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SA (Legal Proceeding)
The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?! ___________ ___________ \ ...
你們想做商鞅妲己的小孩 ...
Imagine that Chinese goblin story how to be Simon and Lauren's Past kid...
一定是說講中文,你們十月叫做今天幾號對吧 ?~~去年是什麼 King Charles III birthday was when last year....他英國國王去年生日是?
時間十月底 Here (6:46)
The Time October Ends.
- You wish to be someone's kid.
- I have a conclusion
- Presumption: 2014, 李維、商鞅西門、瞞天過海的 George | 上台、訂婚、結婚
- Presumption: my brother, my mother and me can cook. + 7-11.
- Presumption: 買聖誕紅、買麵包
- Presumption: 太陽系的彗星 + 小隕石
- Again, trespassing the ending of few days to Oct, to cross Nov, someone does that often. 十月底幾乎,說錯了九月什麼時候開始的結尾 74 屆,第一天到第 365 天的穿越馬上最後一個月現在,跨越十一月 ...
特斯拉死掉時間 1943
你們現在是衝 1950 (清海無上師,馬英九台灣以前總統,我爸個新生名聲利 =)
你們如果活在中國應該問他們吧 ? 四個天王是什麼意思 !! 清海無上師的第一界,阿修羅 (總共五界),不知道觀音法門是修什麼變成花千骨 ( 2015)
你們爸媽最感動的一開場 (美少女戰士很多節,章節,黑白色的包括! 看畫筆沒~~~)
- 知道為什麼最感動叫做一開場
- 因為結婚認識就是開場
- 只有一次的人生開場: 做人可能的結尾跟金錢有關,還是自己鏡片的每個 weekend
- 有押韻 !
台灣新聞: 總統大選 (是說中國昨天在講 ...之後的什麼鱷魚夾幾歲? )
是不是說你們跟那些我同學小我兩歲的人,幻想從哪天開始的照片是我跟 Shane 的小孩?
Is that they saying you are like my classmate younger 2 years than me, imagine which day starting the picture between me and Shane's kid?
growing up....
Babaji: Go
I think something is wrong with that Ola.
On the Clouds
If she declares mental instability, she = Jonathon together because its "Love Actually", so psycho.
A lot of these not necessarily you have the money ....by the way. I know that.
Like your brain needs a break, and if you staring at that comic book, you go crazy to imagine that plot or the girl's romance story - you know how the Barns & Nobles selling some of these very ugly cover those novel session? You say learning in English.
I never read once in America, I cannot understand the English.
Same as to cartoon or some very violence movies.
Right now we sorting that per video clips in the short style on the Youtube, but none of these are violence to your own character building and most of this movie or the TV is hoping you girls going out to meet the guys or vice versa.
Until you really meeting a guy, then you saying why don't you just going out to know a guy, and be with a guy, no more the novels or the cartoon or the comic books for those story plot lines? Are you even reading my own comic books, all those?
There is, about 2AD.
Either they call themselves that, or its others people label like that.
It might be from the military (girls) side too, its the military uniform and cap. The same pavilion. Each countries in China Expo 2010, might be moving back to their original countries location, the exact design, in Taiwan, its at near that Valley place, those material science people at. Meaning you can visit them inside your own countries territory lines. Its like an architecture building.
I think it will be eternal.
I happened to have a very real name, I got no choice but that.
No, the humanity is very sluggish, sad. Not those Sakura Clear Cards. Nothing like that. When you say being happy, being positive, being actively forward seeking a remedy. Its not TV, cartoon or the comic book be your friends you saying your bank is low, and you need that one Friday night off, meaning you literally at your own bed, on top, reading that comic book in the small light. If you have gone out to the bar to talk with your mouth opens, no matter what, its not the same as the SMTV, you seeing the millions people in the networks, at least you open your mouth away from those
The movie, the comic book, the novels....but I think they give you that freedom. I got told. Its democracy even on that 3 things. Meaning your eye glasses.
You can get a on-line class, or some finance book, or any library some kinds of the diets book, or the textbook included. Meaning you are seeking something in the positive spirits or the manner.
