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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


I want to sleep

My only happy day !!

Babaji: Go

When the upper bracket people were the responsible people, or toooooo millions years old those, you make sure they are always remains bossy, "I am not sure...."

Be the baby, because I do feel very sorry I cannot do anything but I wishing you well. Nothing else. People with those age, leave them alone. Not in thinking, not in praying, just mind your own happy life here on Earth, the age bracket here 40 years is not those age bracket.

Be courtesy

Be noble

Be suspicious

Be cautious

Like your own very parents near by you wish to hear from you. NOT ANYTHING Outside can be all fake, this kind of the trespassing world, hurts me. When I get back down here on Earth, I do not care one bit their own existence in forever term.

I cannot even tell you, they engineering that, even worse, someone is GOD the consciousness infused into it. I REALLY MEANT IT, someone might have the power, not just the mechanical high tech. 

You will never arrive the telepathy, you would have know your every word, really. Not limited to curses, you will never have that power.

Debra - VS magic neckless, with the transparent clothing naked body

Its in my home that book Sailor Moon those edition has the half body human and the beast.

That will lose the human consciousness. At the beginning she is a human, that is she wants someone be kind to bring out like those comferter at home, you sew that in 6 or 8 piece, and put on her, she climb up to the trees and hangs there to sleep, or just clutch on the tree to sleep.

You didn't insist a precept to practice at all to bring out the flood so keep harming me, with all this money transaction you saying you are under God.

I hope you know what you are doing.

"The Sun goes down ...." 

I told you I was in Silicon Valley running, I told you, I was by myself and I had a period near my pillow. Something does exist, but I am not sure if how close your written stuffs are accurate. From my understanding its worse, or it is exactly what was described, but there is something else.

No, not the home bathroom.

You cannot turn away that one time incident in Neon light dark night....

Explain to me what is a neon light by looking a definition what that is at dark night, really.

The elevator cannot stop making a noise !

Stay home the bathroom is fine. I am not even talking about the normal world people will tell you those suppose to be the pub safe. 



Why don't you somebody calls ET, here is I say, "Where exactly is this MB Babaji at? No, I know the fake autoresponder, where the consciousness, because we assuming he is existing to us when the mythology passing it down. Is he possessively possessively occupied this Earth as his own territory. explains to me a clear words what it asked you here....."

"I want a name list."

"What can you give me?"

"How can you generate that for me?"

Until you learn once, you cannot turn away that one time incident in Neon light dark night....

Anywhere ....

People are sad ( SA )


You cannot turn away that one time incident in Neon light dark night....

You cannot turn away that one time incident in Neon light dark night....

You cannot turn away that one time incident in Neon light dark night....

Elevator cannot stop going up or down




意思就是發燒是聞到? 吐就是豆漿,等就是一個平扁早餐,叫做台式早餐,男孩子通常只要看到你做一次這種影片,你永遠消失包括你隔壁 !

你長高就會很懶,四肢,這是一個身高有時候 ! 女孩子 ~男孩子通常殺人,你知道?! 

你確定你這樣做事情? 他們是一丁點的耐心都絕對不會有,而且不是兄弟姊妹,一定是他的東西最好呱呱叫! (我旁邊牆壁一直在敲, Knock Knock) 說他什麼?

講美國總統好了~一直在敲旁邊 (日立永大電機)

Do they mean to make the food in front of the American President? And why would Mr. Biden will be seeing the food on the table?! My wall cannot stop knocking it!

You don't want to STOP THEM? Day or NIGHT Knock Knock?.

每一天記得 24 小時不斷打電話給日立日本永大電機台灣

如果你們少了每一秒...地球叫做 24 小時x 60x60 叫做秒的地表


知道嗎 ? 24X60X60


Are you saying how to educate people? 你是說如何教育人?

Did I hear this wrong? 我有聽錯嗎 ?

你這些電視還是你自己寫嗎 ? 意思就是看過去? 我不知道 !  你什麼時候有自由意識? 我看太多這種 OU 語言,你是說救贖她人?! 

我有時候覺得我常常聽到很奇怪的東西,你自由時間是哪年? 去街上躺的意思 !

我其實已經把臉書弄不見,這地圖再美國現在底表上面,你有想過不是 ABC 的臉哪一種? 喔~都是 ABC 的關係 ! 



台灣救贖人,怎麼不救救我的意思 ~自己算好自己的手臂 !!!!

美國總統 Joe Biden, 意思就是兩個金髮 ?!

李維電影叫做 Knock Knock ?!

我昨天晚上這邊一直在敲的關係 !

如果你專心在一個職業上面 If you focus on your career


蒙古小孩 ...台灣有一個醫生的廣告長的跟她很像,一直在前方 !

自己 ABC 大家一起比的意思!

"Stop, what is that, Ronan? You use your stove switch on like you use your hand touch it or you turn it on? ...right." (look at his face up or down)

"Right...this entire surface get hot? Your switch panel....where? I can see right in the middle those small tiny supposed to be the light on? You see?"

"You ever use your hand touch that switch panel? Your left hand, open put it on that table not the stove, that."

" ...right, you want a pancake? This is a Indian fried pan ....for Chopati." 

"You got the baking soda, and jam and jelly? Pasta? Those are not the food, or this is the breakfast, you mean the waffle? "


我之前還有看一下 2021 的開場,之後我很忙,我一忙就是兩年過去 !

李維 ?? 黑暗帝國這 Knock knock 其是是西城男孩子想出來的東西。


SMTV 再台灣的亞洲人是中國人、台灣人,你講中文講英文?!  我什麼都不能動的那個人。 第一如果他們知道,大二真的情況長那樣 !! 2013-2020. 算彗星、算飢餓遊戲 74 /75 /76 灌籃高手 78 一開場最上面,墊子情人的最開始那種跑燈的出現。 

這很多東西很誇張 ! 

