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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Babaji washman

"I would like to accolated you to your new jobs as the brand new heavenly warrior washman. This is not the end. This is the beginning of your toiletry and every junction road to where the sewage water drain, seeing all that, the river stream, near all that by? Right. If I would be so capable to drawing you a notice, this is the winding small path at, all of that, to the water, to there to that, all that."

We don't use the trees here to shade in case you didn't study the plant kingdom or the atmospheric study, what color is this sky made of, its not every Heaven the same, where you got transferred from? That is the regular citizen went to heaven, I am not the human parts, you are? What is your name tag here say, you are the toiltry or you are the road construction all this pathing my feet at. Those are the water all over place, saying the treading my feet mill will sound 10 times better I don't fall in it, that is the correct scenery inside your head or outside your head, your telepathy department which OWL exam at? I need to know a concrete things where you see, and where to sent you. Show me, any drawing what you see. 

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