That eternity does exist. There are a several things I keep repeating yourself, when you becoming a ghost, you will have no more body, you will wish one of those things, its you write down a book literally speaking. I say that too many times. I probably have the people to compile for me, correct, those are similar to SMCH she put the lecture content in the book, its not she literally write it. If I literally write it ....mind you I already say that. Its a lot more to prevention every future, I am literally telling you the combination of that in sequence.
Sorry, say that again.
The comic book, the novel and the cartoon (TV, or the movies some kinds) is the democracy they told me it will lasting forever.
I just describe you the exactly Fatima is. They might be telling the whole world a lie such as Tina as well. Or some kids gone out earlier in life away from the parents, they really gain the money so they night market too late, their fortune stable, its every Friday night novels, sorry the comic books. The novels means the wordy only to the dim light.
I heard that is the freedom of the Constitutional rights, still is.
- Meaning if those APO eating the dining options you go to your college to sit down.
- Or Princess Diary you talking normal or the photo normal the maturity....Me or Nicky or whomever they gonna tell me one of them is the lie. Whomever....
- The birds say they included, to rescue them or you seeing the Vartan. All that.
The meditation hour ( 清海無上師)
Those are real. To meditate, to keep precepts, not gossips, every word coming out of your nose to breath or to say, per word, per sentence. No game, no plays.
That is the precept 1000.
And the meditation hours.
But correct, when you are a lot book bind, or more Asian this less socializing, you don't tend to open your mouth to learn per word, per sentence, per structural saying.
The court proceeding anything, I assuming they doing that for a purpose. This entire SMCH groups I didn't see them discontinue, only I got discontinue....if in the end of the days, these are exactly what I mean I say, I care, I see, I know. There are a lot of people not doing the ratio or following the exactly that Master's instruction. Your progress is your only dismay. Some experience talking about in the magazine let's say, that some of the disciples putting those dream or meditation seeing experience, if were true.
A several account to those lowly disciple, meaning you doing the outbound things, you will be seeing the rest of the disciples flying through the sky roof, fast fast fast like she says.
While the court room proceeding, if they can testify that this magazine when the public access them, its true, or tell me these words I say are false.
I will tell you its where I highlight
https://youtu.be/KAmMVxX8MrI?si=hcxSGOA_871Rtm8pRight now, there are the eternity and the forever issues.
You got informed, so then I wish you will be imagined, that also as well, while proceeding all the court room hearing, or fussing at.
The other day I draw you all that Shane's building 2 side by side. The end of those question those SA whether true or not true human, it will be label as the "celebrity.". I will be that yellow looking things...
In other words your jobs are going there to fuss, how long those hotel paid by the celebrity expense, you and me have a different agenda in two different buildings, I can tell you in the end of the days, that is what it ends up.
Its a lot more your IQ problems, really.
__ __ __
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| \ _____________ \ | \ _____________ \
| | Room 502 | | | | ___
\ | Room 432 | \ | |
\ | Room 600 ___ | \ | ____________ |
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I can secure the First Life that is King of Kings, or Lords of all Lords unbrella. That doesn't mean a very clear saying on Buddhism, because that Purna that current trouble makers' flood...to how you all ending up in the court room, you will be facing your own future, every dilemma. I assuming China land me that platform, that doesn't mean I go against they say, to....this either Indian Buddhism or Chinese Buddhism, most of them are learning the English with that one Bible.
Fou Lafine is a Bible holding....
I hope you understand if any religious was your fanatic saying, this time you have your devotion not to me, it will be every religious leadership in the original, if they be found on the map, that I say here, its purely I meant it
"Spirituality", and never ilegal.
To this Flower Thousand Bones, I compile to what I understand so I bring forth those idea of pavilion, that doesn't mean in the future days how the court room finding, if you all get lucky, its the princess idea, not the religious heart magic, its no precept, and one whole lifetime in jail, ....that eternity, or forever, its best you all bringing out your assembly, truely with your head, what is the heaven or what is the hell inside your every Book, Bible, Old or young those are mis-used abused, like Indian all color there.
I can see you .
Its best you use this lifetime, here I am right in front of it, you get it your assembly in order and done. Anything but All Things in Digits, that is what I mean.