我常常在電視上看到我吐血,是虛,裡面整個虛,身體髮膚是一種電力,有點麻麻的,那是很痛的狀態,全身,2016-2017 一月五教主審核,我每一個月就看著下面一個月,我加拿大那個房子還是特斯拉的專利叫做飛行 apparatus, 打到 Victoria Secret - 空白 (粉紅色氣球水星的那個),是水星,我有看到要從那邊畫到南洋往中國畫,開了一大個這種海洋我可以看見,不是陸地,我知道是美國但是是海洋,我只是不知道在講什麼 ! 

你有沒有看到我很酸? 左手是舍利弗,花千骨 50 集,霍建華畫了一刀一開場看著提娜,一定是愛上誰了,才會有魔鬼終結者,你們照片是對著 ! 我還掛在上面 ....你們良心可以過得意思 !

我不是常常吐血,但是有狀況,最近就是鋼鐵神兵最後一個那種歌曲,真的我四肢無法揮舞再時空,我暫時沒有減肥,我現在可以動,這其實不是業障,是MB 天界上面的那個把他世界變成黑漆媽嗚,他本身的人+天界的那身 (皇位座椅) 金色的 ~我也不知道到底發生什麼事情。

吐血是非常虛得,我就常常一個人躺在那邊,躺著,眼睛閉起來,什麼力氣都沒有 ! 這樣就過了七年台灣 ! 

小鳥 ~~~~


如果你忌妒的瞬間侏儒的病態 (金牛座),然後呢? 下一秒你被? 警告?

你是說佛曾經說 60x60x24 那種秒算,是你的思想跟心電感應,每一秒? 對 !

你都說你自己是撐場面這麼多年,多勞苦,每一年新的面孔出現 ... 那你決定沒,哪個撐場面,是半個世紀還是半個永恆? 叫做男生邊,女生邊?  我現在嬰兒就不需要這美少女戰士,真的有夠可恥這種東西...講笑傲江湖,新笑傲江湖,不是倩女幽魂,這亞洲人有些人是你跑去喜馬拉雅山的 78'79,德國慕尼黑,這種什麼電視電影再亞洲的板子上面,開場 ! 



身口意,每思(地震 ) 每型 (地震),還在搖晃,下面一句,每想

真的有夠誇張的,你這麼瘋狂英國皇家婚禮,期盼多少年,心中必等求其道,不看好這小布來妮跟這個 Joe Biden, 英國王子 ...你既然這麼專心,何苦自己狂想 ABC 那種小美人魚,每天和平共處的等待救援,心中,不就是逃跑不成章,咬下一個手臂,瞬間蒸發,不是這樣 ?民主之道,還常其人之身,所以這台灣跟你仇恨,我算不算一根蔥呢? !

越南道姑? 穿金戴銀,這花的錢可是算好你每一筆的驕傲就像說西門這種教育就是不停看著孤苦伶仃呀 ~ 人不死,還其道 ~不是嗎 ?

(小鳥,Shut up 現在講中文,你們很會飆 ! )

我應該要去減肥了,就沒有這種搞忌妒,你現在是要算你自己修行多久,還其人之身,還其人之道? 大搖大擺!  你眼睛裡面有很多你想要的,你確定你自己是侏儒要去驗 DNA 等等等,吃藥躺著睡覺,這大腦是病態是沒有辦法的 ! 你以前為什麼沒有長大 ? 再越南 ?

這台灣的 TLC 以前常常眼侏儒,是一種你無法控制你自己,吃藥就是躺著,遠離這種型聲色相的板子,講說你清苦的修行,附近還是有人存在,講講話,但是花時間躺著吃藥,你的大腦這種情況是去找醫生問清楚,講清楚,心哩醫生最好,跟他們說你要請心理醫生 !

請醫生他們會讓你請的,不會告訴你徒弟的,就是私人資料,是醫生的職業 !

你就說,你寫下來敘述,像說你聽到什麼你心情就會很混亂包括腦袋,你從小你記得...對 ! 他如果希望你去照那種 X-ray 你就去照一下 ! 出去一下西湖苗栗還是新地,很熱呀 ! 或是你回 Menton 你講哪種語言找歐洲的心理醫生,你要敘述正確,你如果講的很清楚,你的心理感受會好的非常多 !

你說你想多請幾個心理醫生試試看,你怕你講不出來,每一個人看到面,你多聽幾個試試看 ! 你用幾堂講你小時候,任何事情都可以,就開放一點自己講,你講了一些心情,你會想起來其他事情,你想知道,那你要敘述出來。

歐洲我還沒有要去,太多事情,你沒有其他任何你相信帶你去看醫生? 害怕 ? 我同學 600 ,說錯了現在是 1000 個,只要生病要去自己一個人去看醫生,這時候我尊上就很有用的關係 ! 每一天都是這 MD 6+2 遇見 MD 4+2  台灣 MD 2 + Dr. Steven Hairfield 1 PhD, MD.

我躺在急診室的櫃台前面站著,叫做緊急聯絡人跟緊急聯絡電話 ! 尊上太好用了,他們也相信這種東西 ! 

你過了幾堂時間,你講關於男孩子,不管哪一種 ! 對與錯 ~你真的感覺,女孩子也可以,你要自己講出來小時候,像炫耀一樣,然侯你說,但是 ....我有時候想了一下 ....我想問一點關於誰誰誰的事情,你就做討論,對 ! 

你跑個一百堂,講到你高興 ~ 這徒弟這麼多,你怎麼四十年前不開始 ?

對,當然可以炫耀,你想講現在也可以呀 ! 對,沒有什麼關係,你再講一種心情出來,你會有某種感受,你跟著你的感受,那種感覺去分析你自己 ! 你不是要去了解你自已? 修行是了解你自己,你要把心情講出來 ! 

我有沒有心情? 我離人有點遠,我上課 ! 老師在前面課堂,我其實需要去問問題,我沒有補習班的那一個 ! 我沒有離開太遠的地方,很多地方,我自己也不清楚 ! 回家、上課、念書 !


