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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Zawanna 是那種人格.一批人去政治極端叫做 riot, 然後背後長的像李維那種人格,叫做心情惡劣!


醫科是說一件一件案子看好一個人一個人! 不是一群人吃飯,我最痛恨就是看到人!

Movie: Mission Impossible! 

在正常世界裡面,假設叫做你們真的做過哪種領導或是女孩子團體,或是男孩子,或是什麼什麼去國外叫做爭一口氣,你們沒有覺得事情一定要壓到誰的神經上面,叫做最高效率,我怎麼就沒有這種外面多偉大,自己現在這種社會體系是出了什麼你們覺得很巨大,必須出去外面戀愛一張照片? 這可能根本就不是同一個人。

我說這樣,我說那樣,我是哪種時間以為,人生就活的跟人一樣,我沒有那種野心叫做至高無上,一個社會體系就相信所有人都在做自己的本份,我跟誰過不去的意思,只是多一個人坐在那邊,我是有說我不會,還是說我金錢是我自己對我自己負責,你們並沒有打算說活到四十歲,是成人,或是你小孩 15 歲的時候覺得大人都很有自己人生方向,那現在是我的時間,通通滾到你們人生最在乎的事情,我一件都不在乎,是多重要這種漫畫,那西城男孩 ( Westlife ) 我有說不重要嗎 ? 我有事情,我是全天下有某種事情是我自己的事情,剩下跟你們整個社會想幹嘛,我已經說只有那樣 ~~

Movie: Harry Potter (traveling power grill, The Deathly Hollow 1)

他們很遙遠,這邊其實對他們存在的人來,是非常危險,第一,我家人還在~我腦袋是說假的事情叫做饒堯邦、跟提娜在門口,他媽的叫做每年逢年過節,我只是沒有講我小時候,說幾年就站在門口,這台北市長現在是附近有些我的年紀,我爸媽還沒死,這到底是哪張照片叫做我一人對著四個牆壁看著人生? 家人是說中國節、聖誕節,以前就是這樣有他爸的他媽的朋友一起聚會,這就是他們的天堂,我爸媽,或是我弟妹需要這種東西,我存在呀 ! 我是哪裡沒有去過?躺在家裡等這種叫做我出去、還是我在哪,在呀!

家庭聚會某些人會有,就是每一天都在電腦的正前方,亞洲台北聚會是誰不知道去哪裡? 這種基本禮節叫做基本人身福報,我自己會跟那個 Shane 講,有事情就張開嘴巴講,我是哪個時間沒有在講,站在玄關等人,你們沒有做過這種家庭會,還是不知道人身有時候就是坐在那邊的玄關等等等,餐廳的前面等~~~、位置等! 食物等,飯店,自助餐,這台北跟很多亞洲的城市,都會區是誰不知道叫做,穿好禮節,家人出現吃飯 ?! 

你們要說我現在尊上沒家人的意思 ? 我到底是做了什麼這麼天大的事情,我不能有這種玄關站著等等等等 !! 我媽就是饒邦他媽的有些女孩子朋友,小孩就是饒堯邦大人以前玩電動的小鬼,以前是小鬼!!!  這些人叫做人!!!! 很多人就是站在那邊等等等等,這基本時間跟他們隔年再去國外或是台灣就是自己奮鬥的意思! 一年就一次吃飯,你們要說這種東西不存在,還是我尊上幻想叫做我到底在講個什麼呀 !!!!!