I went to tell Nicky a few things, right.
Everything of my per words, or per body response its by per high tech, per instruction, it was worse in 2016, right now its a lot finer, but the birds or the otters show up. Its in a different form.
Zawanna says then, its Zawanna says. But I have a Ronan issues. He is a real vampire. I set Nicky that time up I told everyone in Taipei one apartment, you get a key in.
Ronan will kill that Shane 20-30 years later, and if Nicky left that Ireland line, Ronan will land here in Taipei with that Craig Ballantyne to search, but they cannot find, because here are the million people structure and they mumbling in China interests, those will never land at the airport 40 mins away. Ronan already killed a girl, the vampire, if that is very domonic, or purely evil. She looks like those Alex next by red hair or Ola, type, but the eyes a little bit different shape, I cannot see clear. Its some times ago, she was dead.
Zawanna is like Zombie idea, I know that.
So I wait with the court room, or the Judge or Taiwan police...if right now they are in South America, its a string holding at Taipei as far as the South America, but....it will not fallen to all the way that planet if throw out of the gravity keep south east going.
2) I already explain if they are in South America, they are all blind right now.
The second posts this morning.
I say to Nicky if they are in South America, they cannot see anything on our TV = Ireland too, = America too.
If I got moved away.
They are still on the TV monitor, the girls. Its every day on the TV, and in our Youtube any video content, the before commerical. Looks like Nominji.
Its everyday. Not once I say to the public or say to him.
Birds cannot shut up
Ep 14 - Dalai Lama
Everyone imagine they are the main actress I think...
Today is monday, I have an announcement to make this OU ge - > Ge
The spirituality always goes first.
So you have these people input inside. I don't really know how many are these people inside this swapping in life. including the Taiwan Youtubers inside. The local here.
I have only seen on Nick(y), and this next by my mother thing.
This is about your 5 Major religion on top and Royal franiac things, and the democracy....If this 194 countries borders were on the same calendar dates, or if just between China and America, over this 100 years British Royal hidden behind.
Obama lawsuit 750+ one of that thing I train...if he really done what I see, or those personal staffs got hired and re-train, its worse if you all sent them to gallow, its 1921, they themselves sent those people to the buttom of the hell. When they die. Its the leadership you select or by your democracy reason. I didn't do any of that.
I say that may be in 2018 or 2021, I don't remember.
I care about the spirituality, so they sent those people back home, its not the real people inside the TV, about 20 years ago maybe. It will be something I explain to you about ....the origins of your religion over some of this classified materials I hear.
The beginning of this Buddhism on your Earth.
So do you want to talk a little bit spirituality now?
That is not Zen, not Keanu Reeves. No. The outside is nothing but Zen.
SMCH its 2 and half meditation, that efforts are 4 hours in some compete and compared mode, and it was....if they didn't lie on the SMTV, they have this sunlight rays spiritual points from 10 to 3 oclock all that, wane down blessing points all that.
You probably don't care about your own citizen idea, or the political leadership.
You care about the 5 Major Religion Top + unlimited cults below.
+1 = me The first life.
And Tim Cook.
You need to go to the court room to sort all that.
I am real, the rest may not.
Zawanna told me to this Nicky. If like I say that is ge --> GE. They are in a concert tonight, unless they gonna tell me they tape that. So they live in the South America time zone.
The spirituality means
Its more than the moral reason you treating your parents well. Its a responsibility. You might be praying the hell of your brain, but you starting your Corporation Capitalisms like America intend you, so you leave home to keep a job. They are not supposed to have the kids correct, they must give you the education, correct. The private school like that Elizabeth did. The Taiwan Youtuber.
But if you both side ran out the money, you both go on the street.
And no stealing neither. Meaning being lawful in life.
You can being lawful enough in life just means you are a lawful citizen. For the countries. How you die beyond the living world, that is between the Death or God says. I never say any of that, I can only tell you these per TV they given me per materials.
Its all from my side of the high tech or you saying the ability I got.
No, I won't lie, but I don't really know which things they say they mean it.
Royal all this garbage stuffs.
Its really annoys me, really. But that doesn't mean the real parenting was not there and I can see it made into the movies.