你要不要講你那種越南哪種緹娜 Jojo 的詞? 你會知道你自己很令人厭惡的關係 !

你把這張紙列印下來,以後我們就不要再講這件事情了,現在是對外,對著亞洲地盤講,你是以很久這種歐洲 ABC 的心態或是他們台灣把你包起來這種,歐式教育的感覺,現在好了,我同學還在,都是外國當地的人,這西城男孩出現全部都是白色種族,他們不是講信仰的,但是你個性當初會去英國留學,之後到處亂跑,你自己的個性你自己知道,你嘴巴張開起來,你就一直講個什麼 ! 歐洲是那種風俗人民氣息,我男孩子不認識,我大概知道美國,這很多東西我其實不是很清楚,這尼克是義大利人但是他移民到加拿大,現在,我也不知道他變成什麼樣子,他以前也會講,但是在歐洲,這民主風氣是開始於法國,這我曾經聽說都是台灣新聞講過的美國主流媒體並不會講到歐洲,我對歐洲是零認知 !!

你現在再歐洲蠻多年,亞洲也不見得需要回來,你喜歡那種文化,任何事情的極端開始那種,但是你是一個修行人,你如果要忘掉亞洲這塊,你其實很多支柱的人是中國、台灣、越南,包括這愛家 ! 你所有事情事業,也不是你再 run 的,才講說鋼鐵人裡面,這西門的事業變成誰的,你現在聽到這種帝王遙遠的故事,你順便就不需要再法院管的意思 ! 

你喜歡遷就於他人,怎麼就不好好把書給念了,知識跟專業領域來學習管好你自己這所有事情,你這種情況是講了多少年? 講英文,亞洲人耳聾的意思? 那是男眾還是女眾?

我以前看過這 2008.

你驕傲 ...才會有那種比較心,不是你在意那個什麼 Dr. Slovenia 總統 !

越南是講共產、英國講王子,這花千骨,讓我智商低落我來幻想 ...

你要說你家族企業,不是台灣徒弟自己看著辦,叫做當初斂財的宋七力是你真正的同學、妙齡、新天地,一波未定一波又起,多煩叨擾,好不是貨 (是相),這可經可頌,瑤條淑女,君子好求,人生如戲、人生如夢,轉眼間 ....花落數百年。




Babaji: Go

就是你回答台灣新聞? 就是呀 ~你打算怎麼回答?

( 你有沒有確定你聽的懂他們講什麼? 台灣只有這麼一點大? )

1 6  1   6    1     6    1       6 翻

CEO, 您的簡稱,你好 ! 就是一種邏輯看過去漂過去,三不是二德,重女類似爬樓梯 ~~

是這樣嗎 ? 三從四德 

喔~ 台灣翡翠騎士有沒覺得很奇怪? 通常 ...我不是住在台灣~ 我是高中離開 ! 

剛剛講 AI , 我再倒垃圾 ! 

以誠摯的心,歡迎民主活動,以及各各總統候選人 (這應該是你寫的嗎 ? ) 那如果是我寫,而且還寫成中文,我講這麼久的英文所以你有這飢餓遊戲不是嗎 ? 叫做 2018-2020 只有再 Twitter 全世界沒有人知道 ~ 講的這麼大聲。

台灣不是你的島,是我的 ! 絕對我可以看的出來...


你現在再講女孩子跟男孩子說話,我之前才再講,那些影片我講英文今天早上關於,這亞洲有這麼多我當初這種魔法灰姑娘叫做 Ella Enchanted

然後安東尼 (尼克二兒子) Enchanted (2007 ) Carla 跟埃本,所以我今天早晨講,她們女孩子只有可能這一次,只有一次這種人生,不會再有,你聽的懂嗎 ? 是年紀還是小孩? 然後你說職業,或是離婚的人,或是第二次結婚,那我們說職業婦女? 你相信男孩子再幻想的世界還是一種健康說,你自己的人生創建自己的事業,你是認真自己的時間,多認真?

負責是說? 傷害人還是我想的時候去傷害人? 不是一絲絲是你為人長那樣 ....

Is to say in French? 是說法語?


No I never say those things. 我從來沒有這樣說,你跟台灣的溝通是你跟你自己徒弟當初再幹嘛 ? 我以為? 我以為你再歐洲之前,離開佛州之後,這是所有人都知道的,對 ! 台灣是存在這邊自己幻想你再哪裡,還是他們非常清楚這電視跟下面一步? 我從來不想 !

我自己處理,我在這裡做事情,我講中文不會有困難 ! 

你現在是要跟我人生哲理? 第一生太久之前,你的刑事,我沒有覺得他們非常確定,那我怎麼就這麼確定呢? 你出家的信念會成為今天,我有說什麼嗎 ? 這所有事情除了你的當年一開場 !  全天下的板子前面就都是掛著這所有東西。

亞洲世界一直都很保守,第一是女孩子沒有什麼出路,第二你要說你成為出路之外不是女受刑人,你照片先亮出來,講出一些句子,你自己大腦發展再哪,是怎麼敘述這件事情,你好像沒有打算準備任何你自己的發言,我 2014 就活在那種世界 !

對,板子上很多人包括唱歌的音樂那種,一條蟲的人生,Ender's Game, 小孩卡通叫做 rescue ranger. 其實很多男孩子只有某種思維,真的,有時講講亞洲或是外國,我其實會說只要是男孩子,聽到知道再講什麼,變出來很奇怪因為女孩子應該自己知道,男孩子講的方向是女生一直認為,我看到很奇怪的事情常常。

你可能誤認為男孩子喜歡什麼,想聽什麼,你的一半徒弟是你選擇的每一個開場,是說我再以為跟自然不知道,我到底都在擺照片的那種,在家裡我裝的意思 !

