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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


On the right column side - there is one emoji folder icon


I put the writing and the audio in it.

Each of your name? You are not trying to be MD, Ph.D for saying how to lecture inside the university as the medical school professor, you have to get your 50 state license board passing your grades how many years they doing that evaluation? The real medical doctor how to becoming by?

The American licensed board

You want to start with your full name with the correct photo, and your licensed pretending title of that you will have to beg both the American medical board and the pharm board, or the pharmaecutical board later on any other title, if that is why they doing that.....you ever thought? 

Wing Liu, Pharm D, TN Vanderbilt medical center, you are right in the middle of it. 

You do your audio and your video or the sample writing. Anything you are not passing your MCAT for. Wing has 2 photo, I recognize the first photo, he has the eye bags now.

Can you get yourself 2 photo, so I remember you?

There is a Jonathon kessler MD New York, but there is an exact identical name in City of Hope, right next by it, if you search in the Google image. Again 2 photo.

Can you get yourself below your waist line included?

Dean Wieczorek FL MD, 

He has the 2 photo too. You recognize yourself not me knowing what you used to look like in UB as well that time. You wish me to say?  The only thing you keep kidnapping me from UK Ella Enchanted over to UB side? 

Dean he has a name card too. The Google Directory.

If you gone to the military, you want to tell Keegan, still on my facebook or he or Bill is not aware your Toy Story gone inside the military means? They know what that means so that is what the movie meant? If you have that kind of the scene, you go inside the military? 

They know you doing things behind their back, or everyone knows that is the military meant you have a toy story behind? Not at the front?

Keegans knows Lee from my Linkedin, but I think its at the Keegan Facebook, right on the monitor everyone's. He is still on my facebook.

No, Keegan is not Kian. No. Keegan is a taller guy.

Alice MD is at Mulan Disney ....

There is a Team Alice from UB

She was the early MD assurance program starting at the High School AP exam.

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