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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Babaji the Department of Energy

"Greeting tonight, I am so indeed I do present myself to thy thee so gracious to embark my journey inside all this story in the people's mind, and let that the beginning of this cordial meeting and the gracious of all that present allows me to speak some of the most dying urgent issues upon the sphere of our world, meaning our planet in large."

At today our meeting here, I am very welcoming to today's we are having such a meeting that you all embark my life journey in the diary here, and people's mind rendering all the details as my life passing on, not the congregation of this warming welcome how we finally meet, this is spacious enough for me or allowing me to speak to one of this Energy Department Chef or the Administrative how all this upon our dying wish, its a still a beautiful glow of the sphere, meaning itself the planet we are stood here today.

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