這所有板子前面的一張照片或是一個影片,你說商人自己在後面,或是自己的 PC 的前面看著那些照片 或是 每一種人的影片,跟研究下面的數字或是那種 subscriber, 你說人類是不是都是很 inept? 意思這銀行跟照片你講出來的東西跟數字成正比,出去的衣服呀 ! 吃飯呀 ~你的體型呀 ~ 男孩子會是最現實的那一種類型,邏輯,跟為什麼你要做出制種形式的打扮,或是衣服,男孩子你再幻想亞洲還是保守、還是邏輯、還是自以為? 女孩子一定說男孩子都自以為呀 ?!

我現在也沒有太多衣服,之後才聽說的,黑色或是大概這種,這其實不是我買的,我媽買進來那時候 !
有兩件長這樣 ! 我從來沒有想過為什麼她變出來這些衣服 ! 我大腦發展沒有這麼多~~~

出現事情我才放這些照片回來 ! 我每一天活的都很現實叫做計算他人或是我自己,那時候好像不是那樣吧  ! 

Missy 我現在講中文 ~~~

女孩子有時候要很小心,自己的動作自己的態度,四肢摔到男孩子的下巴,鼻子,以前講英文講很久,今天講中文 ... 舉止跟自己的四肢清潔,做菜,手指夾,我幻想當初你的大拇子,你都做了什麼是吃下去的還是他們叫你做什麼,你就做什麼? 那些是徒弟的男孩子叫做一頓飯菜 ...


鍵盤要寫,小老鼠要洗,酒精擦拭布,台北屈臣氏要我寄給妳嗎? 你下山沒有屈臣氏? 我用完鍵盤我洗手每一次,擦拭我廁所洗完手的附近水一種動作,我常常跳進去跳出來,陽台跳出去跳出來,我其實很少講這種基本動作,叫做我現在再緩慢減肥,西城男孩要來了~我還沒有下來 ....

我這種做人法則一定是很緊張的關係,襪子,你現在沒有大人幫你洗內褲,你想你媽沒? 她以前有幫你嗎 ? 你妹妹呢? 這附近沒有你真的很親近的人,死光了吧 ?


我常常覺得我活得很累 ... 

不是我吊著很累,這一定是看不出來的意思 !  ... 每一個人一輩子可以跟誰真正的再一起,回到自己的窩或是自己一份職業,很多人會告訴你 24 小時我的網頁是開的,每一個人的職場有些人一輩子不可能真的去找誰,男的或是女的,我現在沒有辦法再真正的法案時間之前、之間、之後的問題,我有說呀 ! 我有沒有以為我可不可以真的,成為,說再加拿大的時候 ? 之後? 就是很悲觀自己的人生職業,叫做你 wish me ill , 我誤以為的意思 ! 

有些人長的不太一樣人生理想,我會更改如果我發現,這十年也這樣過去,人生有時候不是辦法就受限於,我人生會改變所以我停留,做好我自己的事情,其中,數學不是你的信徒對給你的亂花費的 !

假設 2018 我給我自己兩年呀 ! 你說 2021...我用一年的時間 ...然後呢? 2022, 2023...你很有條理跟著? 喔~~~人生自己對自己的信念理想不一,很久以前,我們的年紀跟長相並不一樣,當年的霍建華。這沒有一件事情叫做只有現在比較類似,你當年是 36 開始 1986 ? 通常我以為台灣認識你的時間是 1992 /1994 -1997 ...比較 ! 
那不是 36了吧  ~~你在意?

那不是 36了吧  ~~你在意?

那不是 36了吧  ~~你在意?


並不太一樣,照片時間也不是旁邊對旁邊,她們應該是忘了你的從前,這花千骨一天到晚講你的從前不見了 ~ 我歷歷在眼前 ...sorry 你 90 年代徒弟死的意思 ! 那種電視我做尊上講的 ...9 年司令 8 年尊上大概。

很多人記憶有一天也都會不見,在死亡之前,那他們死掉就沒了呀 ! 你再講 20 年? 然侯隔一年大家做鬼見,一定更難過的意思 !! 人間不見,普通世界,做鬼他們其實很無聊,真的 ! 

那如果隔年見怎麼辦? 你徒弟跟你一樣消極,這所有事情現在沒辦法? 大家先耗著,那如果人間無法解決,這地獄太多人,很多假設的情況,這 一年之後的 20 年怎麼辦? 


可能就是去地獄的關係或是投胎 ! 但是世界上有鬼,有! 我知道 ~我看的到,但是如果你這輩子沒有學會英文,你做成野鬼也不可能會英文,他們比手畫腳,再沙灘上寫字! 會 ~~用比的 ! 你沒有相信一些世界上的圍觀道理? 就哪種不可理喻? ~~~

你想要告誡你的徒弟,或是硬梆梆的綁住他們,老的可能,年少的有自己團體呀 ! 像我弟弟~


或是金錢,或是他們的朋友,或是希望他們注意力,不是在他們家庭上面,這有沒有很誇張,你希望男孩子是在乎吧 ? 對自己對旁邊 ?

喔~ 我覺得你跟女孩子的嘰嘰喳喳很快樂 ! 真的,我以前常常講 ! 但是我見到鬼類似那種道服跟帽子(你們的),大概 ... 問一下美國 classify 資料,也許 ET 這種時間是免費的,只是這一件事情而已。





Babaji: Go


鋼鐵神兵 (BTX 90s 日本卡通) 是訴說一個做後一個公式,我說是系統制,最後美少女戰士土星的一個    ) 

第一節車廂,沉默的眼淚,很多人都再興致上面這幾年,他們前幾年 2013 沒有打或是 2013-2020. 從 2018-2020 他們就自己算,或是想辦法人生自己,周遭的人,等等等,你並不知道他們對人處事,或是 push 自己往前哪種方向,這一個點,幾個月前三月那個公式才出來,那人們又準備了什麼,講說現在還沒有 2024 呀 ! 在英國的時間,之後才會有你們 1950 的時間。

每一個人的期許不一樣,讓他們自由發揮,自由曲 (溜冰天使只有三本) 

都是我以前看過的漫畫~ 想看漫畫,自己經濟做到對,這世界上人可以開 Party be Happy 人生做快樂呀 ! 

