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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


If you care so much about this = that position whom looks like to each other...

You can just treat them a meal sit down, and turn around to go back to your perfect life, is that still a couple life, no one told me. Or according to me, to imagine I am the mother, you had enough any of that just like those running away never finish this flood - the movie: Safe Haven. 

I cannot tell what that is, or what might be, that was me at the Ella Enchanted, to ending up a Conan Ai Grey Origin?

Funny....the high heel at the stepping where the foot with the ice.

Ancient Chasez


I am at the high tech influence, and all those Black Ops or the classified didn't get things their own people right, on their own parts, so remains me, or they imagine it has to be one person's jobs to arrive, where? Tell me where? Stargate - Atlantis, all by myself that is what I mean. Stuck til when? 

The Westlife to show up, that is the same life never ends. 

You want to tie up your own dad, your mother, your sibling whom, or the cousin lend you an arm, right next by. The first aid box your mother must have somewhere the iodine, or the alcohol, or the peroxide. Exactly exactly exactly.....like the Day You Found Out (Extraordinary You).

In this higher Asian one person apartment its a big bright LED light all that. Your own home was those yellow bathroom light, you cannot see a thing with anything at all. Go to the hospital, or your make-up table needed so much to polish your face or your eyes, you cannot see, if the bright light too shine at you?



Whom kills the rabbits. I think its the fox on TV? The animal world cartoon.

You cannot go and control every guys in this world, or controlling every otter, tell them to shut up. You are not the real doctor even, or whichever the career you set your path towards, those are fake, those not real until you work yourself up, the American Medical Board lent that position to you, for and at your parents to look a better at you whenever you need to come home and glow.

One of those, nothing is real inside the TV, and none of that were you suffering for saying uncovered your crime, or soon-to-be, or plan-to-be, during all those time whenever things turn out to be a tiny better in your life. A congratulation letter at your interview process or anything next by. You sit among that wrong things but you keep going.

No one needs to know you have a conscious, or you yourself know what that means, with all things combine. You didn't think that is you yourself the very rooted problem, or talking with other people as if that everyone owes to you, or if others found out, things won't look pretty or easy at the court room, or the court judge, one of those stupidity arguments. 

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