電影 : 在講婚禮,還是什麼誰誰誰....我弟弟呢只回家一年一次,就是看著這些人吃飯給他 strength, 叫做我每一天躺在家裡 + 他媽的,知道是什麼意思? 沒有任何事情為什麼我在還是有什麼太重要工作,工作意外那種,他沒幾年回家叫做可以看到一個家有,聖誕紅,有聖誕樹,有中國年中國節,穿紅色不是真的那種

李維 + 西門,講穿越時空進入美國紐約市,你們是真的生長在台北、台灣去國外的? 哪個國外? 加州州立還是常春藤州立,我自己很有用去紐約市,那是提娜娜種瘋子天下,才講這種法國最後一個皇后類似,不知道是哪一個跟她媽玩講話遊戲叫做,被抓到,還是換個方式講話,人要存在生命,坐在那邊別動,才會有每一年,一定是不知道我在講呷咪,要坐在房間不用動,饒堯邦的每一天他最偉大 ! 他跟他小鬼同學長高長大,不管背景怎麼樣,他自己覺得他最好~~~!!看著一樣的東西,聽得同樣家人存在,在台北(台灣),那有些人 ABC 更是應該知道這種生活模式 ! 不管事哪種人生,叫做在眼前,其他我已經過了七年,我其實不太清楚我自己到底是我做不了大姊我認為的事情 ! 講真的~~~~!!!

3 Art cc ? That 10 Buddhism chef disciples, its I say whom are the sequence, I say I am?

If I would BE THAT stupid, to saying what that cc hold in his hand, and hermione took his wond, and now this Babaji look like Harry Potter to staring at? Its the creature that is dangerous !!! 

Right, that all looking right. I care about my sequence, I make sure that is what my brain is made of. He understands that or not that 3 Art cc, they are the commercial reason would have get out of my sight, I am perfectly on my venture that was 10 years ago starting, this is the 7th years I living here, I can care less, a lot of things not that time, and certainly will never be at this time I say all things in the description A to Z never ending from above. He cc (Keanu's boss in 3 Art), didn't understand that per word he understood, or now that Rising from the East, I didn't mean it, all words that I say, I meant well, whatever I got a life, its the things I staring at it in front of me. All those stupid bimbo classmate has everything else sounds so painting in that Pinterest of the Sailor Moon other than the existing one, that is so funny, I never think it was I claim always staying as the claim. I would be that jealous over the things, it will never be 10 years ago, don't you think? MINE entire life trajectory since I am be that psychi enough, there is a lot of sense, he is the 3 Art, I am the Ra, that is a perfect sense, I meant I tell, or I meant I entail the details, isn't it?

李維公司叫做 3 Art? 十個佛教大弟子當初是誰說這種列數? 我說我是?

我一定是非常愚蠢叫做那個 cc 不知道這他手上拿著什麼? Hermione 拿掉那個魔杖,現在好了巴巴基是這種哈利波特的長相,是那兩隻的問題叫做 creature. 危險的東西。

剩下叫做威脅的英文,自己翻譯 !!

Harry Potter (now with Babaji in it as Harry Potter) (9:41)

The girls don't need to be that useful. To sound like...in my age evaluation wise. Not this.


Harry Potter ( Queen 1921 and Script investigation ) (10:17)


The physics origin of our Earth textbook starting in 1920, that per lab experimental results allows that later on, every other theory incorporate in this debates. I told the American President, and now I can get up from my chair exercise, lose weight, not bind to the chair, laying back to my bed, never running out of the door. This one things is very important on the Queen Elizabeth failure case inside this Harry Potter. Someone died. She is dead. 

Nineteenth twenty one

Nineteenth twenty eight

One house being destroyed on the left side, the right side is the graveyard.

Tell me about the atomic number in the periodic table inside this Earth planet starting this modern science development. Not the atomic bomb.

Harry Potter ( no one has the kids ) (5:51)


Double helix Dr. Bing and daughter

Sayer Bio + me (he has a wife)

Ron (Prince Harry and his wife)

Someone has a very bad impulsive nature going to kill someone. Like I told everyone, no one has the kids. I waiting home for my brother, we both have no kids, at the front door to his outting things, he will be 40 years old soon like me. Everyone grow tall, waiting in the hallway, the bench, the arrange family social events. Waiting in the bench, we all waiting there.

They waiting there. (England)

We waiting here.

Never those running the forest. Running for a discussion for someone lock the door. That kind of the impulsive life running back and forth. 

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