We say


Ancient language: "We wish you all well, with blessing and sincerity." (pawn close)

"We wish you all prosperity and a sincere heart from our beloved." (hold at the heart and bow)

"Coming and going, life has many turns, and in doing all that so, may we find peace and harmony with all that we accord in life at this very moment, at this very life. That is what it is important."

Little Mermaid 2

Return To The Sea For a Moment

Voice Memo


人長這麼大,叫做紙筆多寡 !!!

This is the girl in that Taipei Mayor's them couple what songs MV?

No, she is a Chinese actress. 



天外一片 !!










昨天我沒講夠,我手打字沒有打夠 ...真的很誇張你們這種台灣 Youtuber 的世界,這一貫道也沒有聽說這麼誇張,我去過台灣的道場,滿慈子的 ! (清海無上師)

我打過禪,我去過很多次,我現在沒有,以前在國外,Menton 法國南邊 and 台灣西湖苗栗呀 ! 以前都在 Menton 吧 ? !  他們應該去怎麼幻想踩 Menton, 這了了無極的大地,哪種國家不能踩呢!

一定是說你師父說呷咪的意思,這他人死了嗎 ? 我也不清楚,東西這樣來這樣去 ...

  • 天邊有緣人,叫做久看不膩,我只要聽到我就很生氣 ! 
  • 托缽化緣,這件事情是當初那種山脈底下,叫做耳根子清靜,我更生氣!

當初是有 design 的因為有邊界,叫做一團團一休正式帽子壓不扁的正式穿戴,是黑色的 ! 一樣走階梯有點像那一種比較寬一點,邊邊是一種一橫 (Pizza Hut 的邊捲起來),我忘記他們當初穿什麼鞋子了!


現在可好了,所有這種 classify 資料是成真的狀態,應該是停擺一百年,以後再說,我會這樣講,沒有人可以呼吸的意思 ! 不管天堂地獄,下去再說大概是這樣, ET 很生氣 ...灰人的 ET,不是等一百年再說?



人海茫茫、天衣無縫、佼佼者、思念成河、幻想一大堆 ! 



喔~不是七十古來稀? 我念錯了 ! 該死的~~~親愛的 !!


不行,這滿慈子要寫什麼下一篇? 滿慈子的發言表單,寫文章的意思 ! 

Ella Enchanted and Enchanted (2007)

You know, that might be your all very last relationship. One and only. Play or real, once you leave that behind if you all imagine anything of that. You saying how confident a guy or a girl getting a second relationship = the guys actively seeking a relationship as the guy?! 

The girls like you. You are not going to live eternal, that life has to plan, and meeting another guy in the divorce to go through or fighting home daddy housing options or the factory job in America, you saying just get on a job immediately on the weekend, going on 9 to 5. You try to say that is your bank advantage.

You want to talk to the guy a real normal thing, why don't you tell him, that is exactly what I ever see in the video?

The permissive life view, how that goes well in 2 strangers, that is not your mommy or daddy inside the home, you really feel, one lifetime the bank is enough 

They all need a younger face gf I think....

Iron Man 4 - Trailer

Never gonna be a dad.


莎白 I think she wants to push that Hailey's father down stairs, with her suicide together. Its very psycho, how to punish the world as her dad should be so dead.

And deform on the camera lens to pretend she is so good at rubbery costs.

So psycho human.

Where are the UB human, do you all wants to contact Dean and Lee, their location on the maps are all being implicated. That means you Jonathon Superman, Brian has a gf from the porn industry to Trump little gf from porn too.

Trump being implicated as the superman. Sorry, not Jonathon, its Tamang. 


Set a Google Calendar 2 and 5 years. 


Note: Everyone will forget the Google Calendar 響噹噹, ring bell bell, bell ring ring, to when or how the strives will hit on the clock at 12 oclock. 

Mermaid story TKO, not on Justin

金城武 - God, Please give me more time.

Face, face card, face shine, "I do everything or anything you wish me to do" - Meghan Markle quote.

The New Testanent eternal. It was a Japanese singer.

Shape, face, face vitality.

When that those correct teaching would be, at the junction of turn were not ending up on the underwear stage shows the under pants shirts, these embrosiure imagine how to sewing inside the body means, per flesh, per bone, per incarnation....

I highly doubts anyone understands the Eon,. Kalpa to arrive, its one person pray for another whom, then wishing them all well, the given Bible on this Earth. Its a free will, better qoute.

Very truche at all, if not how soon everyone dies out on the street, no one has any kids.

All of them have 10 people around them.

None of them are one focus attention on me, Only Me.

1 person.

Its open, its optional. Life is all optional.

Wake me up when its over.

It was over long time ago, already.

This world can retain any look, and no one knows the privacy things. I think that is all that left. One policy, forever tale. To arrive this junction of turn, you saying what kinds of the works they did, to sound like that Westlife.

Maybe I didn't become a damf or mute to imagine the rest of the humanity.

I think MB has a lot of the consciousness infuse Power, through a lot of the medium. 

I am sure that is beside the physical world realm I try to comprehend, why don't you all talking to him properly like he is the crowning moment of Everything?! The last thing ever do, I becoming the Arjuna. How wasteful those physical body endowment becoming?

(Shut up, birds)

The youth all looking military hats girls are everything the same, coming here to rubbery or steal?

Sailor Cosmo - Sailor Moon




This is off the paper records

I told them ...its the democracy world here, and outside any of the business sleek, the Corperation format, I will state that once again in the court room during those period of the time frame 1 -780. This position might be the celestial degree mix the physical world in general, you are talking about one Earth, we only know one Earth. Its a very very relax, those if not getting fat is a lot better sphere of all walk of people envy at.

The body shape. Anything else is not against the free will. Maybe you should talk back this Babaji wherever he ends up which face of the 2, or 1, or long hair supposes to be. I need him back off. Just because interface you read from your side is no difference from us, or him....they are a very pathetic race of the current living condition if were not the Eon made karma in the end of all this I will say. 

