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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


💝 The school, the UB only last 4 years !!!! 💝 1 2 3 4 , right....4 years !

That is a very very very long time ago to me.

I think you have the breathing problem, the hands on get up from your seat if you fallen, those are the 194 countries in their own chair between 18-25+ years old age. You telling me this one guy so important....right. Or you yourself UB is important?

"Here is a cup, and a bottle vitamin C, can you open and drop that in the cup and drink it, it will dissolve." 


"Here is how you wipe the mouse next by your keyboard."

"The hard drive, my speaker phone 2 ears and the wire. The wire included...the apple wire hanging included. The IPad, the IPhone, no more facebook, its the birds or that Westlife facebook."

"The cup needs to be wash with the soap at the mouth place, and you pay attention, your routine at your sink, or at your cup every morning, or the evening include, and your kitchen facet running for sometime until all those soap going it down, you stand there waiting your cup or my cup?"

"Really ~~ how amazing....!!!"

"Do you keep a house, whose house is that? ME OCCUPIED his or her house. Near by maid those human until I get my own house, I already don't know if I have that options anymore. Westlife is 5 people, next by 10 Boyzone."

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