standard, and I have found none of that worsen than the 5 Star hotel chef, I can get down there, one day, one room, one credit cards without any of you this napkin fold, not fold, spoon boil or not boil, the primitive methods how you got trained, or I will forever be the Master, not the guests HERE.


Babaji Politician

"Its my heartfelt warming how you all arrive this far your spirituality and all your endeavor on how you literally telling me where you begin your journey to where you end this Time, this hour and by far how I seeing you every single year on and on. This is my greatest pleasure and joyful moment to announce you this year of the (Hunger Game synonyms) and (Catching fire). I have found a great delight in you and especially you and all that effort put forward how this complicate crime or the crime rate are beated it up to the scale I cannot but say perfect in its own eyes and ears for the next millennium years to come. I myself have been to some of this events or traumatize feeling all this past shall be the past things including all your family or the love ones be lost during this process - the tribulation that is what I mean. I accolade all your hard works and all that guarantee you a seated spot in Heaven, and wish you all the great competition ground and the heavenly resting place be your final home here."

At this opening of the speech to where you seeing your life coming to this point in front of you, its all that beneath you or in front or above you. To that grander feeling of your existence, you have never been to where that heart felt the first time, be at a place where you begins the next journey. The life in itself often its the journey continuation in that treading mill of the unsure, or the uncertainty, and here the hours of the time to where we meet, you surely found that you own Class year of what you cherish near by you or lost or gone, or to me its every year, you compete and compared might asking me later on, I am very proud and be happy to tell you all that you have achieve for you to be selected into this year of the (Hunger Game) or next by (this Catching Fire), the ceremonial involved to every graduation soon-to-be another journey of itself. A great delight from me to you its all that you put forth the structure that by the definition of the human nobility living standard are rising in this jurisdiction of the control and system scale things, you swift them less than the Perfect of Thy Self, but you succumb inside your humility, its every thousand years to make one millennium memorable, and you could see the video such as all that in the flesh of the recording from us here. I sympathize with you loneness and the self efforts included in all this individuality to come together in the end of this Game, for the next beginning of the task or the forward of your final meeting with me here. To that you lost your family or your lost of the friends during all this betray or faithful or best friends scenario, I am sure they can do something to pave some of your heart in sorrow all these accumulated, this is the seated place in Heaven where you earn for it during this long process of your Self retify reason, all in that quiet time of yourself, and no one knows that beneath the sky or the heaven, there is such all that profile on my desk to spell what you done for the best and what it is right, that means the righteous being oversees that could arrive to me, I have no doubt inside your character, you have built upon something, and I wish you all and congratulate you all the greatest zealous mind, you put that to the God's hand, and let me be that part of your life all this time, all this thousand years combine. I wish you finding that slow pace how you getting used to be here, the home, you will realize, that beginning of the breathing moment of all that past, were ceased in itself the wound or the heart ache, if were not the scarf on your anywhere to be fix, I think they can do all that for you here. Be aware and be comfortable here. Thereafter. 

Babaji janitor in general

"I would like to congratulate your efforts in generating this whole city light and the water sewage operation and I often found that not many people staying in the jobs, really. I myself don't like that those kinds of the jobs neither, and I found a greater smell of these stain on your cloth things if you don't change upon entering your own home, or your own transportation, the habitual idea where you end up in the trash line you yourself if you fallen. From the higher ground down. There is no greater distaste how you all function without a brain with this. Its you yourself hygienic matter to when you trying to apply for a job, or less than a job, the part-time I mean, so it stays forever the part-time."

There is every improvement you can say how I wish from me to you parts, to that every department. The water sewage processing waste and all these next by the electrician to generate the city light, where I begin myself, or where I begin this New grander splendid design you all done it for the worth of the God's wrath not the breath in itself, I care about it. But I applause to all your efforts to this sleek nature of the office building to make it a lot more system in the computing a data rather than inputting inside my brain by your first show up or the first appearance or the first impression. That is what I mean. You last your job last time, when? How did you acquire to hear about this job, since when? By how, that is what I mean? It is permanent you see this greater efforts to endeavor on my side or you were told? Like you were told I am new? I just wondering. We talking like a buddy worker start to finish so one of us not intend to lose the jobs - someone pat you for a reason. I wasn't that disable when I start the job, to say retarded, I think its dangerous down there, you believe what I told you? 

