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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Babaji's draft

"I would like to accolated to those whom have found the new loves and the beginning of your venturing life. But as you might have aware of or given up for this time the Flower Thousand Bone the sacrifice and unjustice mind uneven fair or lose, its indeed the heart touching to me how this behavior science were nothing one grand of the sand register in you. I have often wish you all be attentive at least somehow to your life routine jobs or the habitual getting up in the morning chores, at least those very very very basic human dignity to do....while I have found there is nothing but the skunt life. This is not tolerantable, not in my age, not in my youthful forever young look, I know how it troubles you or bothers you never ending this me or you whom is better or worse than not, one of those talk are all forbidden list you should care that inside your heart deeply. Not the rebellion habitual and not this opinionate views because your ego is too great and your money statues are too low with all other else that didn't say, so I say it for my cause that you understand, this Game or Wane, there is nothing but the heart taken from me to you, how the pitfall of the human race or the civilization not befitted in itself, less to say the criminal justice ever will say about that. I would like to be deadfound by some of those in the upper sphere of some that working all around to accommodate your stupidity and ignorance, that the God is above all and forever be watchful and those rules meant never be broken, I got that, you are not one of us and that is my speech to the end."

Anna I re-write

To the beginning of your romance life that involved more than one party often inside my script outside my soul partner, I often found you be growing up to be the upright most at your God's belief and this Flower Thousand Bones, be attentive manner. There is the worldly zone you feel you battle your parents, not necessary the police; your love heart and weary at your aging felt one of your around people just never be good enough or grown up. That scale as if that is the one drop of the ocean and you are the ocean, one of those. You decide a lot of this dignity in between the talks, its each other faults or games before the parents, after the friends, or the circle of the trusted business venture including the colleague if that jobs is somewhat stable. You probably meant that I have an appearance issue if not the blood to where I got engineered if were the skin relevant talk problems or not solving yet problematic quarrel from you yourself to me and saying one of us is the sleeping beauty. I know the bothering each other mechanism for saying allowing us, you or me to stay, and that will never be on this planet forever. You will tell me that, I will tell you, I believe that 100%. You open your mouth to say your per stack of the papers, I quiet away a lot of this burning sensation of the shame if not your egoistic views for the greater cause in the childish manner, you hide behind a building, a cigarette with a bread or a chewing something inside your mouth. You will find every word on your list to stuffy at your toy stuff puppy, just never me, cannot careless anymore one of those your mouth bigger at the bread, or I am talking about a manner you will never accord. Not with your parents, not with your friends or best friend or those whom are a little bit better than you are if their parents be a lot more attention to them, not because they suffered, its because you never help in. You play games, I play fake! That is not your medical board meant. You have a civilization is at the junction road, and that decision didn't require me to make it that for you, and the begger like you are at the pitfall state was unbefitted, not just your outfit, to what pettiter ....whichever that words or the position meant in the universal hierarchy scale, you will never catch up or become. That is not a standard, that is a hope. God above us, is not what you define me. When someone given you a lecture, you know that will never be God or else. The theologian concept of the Life and Death is a 2D bind book open and close, while your heart to this schematic tarted mindset to exchange a heaven place for one second, you didn't know what you sign up for, or your entire civilization didn't know where it leads every thousand years on, that is without me, its always with me in it, you know what I mean? Every law given to you was less to say, you had a Bible, you had a Constitution. Those will belong in itself department, not I am warning you, this is the End of the road.

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