We here don't have that. Like my audio says. The rest, you all sorting that in the court room best.
I go and talk to them now.
你們說什麼,我頭好痛,這本來有繩子,你們白色衣服,切掉 他坐得好端端的 ! What did you say, my head hurts, this originally has a rope, your white clothes cut it, he sits perfectly fine.
I am so dizzy...我好昏
I think its your princess vs commander, not princess vs commander-in-chef at the court room position says. In fact, no one is at this commander-in-chef, I wrote here + commanders.
I think its your weight issue, your personal image issue, the sex issue, the whichever image soon-to-realize dreams issues. My skeleton, I have a cap. This is entire body hit that side of the wall with the boxes.
我覺得是你們公主 vs 司令,不是公主 vs 總司令, 在法院的那種位置說,事實上,不是總司令,我這邊寫 + 司令
I am painful, this is the entire skeleton weight, the hitting.
人造衛星是不是人的眼睛可以看到晚上? 對 ! Is the artificial satellite can be seen at night? Correct.
如果趴在上面,就是時數很快,甩的很快,速度很快 !
If hanging on the top, the hour speed (velocity is fast), throwing out fast, the velocity is fast.
Is that heavy, no. Its the hand painful.
那甩的意思? 在裡面但是也好像在外面的感覺,人工的衛星是要一直對著地球轉 !
Throwing out means? Its inside or its outside, because the artificial satelite has to keep spinning around the Earth.
什麼感覺? What's the sensation?
My hand, my arm, my entire body is heavy. Another side is the inside, left or right side hitting, and then that artificial satellite is so fast, 3 things.
是不是要爬上去? 對,然後要攀著自己的體重,平衡,很小心,這很多東西要很小心
Is that climbing up? Right, and holding myself weight, balance, has to be very careful, a lot of things have to be careful.
什麼感覺? What is the feeling?
The entire body has to be very careful, really when you get up your head, your attention, every min and every second.
然後同時其他兩個撞來撞去 + 衝出去 (地球自轉一樣,跟著地球自轉) ,對!
Then at the same time 2 side hitting walls + flying flew outside (like the Earth self rotate, along the Earth rotate), Correct.
是不是很糟糕的感覺? Is that a horrible feeling?
空氣呼吸叫做很緊張的每一秒 The air to breath its every second tight or nervous.
身體可以感覺到? 對 ! The body can feel it? Correct.
現在? Now?
我常常躺著,我只是假裝不再意,但是我身體裡面很緊張,裡面 ! 好像是那樣。
I often lay down, I try to pretend not to care, but my body inside very nervous, the inside! As if like that.
我的頭,其實地球非常巨大,非常非常,非常恐怖 ! 不是要掉下去但是,攀著兩個手臂整個這個骨骼上面,但是如果站上去,這是一個非常恐怖的感覺,地球很巨大~~~~!!!這東西速度很快
My head, In fact the Earth is super giant, very very, very horrific ! Its not to fallen but, if holdup with the 2 arms and the skeleton of the upper, but if stand up, its a very very horror feeling, the Earth is super big and giant~~! This things are very very fast.
Sometimes hold it, sometimes standing.
有身體角度,看著地球很恐怖,非常巨大還有顏色 ~ 藍色但是,有黑暗的感覺~巨大!!
There is a body angel, looking at the Earth is very scary, Very giant and color~ blue but, its black darkness feeling ~ Super giant!
然後很快! Then very fast.
感覺死了~ feeling dead
我的頭,太快了~ my head, too fast.
你有這種 cargo 紙箱在裡面
You have the carrier package boxes in there.
要不要喝點水、茶、果汁? Do you want some water, tea, juice?
巧克力牛奶,溫的 ~!
The chocolate milk, the warm milk.
今年幾歲呀 ~? (倒牛奶 ...) 白色的盤子,茶點可以嗎 ?
How old are you~? (pouring milk... ) the white plate, tea time snack, all right?
就是沒有人跟我去愛爾蘭做他們的佣人? Its no one coming with me to go there Ireland be maid?
有其他的愛爾蘭人,對 !
There is some other Irish guy, right.
I added it back the before video, 2 of them have no sound, the hair.
