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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


The tag words. The missionary teenagers. The definition of the YouTubers wishing to keep a factory job home so father pamp them missing them. Why your mother married to your dad is to keep the kids like you. The factory cloth bag for a job. The Youtuber business too flashy on. Whichever the destination your church pretends to say, or just coming near for a joking festivity land on.


Here you go, your wishing a factory worker PDF. You never plan your life like the rest of the Tina Jojo those? Hiring someone and make a plan by the money?  You know even your mother at home, just drive to American Home Depot, given them a link, they print in 5 mins. No printer at home.

+ 10/10


As I am key-in the tag word, the very last one = Youtuber, and my keyboard becoming the ㄅㄆㄇㄈ? oh~ you continue to learn Chinese, meaning your triple language fluent, your life is official sucks between the language to learn, and bring up the kids in the welfare by given all that to which country?

The southern Taiwan?

I am very sure your Church doing that right in front of my eyes, or those your younger age of the Mormom, its the same thing, all white secs of these business all around its to spell your vitality how long it will keep going, your mouthful trying out to say, or wishing to linger or just your parents pamp you enough for tiny dignity, none of your parents will look like that, how amazing the life torture or bow to that life economic burden, you all trying to learn, or the Youtube business too flashy of the audience, were not on my wasteful land of the wasteful human trying to marching a whole new world business.

As you can tell, those vocabulary never you growing up pain or believe, its the eyeing on catch, what is the word in English, the eyeing, the pining, the prying, or the proning, sorry, just not duplicate the drone flying sarsorow. 

What is that Harry Potter words, when the movie turning becoming this, how the world under the fire, its when I feel like, you debate which one of the last, to stand...won't spelling the exactly your professionalism on the missionary, its where to mock up the land, or your own very future really.

So the discussion of the factory job will sound a lot like that every weekend a dream your daddy daddy pamp you, wish and want. Seeing your high school like that Twilight, I am very sure you squeezing each other's sibling for that tiny fame over here.

If your sibling few to many, that is how the words in Chinese


So funny...

"The contemporary red fried son chicken !!!"

I am very sure every parents just cannot communicate the language but I am very sure your sibling will feeling that words so just cannot understand it. You are too hot for the bebe, V used to doing all that dress up bebe clothing, its one shoulder coming it down naked, you see?!

She is a Vietanese like SMCH. Intend to say the pharmacy in Vermont, I would never swallow anything she prescribes.

10/10/2023 - The church missionary


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