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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Me and Babaji talks

Last night. Probably will for a while without anyone in front of faces. 

Your American Medical board has half damf that I hear things. 




I think the law makes eternity law on the fertility and the romance game, eternal. It’s every year brand new. Soon, will be only all of me, without any of you. 

A commodity purchase you have to convince me from the material science and this one Tina Jojo, France last …whichever all behavior.

The home cooking + a home owner manual including to go to the city where the opportunities are a lot more so on your own military wish list.

There are only the government, the police/fireman, education, the military has the pension set up after the age 65.

You don’t have a mortal standard to keep a simple never ending theft, I say your American immigrant meant it with the local police not one theft. Not on my material science nor any one single you UB. Every theft you will be taken out, not just the TV is broadcasting all over the universe. 

As evidently as that, the accidental insurance money, the total combine Pang, Tina and Joan.

7 years have pass, your bill? 

Kail told me it’s the military girls food money through X Man when Bill running away, it’s when I will be very old, what does that mean? He literally running away like Wing like Mat those?

Impairs, inept, sluggish, dirty, the winter flu over the temperature, I like a certain localize Taiwan police, the land walking distance is right here. West to East. I didn’t knew all other major one capital city. I know this I grew up very clear traffic system City or overall this district line right in front of my faces. Everything outside Taipei district, I don’t see I don’t hear, I don’t care to know.

I run at this everyone hurting me 9 long years to generate a formula …BTX including whichever imagined COVID 19 this one Dr Bing. I prefer someone delivers my finding literally …

Not Harry Potter legal stands the buzz all over starting from the beginning so even they the legal world outside the celestial sphere all knowing this one formula.

Someone running in time, someone running in life.

It’s how far the hell every reach exactly like the TV told you and your American Medical board discuss me over all the criminal behavior as if? The sinner redeem, they vow they never will stop thefting. I put yesterday whole site, last night this one movie whichever outside them will tell me their function to bring down you all rubbery with those?

Unbelievable. They tell me if I believe you all theft and American the legal world allows that !! The Criminal Justice.

The criminal behavior is not the ordinary citizen in-line that saying. 

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