I actually very sure you hate the guys.
Sorry, too many TV, maybe BTX included.
在講你們中國,中國有這種新型類似台灣那種新竹科學園區或是南港 If they separate and Lana, those current 2 daughters return China for that...2030? His dad's name is in one of those profile, I am not sure if he is in the jail at all.
They both will not get the character to the modern China inside anywhere guy's attention.
Not those English accent, not those look, I don't know their height, and not those attitude.
中國千人計畫, probably meant the Sailor Moon Prince and Princess again idea? No, not those kids. His dad says she got married, I imagine that might be?!
Dr. Bing is not the only kind of the China top scientists, there are a lot of them, without him. Its for them to talk about in the court room I guess. You talking about the real Chinese inside the China line inside. Why don't you say try Taiwan the Silicon Valley, because China got one perfectly their own Silicon Valley. Its all design area, the design facility, the design modern all sleek looking all around development.
Every year are the Sailor Moon Prince and Princess. Literally BIG BIG BIG development. Everything new ~~~~~
I just not speaking in Chinese, they suppose to just pretend they themselves finding a girl looking or pretending, or how they will evolve to 2030 all by themselves, whichever their news says before President Xi anywhere....lost in sight, I am telling you. Their history re-write. A Whole China territory to find like 100 girls to carry the rest of the man population in worship like those Red River Manga, that is exactly what it means.
Ishtar? for one China 2030.
With the brain, with the look, with the height, with the language. Except I don't know if I know they require them to speak in English, not very sure. But even just for the China mainland language I think its Mandarin. To bossing the entire Asian Domain without Taiwan, they strive all the time, not the 4 little dragon standing in the way, I am telling you....
The shape, the look, the literacy, the hygienic, or just...I have no idea what happened inside at all.
你們知道台灣有這種新竹科學園區或是南港這種? 中國也有呀 ~ 一種矽谷的類似,中國講每一年人才做 100 的女孩子有學歷、身高、中國語言、科學發展,長相呀 ! 身材呀 ~~等等等等
要幹嘛 ?
好像是你們 2030 講中國是不是要英文,我不確定 ! 但是講每一年一個女孩子長的像
美少女戰士地球王子跟月亮公主,不需要這 Dr. Bing Shen 他自己不知道他自己女兒長什麼樣子,他沒有他太太就死了,吃的食物 ! 美國要煮飯 ! 台灣不需要~~在樓下!
赤河魅影不是有那種英文字叫做什麼女神,中文我沒有時間看 ....我其實一個時間都沒有,我都在做事情,好像你們都在看我出糗的意思~我在故事裡面 ! 所以你們現在中國我沒有要去,你們要自己講說我尊上 40 歲很老了,你們有 20 年從 20-40,意思每一年都可以有一百個女孩子
做女神,或是月亮公主呀 ! 站在全中國的男孩子的正前方,在 2030 出現!!!
美少女戰士第十一集,我不清楚要不要英文,但是我這邊,這種混亂現象,算了 ...你們自己從做你們自己想要的,我這邊不知道是坐監獄 ... 第一中國內政不能干涉,第二你們聽說要長大幫我長大,第三好像是要幫我尊上,第四在講一遍,你們長大坐在我頭上的意思! 第五我重複講做一個成熟個體走在我頭上的意思,因為尊上有國外很多資源,看起來中國是不需要啦 ~但是第六如果你們看著我個現在跟未來,是你們未來的 60 年的今天叫做
Ella Enchanted (魔法灰姑娘) 或是哈利波特的第一集,懂?
Not fried food 不是油炸的食物
Weight 身材
Sorry Shape
其實你們可以找一千個,然後五百說是醫學不只科學呀 ! ~~~是不是要講英文 ?! 一定是說我尊上在外面做了什麼 !!
I think its more of you all be the Honorable Superior, if you pretend enough at least you have 20%....
我覺得是你們乾脆做成尊上,如果你們假裝至少你有 20 個百分比
You are living in the modern China history and time
Dream Exchange Games 夢幻遊戲
Dr. Shen, he literally will die without his wife. I already say that.
He eats only....he has a schedule and those things....he is only like that.