Just not right now. The options of the hell, you give to them, because that is the free will.

You do know people go to hell because they are no good people. 

Forever on this planet, every life, every generation, every Eon. You know that....all the ET knowing that. It is the classify material or hearsay, no one but me only one person needed to suffer that, seeing that, suffered long enough, if you all be public television the day I was born to the middle school Royal life to tell me all these needie greedie. I got the same IQ just I used to. Really, I always have the same IQ.

I didn't really paper thin, every day how I suffer here. You suppose to know that so there is a Ronan Keating. I cannot cope anymore, everyday the birds are outside, a maid trying to assassins', or sabotage, or anything in my sense, I try to live or I try to breath.

You and me, outside especially, to that same spiritual endowment even tiny Zen will agree....

Those custom of the National moscow was just a Lake concept of the 400 millions dollar deficit, its a beautiful scene, a beautiful world on the commercial TV cable like a small kindness the small prosperity - their attitude only endow the hell fires. There is nothing I can do about it. The American scarf line. They are the authoritative voice and under that near by - Laws suppose to exist. Meaning I cannot see clear, the good will intention, I guess its a good will and if anything besides, really. No, a lot of these front, I cannot see.

I can infuse to the medical board, because that is Zawanna represent, but...he is a very barbarian human guy, that is why that is the military iconic?

I breath or I inhale, I make a gesture, get out.

Galatic (Tim Cook, prime direct order from Galactic or Mahavatar Babaji might be the same people I don't know.)


This morning ....


They are all mortal. There is no Zen, not even that artifact Bible, if I used that word, they are as if they are arrived. I understand all that. Their internal structure, none. The cellular prana, or any degree of long practice will be none at this time, Sir.

Tim Cook is not the beginning like Steve Jobs, all that Silicon Valley will retain that still culture starting when Bill Gates (or Steve Jobs) that overall bracket of the invention or entrepreneurship. He is a just white collar or the blue collar worker in our world term.

None of them are classify to treat things, I told SMCH "Sit, shut up" including my mother, those police from Taiwan, I actually know their character, its all very communicative they understand, they just drag that 2 stay in Taiwan just shut up while I deal with any of this. They 2 in the most immediate scene, can keep 5 mins, not this free will American, they doing that to their own Court Room, its contempt to the court, or their TV fame too wide and long greater road of the commodity pine or a simply crowning moment. Its very very psycho, the local American, it will never be classify. I understand the whole thing of that. same for Bill and Kery, if I tell them ,"Shut up", they have the friends around their to drag them back where they belong.

Tim Cook, he got the people looks like him, not he is entrepreneur.

Right now he has the stock shares, million people in the universe has those options.

Under the classify system, they right now thinking R or Greys are family or bossing them whenever they feel like, or Prime Directrive what does it mean, including any part of the classify. Everyone inside that world at least knowing "Shut up", mans. They do not have the IQ or the literacy or the academia, to proven the outside existence, no self cultivation if not on the meat diet, or you saying the New Age diet coming close to. Never gonna be this Bible bathing 10 days, and what not this Red River Manga the ceremony, or Tibetan some of those oracle idea. Its made into our world a very ...black looking things, and those people are not wealthy. The nearest wealthy idea, there is only one Bill Gates. But ...he imagine he is stepping up too at which position. I assuming in the real world sense outside, that degree or entrepreneurship its a lot more that independent spirits, and SHUT UP at the court room towards anyone even on Earth, NEVER at those classify when things be called.

But no one thinking the classify is scared enough, so in 5 to 20 years, they realize that classify materials are the benefits of the Power or should have their own back and forth trying out the Judge seeing his patience, they done that on purpose. 

I know all that. I cannot input anything, and while all this pink song of the true love, that is as far as their service to humanity ever willing. I don't think ...there is any substance of that name political spirituality other than a very flat, looking like that, a simple collar rank of the working class, if not on gambling or anything else I understand about him from far away. All that he is a quiet person in the quiet life. There is nothing else. If I would have know all this, I would have never never never have one social media profile to have all these entire junks and hellish things toward me or their FOREVER life will ever incurs to these karmic debts, they do on purpose. They envy, they pine, they are the mortal, and they are the rubbery just their parents never tell. One Tim Cook, he is not my thing, we are too far away from the age, or even the experty, while the comic book or just because I mention, everyone thinking the internet space so small. In the real life, it will forever never gonna be the real life you mean...the movie: Mean Girls where all things started.

Steve Jobs he listens to. He believes in him, right. Not his own mother he will have anything to say.




There is no spirituality here. How am I going to explain to him, a stainless cup to begin Tim Cook? A blanket on the ground with a floor seat that is the modern on line, or past we used, those polyester 1 inch thick? His legs too long, the meditation thick butt sit if in the National Emergency, he is a business collar rank, not the military nor entrepreneurship, that is Steve Jobs and he dies on it.

He is NEVER gonna be that Steve Jobs description of his beginning inside his biography, that is everything looks like outside. You want to ask Steve Jobs yourself?

NEVER NEVER gonna be this, EVER.

The local America got nothing but the human will, their patriotism, you suppose to know that what the democracy spell under, their own very attitude you will tell me, your every other worlds fill up those human mortal looking to you one Central too dim light this seating rows, you could just meant the Taipei Tape Water Factory or the underground water City Property file-ing paper statues online, is a very hidden private things. It will never be proportionally towards their own very mouthful jobs, never shut up. 

There is no way forever none of them ever be near the governmental. NEVER gonna be One Eye, NEVER be shadow drawing close the conspiracy theory, NEVER ever....whatever too good to be true under without the will...

Its those Game of Thrones. Its very very psycho if Sci-fi is not psycho enough. There is no prana in any of them, not one single cell trying to generate a what, the conscious to one spiritual doctrine degree. ITS HELL degree, if you didn't already sign that when me and them settle this 50,000 Tranduil military retrieve. 