Log off...

I have my Saturday morning !!!!!!

How come this doesn't have the thumbnail anymore? The last link Smart Living below Ancient Chasez.


Me and those SA will NEVER live in the same house, I told them THAT. ALL THAT!!!!! Their fan gifting them for peace, my peace, or they buddy together inside SA they believe those stuffs with the girls too. Those are the girls cosmetic ...design.  The bottle, the jar, or the urn looking.

I cannot see anything in that China concert. Really.

Beautiful Tonight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAS8uwOn1M4

I see... (turn right)

Babaji Starship

"I have a command to you, here this is."

Is this input, or by audio, can you check. Meaning am I online or on Live, are you damf? You see me gesture or you see me in motion, what color? 

Babaji Bank

"I have a personal notice for you, I need my money now."

Here is your notice. From me to you, you know that for sure? What does it says on this piece of paper you read it to me what I wrote here, I need to make sure I hear that in your language you speak. How much that is? 

So can you?

Is that required, the please?

Babaji the Sewage City planning man

"I would like to congratulate your efforts and endeavor to your new jobs at this city grand opening setting how we begin this talk. I need the workers, not the human parts. There are a gazillion of the water sewage trash and garbage is beneath us about 3 meter floor ground down. All that is measured for you, here."

I often say you got a new job, I got a new maid, and you are all the workers not the human parts? I have the tons wasteful or the City buried ceremonial garbage down there, not I am the divine to say that is a joke I myself not burying myself in it, and you will find me? You know where is your road or find it? Here. All that measure or told to you. Study.


Babaji washman

"I would like to accolated you to your new jobs as the brand new heavenly warrior washman. This is not the end. This is the beginning of your toiletry and every junction road to where the sewage water drain, seeing all that, the river stream, near all that by? Right. If I would be so capable to drawing you a notice, this is the winding small path at, all of that, to the water, to there to that, all that."

We don't use the trees here to shade in case you didn't study the plant kingdom or the atmospheric study, what color is this sky made of, its not every Heaven the same, where you got transferred from? That is the regular citizen went to heaven, I am not the human parts, you are? What is your name tag here say, you are the toiltry or you are the road construction all this pathing my feet at. Those are the water all over place, saying the treading my feet mill will sound 10 times better I don't fall in it, that is the correct scenery inside your head or outside your head, your telepathy department which OWL exam at? I need to know a concrete things where you see, and where to sent you. Show me, any drawing what you see. 

Babaji Notice


"I would like to give my doorman, any man a great wonder notice. This is not the end, this is the beginning of your conjunction road in itself. Its at the service sign, they telling you. My front door, my front gate, one of this treading path, its very winding long road to walk upon. Right, I have my own transportation, I didn't starting from there, that is what you mean."

Here is your notice at your service feet, its the beginning of this front road reaching to the back, but you are not going to. You understand this or not? I don't care there is the winding road of the map or else if you are not found, its not my issue as the doorman. You need to entail your resume why you befit that basic bus driving finding the road or finding a sign. Its right there with your eyes to see, or I live here too long too great too perfect. This is not my exit door way, not behind, not before, but you have a job right standing, right here. HERE, the X mark, look at your eyes now, do you have an eye glasses, lower your head, see where my feet step on, get up and tell me literally you speaking which language this resume says.

Babaji's draft

"I would like to accolated to those whom have found the new loves and the beginning of your venturing life. But as you might have aware of or given up for this time the Flower Thousand Bone the sacrifice and unjustice mind uneven fair or lose, its indeed the heart touching to me how this behavior science were nothing one grand of the sand register in you. I have often wish you all be attentive at least somehow to your life routine jobs or the habitual getting up in the morning chores, at least those very very very basic human dignity to do....while I have found there is nothing but the skunt life. This is not tolerantable, not in my age, not in my youthful forever young look, I know how it troubles you or bothers you never ending this me or you whom is better or worse than not, one of those talk are all forbidden list you should care that inside your heart deeply. Not the rebellion habitual and not this opinionate views because your ego is too great and your money statues are too low with all other else that didn't say, so I say it for my cause that you understand, this Game or Wane, there is nothing but the heart taken from me to you, how the pitfall of the human race or the civilization not befitted in itself, less to say the criminal justice ever will say about that. I would like to be deadfound by some of those in the upper sphere of some that working all around to accommodate your stupidity and ignorance, that the God is above all and forever be watchful and those rules meant never be broken, I got that, you are not one of us and that is my speech to the end."

