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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Babaji has a brand new draft (you have to pick a Friday night? No one is here)

"I would like to express my gratitude to all those involved and to those well wishing for those whom has pass on and deceased of its own very nature. I also would like to thank to all the heartfelt to this gratitude over this matter of overseeing, and with a lot of those sacrifice in the time of the need, especially the medical workers and the medical staffs. And with a heartfelt thanks, I often feel its a little bit time extra for being whom that I am and whom that I wish to achieve over a lot of the sector of the business management skills in hope and in needs of this experty personal staffs and with many greeting and well wishing from my personal staffs, I would like to congratulate to all of you the very behalf of 2 side party involved over this significant event soon-to-shall pass, and in many quest of all those different sectors of the universe where we belong, its often that we attend to our special force and needs in people that we given our very best well wishing and well congratulate over such the matter such as the COVID 19 cease to exist on Earth."


"First I would like to introduce my personal staffs that coming forward with a lot of my thanks over this one COVID 19 issues managing all problems for and during this time on Earth. I also like to express my concern and the final greeting to this late congratulation to many soon-to-be leadership during this screening methods of the life and death where the people, the family, or the relative are being affected in this limited Earth years to sounds secure in the manner or the mortality issue or the hygienic spill out the public concern. All that matter to my heartfelt were sorrowful for all of that has indeed cannot be prevented in advance, and in that many questions how the havoc has caused during the pandemic, all the pharmaceutical workers that diligently and delicate their time to strain out all the short time stock to vaccinate the big population in this short of time during the last 2 years shutting it down with 1 years in half recover where people's social awareness or the health indicator didn't all fully be away from their daily life how it was before to what it is now, and seem to be forever leaving this scarf on the humanity. To that very least and to that very deep rooted causes of all that, we wish you all the best in any social or the political uprising, or the power in that exchange of the Party in where all these nations on Earth will resolve in the peaceful manner, and to that God's prayer to leave that heart in all these quiet corner of the sorrow, we may find that one mean to peace to that escalate of the future energy to propel the new movement, may this forever lasting peace will soon be prevail and delicate to all those before the time, or after the Timeless. In that closing, I wish you all the best in all your endeavor. "

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