Starting with that one Queen. They don't need to ever care about when they becoming like her exactly. 

I think he blackmails the whole universe, we just saying you all outside vanish under the hologram, they have every evidence claim remember? If I know what this is the ENTIRE COSMO.... Tim Cook is from a local American which town to which unheard of the local university, that if Steve Jobs would have saying none of them are the metropolitan sleek, he will ever be, plus, Steve Jobs were the type of the human everywhere himself when he started the Apple, he spread himself among his height, or talking, or calling or actively seeking towards with that face of his.

Where you gonna get me a face issue, that is not landing on that comic book?

NEVER THIS on the bench side, you mean the restful player or the behind the line player. (Slam Dunk)

Before the National


It will never be. Someone has to explain to me, my look to where next 20 years mean. Even in our planet, he will NEVER becoming the conversation, really imagine that or that high school Steve Jobs, WE ARE here on Earth.

American President Salary 400,000 + packages
The football coach Salary 400,000 + packages

I would have hope his beginning of that Apple to when he arrives the very Top, right now, we aren't equal saying....you know how the language shapes up the human starting 2014. Really.

194 countries its not 2 millions per yearly, one subjects in music. 

WE are the enemy, or we are not the Family, right outside my yard?

They have too many free will, under our premise here, that is not the faith issues, its the Corporation sleek like you all. They retired with their happy romance life included. I cannot input someone about to be hang, or be dead, in whichever method I meant I tale that Purna should or shouldn't be "incomplete" not  "incompetent." ; she is about to die, saying that million times, already dead without that fame too great Dr. Slovenia, you want to find him first where under the hell fires to spell the celestial girl and the wood cut man? 

My mother is her best friend?

He is an America, he would knowing it so well what that word means INCOMPETENT.

I personally will just tell you, Tim Cook FOREVER WILL ETERNALY NEVER be put next by Steve Jobs a photo cover just like his biography how early the Apricot tree or the Apple trees he and his ex wife has a Lisa to begins whatever that was they meditate like a hippi. NEVER gonna be Tim Cook, FOREVER NEVER will be the orchid or the apricot tree, why don't you try the Canadian strawberry or the blue berry farm. I live nearby used to be. They have the psychi valley south of too much of the distance in driving. At least I KNOW THE PLACES.

I don't think so.


My House Roof?

My mother with?

Mimmo, Tony, Tim Cook, or which Presidents? You mean not my pets birds ...

Its the private property own manual, to be in the real life scene, none of us have anything at all related to any one activities, they are all the newspaper hearsay people. You imagine the internet space from my mentioning of the people's faces, its all false. They don't exist anywhere Taiwan, IS NOT China, one of those saying in case you don't know the economic statues will FOREVER never be the spiritual endowment, the Taipei Center its 4 block walking to. The happiest moment of someone whom knew what that is, to the content in life.

My mother needs to retired, if not down stairs, or next by, you mean you built them a terrance all around here, the birds are all the way on the left White building Top? I highly doubts these property can just be purchase, you saying they really have in what kind of the money or the visa traveling issues.....

They have the karma, not the reality check.

You cannot have the prime directive order from the American Top Classify to imagine landing in....whichever this island does not exist in their local Americna ROTC too sleek to spell the pregnant women trendy in the Capitalism political, with what? The 4 block walking daily meditation to spell, the mind, body, soul? You mean their witness of the past redemption, you violating the private property owner manual line in the section of the Article of the Chapter, someone even my district here court City can read it to you, not just spell to you with the curse words.

It will NEVER happens. Their classify has a door, with their guards looking like you. 

See these photo human be Amazing on their outside door be thrown out physically imagination, I will not to be that heavy soon....

Supreme Master Ching Hai 清海無上師

You mean her pretending 50 mins is fine, because she done that 40 years long enough, or you mean they just watching her from afar not my private property owner manual, or you mean she will come up here, her best friends place, where I staring at my bowl....one of those combine, they sit on the floor, here is the floor marble toooooo cold. She sits on the chair with that SMTV her contact last person set up for me, I forgotton, there is a SMTV internet....almost identical like that Truman's Show, whom shows up, bringing her close or bring them close to what? 

The interest of the Galaxy or just before they say their prayers to die, about what? 30 next pretend to meditate, her requirement is 65 years old, and she meant....a certain thing long time ago better at the DNA level, she might just prepare all that herself in the literal words, so voluntary this time, before I asking her....the cellular memory, or the cellular structure or the DNA related things for this one book of mine, her entire sinful nature to which Master were dead or locked, you settle her, or imagine blackmail both me to them....

I re-phrase, pretending to be her?

You mean Steve Jobs when he was 17 years old?

She is in our world even that camera - digital not the none artistic background.....I say earlier pretend 50 minutes she is fine, she got the background. There is a Sailor Moon story you and me discuss over this one Tim Cook starting at the prime direct order, that sounds right at all in our world, really. 

I don't even think she is super related to Babaji, what you gonna do? Make her make me? She was an ABC !!!! Now she remembers trying to related to me .....let me remember all that. 

I think she meditates earlier years too. I never say everything is all faking starting that later what German doctor all that.

Her, or copy her? There is a difference ! 

It will never happen, not her, not copy her. I am very very sure when Steve Jobs dead, it means he be dead according to.....

They all need to retired and go home (I look at her some of the video), meaning the youth coming up at this time. Tim Cook is a very long time I saw him. Its 10 years pass, that is not possible. You all outside know what you all look like.

Not possible. They want them to relax about 10 years ago, or make the wave for all of the leadership including the Kenshin Himura inside, but they are getting too fat. They don't see beyond the physical realm. Its the same equal right. 

She was jailed or the lawful paper unhold on her. No.

All that is trepassing the world standard just trying to say be a normal human, a lot of this things, for the Cosmo, not possible. They need to keep their jobs, really. 