Anna I re-write

To the beginning of your romance life that involved more than one party often inside my script outside my soul partner, I often found you be growing up to be the upright most at your God's belief and this Flower Thousand Bones, be attentive manner. There is the worldly zone you feel you battle your parents, not necessary the police; your love heart and weary at your aging felt one of your around people just never be good enough or grown up. That scale as if that is the one drop of the ocean and you are the ocean, one of those. You decide a lot of this dignity in between the talks, its each other faults or games before the parents, after the friends, or the circle of the trusted business venture including the colleague if that jobs is somewhat stable. You probably meant that I have an appearance issue if not the blood to where I got engineered if were the skin relevant talk problems or not solving yet problematic quarrel from you yourself to me and saying one of us is the sleeping beauty. I know the bothering each other mechanism for saying allowing us, you or me to stay, and that will never be on this planet forever. You will tell me that, I will tell you, I believe that 100%. You open your mouth to say your per stack of the papers, I quiet away a lot of this burning sensation of the shame if not your egoistic views for the greater cause in the childish manner, you hide behind a building, a cigarette with a bread or a chewing something inside your mouth. You will find every word on your list to stuffy at your toy stuff puppy, just never me, cannot careless anymore one of those your mouth bigger at the bread, or I am talking about a manner you will never accord. Not with your parents, not with your friends or best friend or those whom are a little bit better than you are if their parents be a lot more attention to them, not because they suffered, its because you never help in. You play games, I play fake! That is not your medical board meant. You have a civilization is at the junction road, and that decision didn't require me to make it that for you, and the begger like you are at the pitfall state was unbefitted, not just your outfit, to what pettiter ....whichever that words or the position meant in the universal hierarchy scale, you will never catch up or become. That is not a standard, that is a hope. God above us, is not what you define me. When someone given you a lecture, you know that will never be God or else. The theologian concept of the Life and Death is a 2D bind book open and close, while your heart to this schematic tarted mindset to exchange a heaven place for one second, you didn't know what you sign up for, or your entire civilization didn't know where it leads every thousand years on, that is without me, its always with me in it, you know what I mean? Every law given to you was less to say, you had a Bible, you had a Constitution. Those will belong in itself department, not I am warning you, this is the End of the road.

uh, I am not like that anymore ....

Ancient Chasez  - I know what this is to the below, if they coming in, its starting at the war outside. The same Pinterest profile I given you. They are all train like that, or they all lie to me. But my own room this is a barren land, not....any of this Babaji's prospect of somewhere far away island his Karma, or his military upper to reach a politician, that yesterday I saw the movie, he just goes away for a while. 


I didn't mean you have to join the military, but if they know you theft, you will be taken all out all by themselves the military near by. Talking a lot more normal too. Not trespassing the law.

China - Smart Living (I thought I say this is for the victimized girls or the women included)


Imagine both him and me knows from the TV, whom theft?  That kind of the feeling is no good.

uh?! The shampoo and the hair wash those?

Prince William that side has this pharmacy visible store, my side close down. The one I say its the hospital outside the boundary on the natural scenery at the map. All the way outside that Y and North. Its a bus route.

Well, you just use the tape water like I say.

1) Let the water flow rate 20 second, both the bath tube and the fountain sink. You doing nothing but keep doing that all day long. The teeth, the face, the eyes, your entire head going under the fact, so wash all your sink all around. 

2) That pharmacy inside has exactly what you need the affordable shampoo and hair all those stuffs. I use those. All the grocery hair wash is fine. But what the hair long like me right now, you have to keep your hair rinse, rinse, rinse that water flows while you open up your per big lumpy hair, all the time, like spread them from your both hands behind. Open and spread them.

Inside your mind, you keep counting like 1 to 5 second, I don't need to anymore, but you get going that habits. You probably close your eyes too scared or the foggy, or you cannot see. You open your glass door a bit.