I actually don't know where he got this wife, they pair up to coming out of China, they went to his Ph.D those Toby somewhere near those small tiny state, similar to Kentucky, and he acquires his Ph.D at the same time have 2 kids. He carried that older daughter on walking to the hospital I think. They don't have a car, they have to work together to ensure that 4 human looking right. That was his choice. Then he got all this Chinese elite students.
How do they work out...those are not part of the W Two Worlds. You want to kill him, you just take that wife away. She keeps the house clean, and she doesn't go and making a fuss a lot of those things, not really.
If I just tell them, that Sailor Moon Prince and the Princess, you two stay together, they will both agree. They have like 20 years students from China, they call the Teacher's wife as a name in Chinese.
Do they know about his wife, I don't really know. But both endure the 30 years to arrive where they are. They have to mail the money back to China. I don't really know. I am sure the court has some compensation with some of this crisis, or the supports are behind whatever that is for both of them.
But correct the TV putting them ...separate. Might be the daughters.
I cannot fix your back, I am not the bone or the animal doctor.
The electric chair - Mental Assylum
Tamang, Ola and Karen.
Tamang has a ring hook on the top, not the neck. The head. That is in America. You get lucky here on the island only, not here, but one of those island. The younger boy to go there and draft, one of those.
Karen's data will say something like I see....she is doing that on the facebook or which social media, her entire high school all knowing it, its to kidnap me, with that SMCH. She does on purpose. She plans or before data was she provokes on the facebook i didn't see one word of it.
It is between that Chris, to sexual whatever, with Adria and Billy, she will say in one of those, but the details I don't know what are that meant. They both pairs move out of the Buffalo that time, she was in the athletics gears. Like 10 new girls those field track. The new pictures.
Meaning I think she got distracted ...the things in front of her face, those are suffering.
When you are really working in the real field, no one is genuine. Not really. Because they know you are in the compete and compared formats, and they ensure to hurt you 1 to zillion every time they got. That is what happened most of these UB on the map.
They don't need to tell me. I know that.
Kerry Katona
1234567.125.13788261(6)5173886201254431100(1)1534886251267171168175256171163181100 you know what I mean. (110)
Gillian (Shane Filan's wife)
Georgina Ahern (Nicky's Wife)
2531147889(6)1587263155264171(7) Zawanna added 5178, Ancient Chasez added 15697783214778865178
Jodi Albert (Kian Egan's Wife)
115627811568 3 115678911568681156787115621211563241156886.2178.315.318.399.371.359.350.171886253169271278265255109883(6)150127128129133.0
Mike(??) 1536881654 對髒 2781 2581 339311.254 (this is extra) 3611571611581711561801234567.100 sorry 110 I say.
Danielle Parkinson (Brian McFadden)
oh Brian Instagram, his hair ...He gains too much weight those Indian Ayuveda, look like Hailey's dad best, your liver stone included, your mood, the guys looking like you, the only Judgement is shrink to Hailey's dad.
That day opens you mouth, otherwise don't talk, forever.
Every one last human on Earth, that will be Jonathon's dad and Jonathon or Alex getting too fat if were 3 jails, its just the Mexican mother. She has no jobs.
I cannot get in the Instagram, I already told you. He left Westlife long time ago, looks like a real kid, or whichever causes him too stressful. Technically if you don't force the guys to sex, one of those included, no near, no breathing room, no kids, no period talking. Because its far away from it all.
Never see, never breath near, never know.
Western guys has this oil gland to the skin tone and they smell too. Soaking the water never ends best. We girls hair is very long, so when I wash with this new design facet, not the traditional one. The one from the top, the girl hair so long, you pull back and I open per hair strand to wash out those shampoo, inside, the bubble? I keep rinsing, rinsing, rinsing, every day you spent 5 mins more on rinsing per hair pulp, no, what is the word. hair faulical, you lean back your neck to that poison line with the water (hair to the face), and keep rinsing per hair your finger can separate them all away. Take a shower everyday.
Its 5 mins more just slowly open per hair strand. Its still a beautiful brown color on the top.
4 limbs end, the nails. I rinse them too. The birds cannot shut up.
Ola's head keep sticking out here.