Same to Hailey, they all can leave Mormom and the parents, they are big enough to go on the street because that is what it takes, but HEY, they go back to control the guys inside the church they think that is normal. The medical board probably will tell a lot of things its by that sense they settle all that, its everyone tries to do the correct things in life, they wishing you well, including go on the street for the mistakes they make, not keep going further that.

Here the real Earth sphere, a lot of the things is impossible. No.

That outside commander-in-chef, I need to go.

You do realize, that is one me, one interval time 1 -780 all by myself. Not one Taiwanese, not one Chinese, not one American, no one stands beside. Not one.

Never gonna be those 10. Not this Eon after Eon or Kalpa after Kalpa ends, they have no English literacy or the laws words in logical, if the romance not enough to rinse their mouth to quaint the hell fire. My head space is not even on Westlife, to be honest telling you the truth. I told them or explained to them yesterday. 

I was a responsible person Eon, Kalpa, Ageless Eon those Wheels mean. I cannot function with all these things too much inside my own individual life, you mistaken I could do a lot here, even the National coast guard Oct 2021 those, from Two Weeks Notices will sound a lot they are down from the movies, rather than any American classify degree, they look exactly like you.

That is the classification layers, just like our Evolutionary Biology, It cannot be discuss, not possible.

<The end>

Two shoulder blade (behind the horizontal blade)

Somewhat hurting.





I need to go to sleep

The fall season kicks me, the temperature is not good.

Babaji: Go

The other Above any place, STOP!

Its Friday night, you all have anywhere else on your calendar day or the months?

Eon, Eon, EON, KALPA, KALPA....not sure, where are these ET living that long at all....



I could not be so amazed what I see this much of the clock or the "moving things" 鐘擺 晃呀晃~~ let me imagine what my chinese words says....

There is a Tim Cook parts for being an extremists on himself, he knows how that goes, or at least to go and think about it.

Or he is not a thing anymore? 

What is that one person goes to the heaven means again?

A lot of the people at your own perfect Age, and that Eon revolution its according to what I see last time, it was perfectly inside MB human-celestial speech, I did see that, and after that the second scene would be after his wife lake where they bathing, or empty, but below that world, its all this Zawanna disciple looking, the guys. The real self-retify to end up in Heaven. What do I miss here?


Right, I don't want to hear this right now, maybe I go to sleep til later tomorrow morning. I have a Westlife on the phone, these otter did what in front of me.

When is the last time which side ends up on Earth, things be done the minimum to just get rid of all of us, really. Some people's money in your worlds are not an issue, we are the issue.

What is this Orwu, Oro - AOL or not oil lamp?

There is I used to say another Alexadro switch the lighter's high tech light?

AOI doesn't exist with that video I say the whole classroom. With the Albany, that was not a good person.

In a few day, camera man, all parents be crying so loud holding your should be so dead kids inside your arm, make a film

Public on TV.

I don't not have one tolerance, you all keep screw it up my life, never end this. Until I see the horror inside the humanity everywhere, every parts, I will not stop.

Whatever that means to you.

OU Language - only 3 Reptilian

Babaji got taken out Million years ago, or Eon.

All things are false. The hologram. 

The heart magic its to just bind things here a lot more, right here.

Each group is only has 3 remains, maximum. Everything else is hologram. When you are ready ....

Reptilian guy, you are the Chinese eye glasses looking, near by you, you have 1, not sure another one, may not be near.

You are in that Space, Thor supposes to save....bigger space you and him. Maybe....not to that another R.

回到地球的時空,我頭都是昏的 ! 所有事情都像是假的外面,不太可能但是如果是真的呢?

痛恨這種事情無止盡 ( 887 + Thor)

誰再地獄,我如果進宮,被 Thor 攔截,是傷害...但是他地獄更久更久,仙女她們一直在哭的關係! 他比較像做名師善待他人的意思 ! 

他的那個什麼位置殺了炳輝在W 兩個世界,因為這是集體活動,差了一個 Tamang 假設 Adam 去做和尚的關係,那叔叔是阿南。但是其實是 Tamang.


不是很好笑嗎 ?

吃肉犯賤,我抄了整個天下,我管你什麼十個世界,你們多的是時間算,這金錢一筆一筆呀 ! 人生無夢的濺人 !




人生際遇在於渺茫,蒼茫,這種好笑的東西要大聲站起來奸笑 ~什麼是生,什麼是死 !

演到稀巴爛,巴巴基明年才回來,他的仙女會去救他,有肥的 ! 

道謝三聲,再見,希望你們照顧好他,我們好像是敵人的關係,金髮,或是我是半仙不同領域的關係,他應該是說他是老闆的關係,不過謝謝妳們去觀照他再地獄,還是誠摯希望你們成功 ! 再見~~

Can you guys get out of my sight? 力大墳牛!

通通給我滾出去 ~我再講徒弟跟犯法之人,賤人!

最新八卦,是講 UB 大學我臉書沒了那一批? 在重刑犯那邊,我不是寫給你們了嗎 ? 英文 !!!


商鞅達己一併 ! 但是美國醫學委員會上面他們會全部看好,所以我今天就不需要看電視了 ~~我媽擺了什麼木頭湯匙在 fork 的那一欄,用筷子,我講了一個下午的廢話中文,叫做無中生有,講到我哪年哪月 2018 開始,我從來沒有停過,我給了兩年叫做罵人罵到底 ! 

智商問題叫做英文寫集,管我寫個什麼,大家一起轉轉轉台北兔子皇宮之前在 ABC Mart 那邊叫做,女廁所的水龍頭是要用摸的才會有水,因為是乾的 ! 

太好笑的歐洲女人服飾,一堆高腳杯 !!! 還有一種燈光叫做轉東西腳踏上去的,我在台北這麼久,我看到東西可多了~台北可以有多大呢?

大聲念,多光榮 !!! 燦爛微笑,無以適從,逃跑的 ABC 叫做英國無規堰 (花千骨)

睜大眼睛看清楚 ~~~