Keep rinsing rinsing rinsing......that entire shampoo away, and your forhead, all this area, the poison line (the sweat line, between the head skin to the first forehead hair line), this is the poison line, if you want to poo, that is the sweat line, Be very careful if you were on the bed, one of those touching your face thing someone does on you.

Exactly like the Ancient Chinese.

But most of you don't care about anymore human, I highly doubt one guy, especially this guy will ever be anywhere near you. He is that important, or your theft behavior is forever important.



I personally will tell you to shut up ! But thank you anyway ...

I forget what we discuss literally …that one word.

Before I gone to sleep.

I think I just heard him. We didn’t elaborate on that.  There is a difference between an ordinary citizen in-line not the criminal behavior and accumulated crimes or the records and saying in-line the commodity nature of a city life to where someone needs friends other than the free walking to any yoga or the meditation practice and on the food diet. Meaning those shape was a screening method after the criminal Justice. It’s on your faces. You come in to glow….

Me and Babaji talks

Last night. Probably will for a while without anyone in front of faces. 

Your American Medical board has half damf that I hear things. 




I think the law makes eternity law on the fertility and the romance game, eternal. It’s every year brand new. Soon, will be only all of me, without any of you. 

A commodity purchase you have to convince me from the material science and this one Tina Jojo, France last …whichever all behavior.

The home cooking + a home owner manual including to go to the city where the opportunities are a lot more so on your own military wish list.

There are only the government, the police/fireman, education, the military has the pension set up after the age 65.

You don’t have a mortal standard to keep a simple never ending theft, I say your American immigrant meant it with the local police not one theft. Not on my material science nor any one single you UB. Every theft you will be taken out, not just the TV is broadcasting all over the universe. 

As evidently as that, the accidental insurance money, the total combine Pang, Tina and Joan.

7 years have pass, your bill? 

Kail told me it’s the military girls food money through X Man when Bill running away, it’s when I will be very old, what does that mean? He literally running away like Wing like Mat those?

Impairs, inept, sluggish, dirty, the winter flu over the temperature, I like a certain localize Taiwan police, the land walking distance is right here. West to East. I didn’t knew all other major one capital city. I know this I grew up very clear traffic system City or overall this district line right in front of my faces. Everything outside Taipei district, I don’t see I don’t hear, I don’t care to know.

I run at this everyone hurting me 9 long years to generate a formula …BTX including whichever imagined COVID 19 this one Dr Bing. I prefer someone delivers my finding literally …

Not Harry Potter legal stands the buzz all over starting from the beginning so even they the legal world outside the celestial sphere all knowing this one formula.

Someone running in time, someone running in life.

It’s how far the hell every reach exactly like the TV told you and your American Medical board discuss me over all the criminal behavior as if? The sinner redeem, they vow they never will stop thefting. I put yesterday whole site, last night this one movie whichever outside them will tell me their function to bring down you all rubbery with those?

Unbelievable. They tell me if I believe you all theft and American the legal world allows that !! The Criminal Justice.

The criminal behavior is not the ordinary citizen in-line that saying. 




I go to sleep

Babaji: Painful

She has to wash at midnight hurting me never stop, I need to sleep.

Babaji has a brand new draft (you have to pick a Friday night? No one is here)

"I would like to express my gratitude to all those involved and to those well wishing for those whom has pass on and deceased of its own very nature. I also would like to thank to all the heartfelt to this gratitude over this matter of overseeing, and with a lot of those sacrifice in the time of the need, especially the medical workers and the medical staffs. And with a heartfelt thanks, I often feel its a little bit time extra for being whom that I am and whom that I wish to achieve over a lot of the sector of the business management skills in hope and in needs of this experty personal staffs and with many greeting and well wishing from my personal staffs, I would like to congratulate to all of you the very behalf of 2 side party involved over this significant event soon-to-shall pass, and in many quest of all those different sectors of the universe where we belong, its often that we attend to our special force and needs in people that we given our very best well wishing and well congratulate over such the matter such as the COVID 19 cease to exist on Earth."