Some women has a superman idea, or every women wearing the eye glasses like you have one of those moment....pervert idea like 2 guys really literally speaking.
One of those in between their height, or in between whom loving you to given you attention. No one talking to you I am sure this entire 30 years gone ...when you saying trepassing a building, meaning 9 to 5, someone has to get lucky be seen by those EMI or Record company internal, 3 Art for example, why are you wondering on the hallway anyway...if not called in?!
Japan these comic book for a middle school, or the high school, its exactly the mini-skirts or the Japan's street cart, Taiwan we never had until 15 years later to ending up this map.
Meaning if you want to 懈逅 somebody under a tree, or inside a building ID required to enter....that person has to be there, and you cannot be there waiting forever. Or you imagine you passing by his home like Grace.
American has an address book ! Their land ~~~
I get to Keanu's house to wait ~~I told Shane about yesterday or 2 days ago. You like Keanu?! Since 10 years ago?
What is Splash & Waku Waku Hunt Catfish 🎣
12 Years ...Harvard
Grace was nick's 12 years ex.
That is the socialist means.
Any guy if they greet you to begin a conversation. That is the first sentence so there is a second words coming out of the English ~~~~
"Hi ~nicky ! "
"Good morning !"
"Hi ~" "Shane is ...."
"Right, he will be outside soon."
"Tea? Water? Juice?"
"Sorry, soap, detegent, your hands, the kitchen sink."
"Bathroom is where he should be, that way."
"Sandle?" "i found for you."
"Plate, spoon or fork?"
"Cup or mug, tea, sugar or milk creme?"
"I have the chocolate milk."
"He uses the coffee machine. You ask him when he comes out. "
"You want to sit down?"
"Sofa is that way."
"Table mat and these are the tray. You and him belong together, every trash in there, here is the napkin."
I am so up there satellite orbiting ....you would have made yourself a capital jewel because if no one under me to becoming under like the Earth.
Its 194 countries. You didn't think that is in terms of what.
- 194 Pixie border all
- 194 Space Program
- 194 Black Ops
- 194 SWAT Team
- ==>> they are at their own President
Any emergency thing on the TV, they on purpose to done wrong.
How does Biden's order becoming the sunken ship, probably more than 1 must be. They stuck. Not sure sunk it means, or additional to.
SMTV flying news
In the same business, that is an agent you need? And what is (c), Westlife is a company, or another record company all that?
In the same company building? You enter at the same time? If its in the same hallway about 20 seconds passing by, saying "Hi ~"? I don't really know. Is that studio to go in those window glasses?
UB we have the rehearsal music department per student's room.
The secretary, or that is the receptionalist, like 3 Arts, the front desk that guy, calling Keanu's agent. Not Keanu Reeves.
Tina if going to UB, she will be in one of those room, not her ex bf one of those. The flute.
"Your brother is coming ....your lunch drop by. Its not from Wing's parents, but that Chinese take-out and a bubble tea."
"Micky is not here, of course Micky is not here. She and that whom in Japan got married and moved."
"How to wash a flute, your flute teacher in Taiwan ever calls you how you end up on the street or in the hell yet? I almost thought I seen a guy just looking like him. A lot of people looking like him."
"Where is Micky's phone number...In your schedule book? I don't have it. I just arrive here the first day. Your TV. "
"This is not orchestra here... It will not be me there. Its your own wedding invitation you working for someone else. "
![]() |
"This sound like a right time to talk about the middle school, you mean your high school music theory. That sounds about right, you know that dictionary is all Italian. My cello teacher got me that time. Really."
"Per octet, let's see....right, the half and the full notes, I know. That is the music theory, right...I translate in English. I only remember in Chinese. The elementary before the middle school, You didn't do that. I did. "
"In Justin's video that Obama in it."
"You want to start with your music theory because in case.....the real company inside they hire the professional !!"
"Imagine my profession, this is not my profession, this is very heavy, you forget I carry this 5th grade and the 6th grade, you keep growing tall. I forget that is how I grew tall. Toning ~~~..... over there, next by you. No you are not the string instrument. I am. Can you shut up, birds. "
"When the string instrument we tuning, your ex bf, one of those this is the modern thing you see the increment, wear your eyes glasses on. ..."