"First I would like to introduce my personal staffs that coming forward with a lot of my thanks over this one COVID 19 issues managing all problems for and during this time on Earth. I also like to express my concern and the final greeting to this late congratulation to many soon-to-be leadership during this screening methods of the life and death where the people, the family, or the relative are being affected in this limited Earth years to sounds secure in the manner or the mortality issue or the hygienic spill out the public concern. All that matter to my heartfelt were sorrowful for all of that has indeed cannot be prevented in advance, and in that many questions how the havoc has caused during the pandemic, all the pharmaceutical workers that diligently and delicate their time to strain out all the short time stock to vaccinate the big population in this short of time during the last 2 years shutting it down with 1 years in half recover where people's social awareness or the health indicator didn't all fully be away from their daily life how it was before to what it is now, and seem to be forever leaving this scarf on the humanity. To that very least and to that very deep rooted causes of all that, we wish you all the best in any social or the political uprising, or the power in that exchange of the Party in where all these nations on Earth will resolve in the peaceful manner, and to that God's prayer to leave that heart in all these quiet corner of the sorrow, we may find that one mean to peace to that escalate of the future energy to propel the new movement, may this forever lasting peace will soon be prevail and delicate to all those before the time, or after the Timeless. In that closing, I wish you all the best in all your endeavor. "

Today is Friday, night? Too many this Smart Living, changing sheet, bed, pillow, 4 corner wrapping sheet.

I have the trash can too.

The outside clouds...still moving in the balcony.

I have to wash my arm with the pain killer patches.

I exercise a tiny bit, so I have to take a shower, its sweat, all this changing the bed made. 

I don't feel like any week day; the weekend anymore. Everyday on my computer here.

No, I stop everything already. Even Westlife.

This is the time watching the movie to be with Babaji.

This one TV China 賀先生 he is important !!!

It can be outside?!

Everyone is doing something real in life

There is a singer's name

Einsa Nikaj


Square here or the future.....whom?

TV: 斛珠夫人 Ep 11 (the one before last Ep 12)


To be honest, I am in the middle of this. Really.

This Babaji things sprung out !!!


I think this getting really really ridiculous on my youtube monitor.

A designer? For the princess dreamy?

Its several days have been pass by ....I am none stop keep seeing this.


Stop it.

No. Its our current modern all world.

I say that thousand times !!!!!

First, my hair is BLONDE cannot be here !!!!

And all my stuffs I did for my works, its not I running East, running West, and being what, suck into the pearl becoming an ash inside a shell on the thousand celestial year leave what a foundation ....?!

You do on purpose to make all my works disappear, you should all go to hell I told you NO! The thousandth times already !!!!


When people calculating a certian date including the Hunger Game or Catching Fire, although I didn't do anything anymore, but in the correct sense that is including.....at backup a lot of things as if were, the real modern scene of any current world event.

We have the current world event, in case, in case, in case. All the modern world such as Japan pass that Olympia, then China Olympia. You never been to the China Expo, or something in that modern sense that the journalism just in the AI cooking table, no one there exist....what a space all for myself !!!!

I can find it. 



I highly doubts its my story. But now I remember, one is black hair, one is blondie. The girl probably their side is at Charles, shorter than her. But that 2 people don't know each other. They are just the random audience at that assembly. Very very bad people looking.

Those none applicable, is none applicable.

I fall asleep with the rest of it, something about the wedding.

Now there is a White House movie on TV.

I keep falling asleep.

He does his jobs best. I never ask him anything, really.

For real. Don't think, don't mind, don't care.

The Leisure Class (2015)

Funny. (I am washing my hair, drying....Babaji leisure called)

She is a women walking out a guy talking? Whom is Dad?

有閒階級論- Vernon, Raymond. The Theory of the Leisure Class by Thorstein Veblen. Dædalus. 1974, 103 (1): 53–57. JSTOR 20024186. 外部連結 ...

有閒階級論》(The Theory of the Leisure Class),是美國社會學家托斯丹·范伯倫在1899年出版的經濟學專著。



書中提出炫耀性消費概念,批判19世紀末期的美國上流階級中,那些與企業密切往來的暴發戶,稱其為「有閒階級」(leisure class)[3]。范伯倫認為,這些有閒階級透過消費非維生所需的時間與昂貴物品保持、展現身份地位,同時也脫離勞動關係,輕視普通勞動者的生產貢獻。並且,這個階級的消費習性將會影響其它階級,無形中成就一個浪費時間、金錢的社會風氣[4]


How much those part-time, you think she gets in her jobs on the weekend?

You don't get her jobs?


oh ~~~ Nail !? The medicure !