"Right, in the middle of it."
"This is called the bridge, you are not suppose to get down there or up anything close to the black, they do that very very often because its a freelance job anymore outside the classic world."
"Right, you need to lubricate this, because these strings you have to tight this up first, and loosen this when you finish the cello lessons, that Ryoya guys already since I got here, Square never paying attention....he takes the cello and the piano lesson about 4 or 5 years."
"Right, Ronan....right I remember your high school DVD, I think I only watch like 3 or 4 times? Upstair. No one here remember? You had your room that time, my room disappear right now."
Every Day I Love You, here.
You can do the piano part too.
With the laws, you have to go alone. That is one Judge + near by.
They are a group, so sometimes it might be Shane and Mark, Justin and JC, because there are the main singers in the whole groups, or they break down that Flower comic book. I don't really know how they set up. Each these boyband they travel along with their own luggage, I live there......
"You arrive?" ~~ Lovely ! (Nick C, the ex bf)
"Handicap, you land? Here."
Westlife - Brian McFadden and Shane Filan (西城男孩)
Brian McFadden (1:58)
Inside that world of your Irish community, you have to say, how you get along just inside your own entire family, that in front of you, they are your closest familiar face until they are dead, and when they each aging including you yourself, you scream inside the mirror, including all the blondies, all that. Their vitality die out, you freak out.
You say as the man, "You are not the man as you used to be." (Simon, get up, repeat?!)
Shane Filan (3:03)
SA singing bugs entering the court room, proceeding start. Here. Hollywood bugs entering the court room drama, starting to proceed.... Here You ever get back to your parents to argues...the leadership and the team members. I told Shane to pretending, pretending, pretending.
(I told him for about 3 weeks, repeating exactly the same things.) Then he realize (2) is the only thing real, about yesterday.
A song of the Storm and Fire, Here |
Taiwan is very far away from Ireland, we are a totally different culture than European, really. You have so many guys in the peripheral, not limited to Ireland, there is United States, if the guys like about you, you can go to America to tour !!! You and your best friends?
Or vice versa.
So you do him the honor, you say, "Welcome !"
Or you tell that side of the SA American, that "Welcome back to America, anything new on the new horizon?"
- Is there something saying to the guys, have a distinguish how you can open your mouth and tell him? Any forbidden words?
- How is the morning weather, you drive here?
- How is the airport going, you rent a car? GPS with it? Is there something new you didn't come in with the taxi?
- Where is your luggage, I drag it.
- You got something new in the pamphlet, that is the airport touring booth? Did you open it? I hold the luggage, you look at it.
- What did you see?
- Before you or you all get down, I got some sandwitch shop (each) with a bottle water. + a bag of chips, you can have it in the car if you want. Bye, Brian (Backstreet Boy), bye Nick (98 Degree), bye Shane (Westlife), bye bye Carter ~~~
- What did you say? On the airplane? oh !
- And you were seating where? You ate, that is what you mean. okay. I cook something at home soupy, for myself.
- Did you move? How nice.
- I drive you, you read.
You really know the guys, like a working relationship is a little bit, you reading Babaji's letters from the 70s? Sometimes any relationship has to compromise, you have the personal schedule inside the home, you feel comfertable with another guys? What if the bad breath does not get off?
Its one lifetime diet? The poo or the pee schedules per day? Saying you go out to the gym for running mill? So you go with your best friend at 7 oclock at night? Our meditation center here its starting at 7 pm at night, same....its up to 9 oclock, its like 100 or 200 people per night used to be, or some week day. Here is the big center.
The real practice.
I don't know one person in there because I don't practice anymore in there, and they look....a bit different. Its not too far from us, so we carried those very very bulky seat to go there, and sit on the National Emergency floor if were, that is the seat, everyone doesn't have. I have about 20 years.
Technically probably no one has the National Emergency, but...it just happened our group has those arrangement, so I grew up with that. The Vietnamese they were the refugee. Taiwan, no. But that is so long ago we had those we gone out of the school in the elementary school....but later the middle school on is stressful, I actually forgot all about that. When you are in the stress, and they move away those things, you don't remember one thing.