This is the Disney princess dress we finish talking about it yesterday?

You seriously telling your parents?

Something is not wrong, with your own profession or a career to look a normal things in life?

Sorry, wrong sequence, its after the traveling pack....

So let's see....Brian, which one of them, or which duplicate all together now its more than Brian, you mean Gately, or my side, any side....I cannot see.

The U.N.C.L.E?

Meaning you seeing SMCH her own MC, and 98 Degree, and that is +1  my side of the uncle? (Every morning I wake up ...)

Noni Carter Wiki, she is a what?  Maybe that Ma'am Ching Hai will sound a lot book binds on her literacy will help, really. oh ~ this is not the same person, its a black women. 

You mean all of them hurting you, or your own brother hurting you because those were supposed to be your best friend, and to one my brother he is just hopeless Asian tall guy, never gonna be a man. I ever feel if all of this up to his standard really to say hurting me....you have to a hell of good lady so everything hurting you?

oh ~!

Adria hurting Karen on Mark, her own brother. 

Justin hurting him or whom between Dean and my lab partner Justin (CHE 214)

So if I say...."Today is the Chinese New Year, and Pang or Tina gonna dress up like we used to".....before Feb at the entrance. You gonna look at my family photo entrance where we gonna go?

I have things to do.

You try to tell me how to talk like this High school Indian teacher in front of the stage?

Something like that? And why you have a thinking about "that is not a debate" means?

Twilight in the lab


Like I say that many times before, if I keep doing this 10 years to the next 20 years, no matter how long, I will forget where I used to be, at all.

Russian has 1000 scientists, that was 2018 I say that on my Youtube before Bob Dean was dead. I say that. God's calling?! This is not about the microphone you imagine a what things inside the Linkedin?

(They are boo at somebody in those congregation, my antenna says. Don't know whom)

If you find a real guy just give you 1 day attention

You will tell everyone this is no longer a job you wish to do with any guy in front of you, really. Talking in the public, or dress up for a photogenic camera smile and posture. This is not a posture, this is "I am telling you."

So why don't you work on your inter-personal relationship as the girl that give up everything, because the court will sort for you just never gonna be next year. Its no matter whatever that is, they wishing you well, they will find out behind if all of those were fake and you were very ill intended at someone almost every murder scene they can imagine why you keep doing all this at all.

Is that class to debate?

No, its the legal world in our country, we never talk about the China so I have zero awareness why they exist, because you cannot go to China that time. You didn't think like that. That is an entirely void space in my growing up time. You cannot fly to China directly. And when things opens, I already don't exist here anymore longer. 

You all show up on my facebook, remember?

oh ~ this morning?! That is not a debate, its 2 people on the stage, you step up in the classroom UP to the height I can see them, in Western World they put those high beam light into your eyes, one of those Fugitive American Medical Board.....well, in my school, its just some human buddy together in front of it, to talk. It was not me? You mean this morning, or you mean American current president Biden, or the Commander-in-Chef, when he is inside his uniform? You use your brain that far?

My education (Civil Class)

That is not a major class. But throughout our private school that time, we had a gym class with the scout idea making the ropes, and then the health class to talk about some sense in the practical life such as the eye muscle and the eye exercise. None of that was important, and they are all be forgotton already. 

So the civil class its one of the textbook we always have that class the middle school or the high school. It dealing with all the laws inside our countries here how the Constitution influence us, or some kinda of the lawful idea when the civil class high school teacher was more relax. No one listening to her class, so she just one person did which kind of the job in front of the stage all by herself.

Yeah...You never get those teacher you meet, and see what things they can ever come out with. WE don't need to exam the civil class, we need every class except the civil class.

When I have a sense ...and when I coming back to the Earth time on the crust...

You know how you all impaired my judgement to be honest I will tell you all that.

Really. That is a dispute.

You want to do what you wish to do, so when some people at the leadership, and some people really went to get it for it, you make a noise what, no one can talk about the things just be open, or it has to be your own side points of views? You trust yourself, the person that you are?

If copy paste a textbook exactly just like I told you, with that TV hint, why all that combine I cannot just say Harvard was special enough, and true enough?  You didn't realize that is that, or every year everything its to blame, never end, and you can keep doing that until you push yourself out of the door every single time. You believe that?