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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


You make a claim, that doesn't mean you make a correct argument (laws side)

Its just you have 2 people argue inside the court room, probably the pairs to pairs.

Your claim is, "calling upon the God's power = the judge, to those whom present must in the obey to the God such as the Judge for these people inside the movies to show up in pairs or flying in as a pair, to testify this movie is validity."

That is what you did, or everyone knows that time 10 years ago, or 10 years now. 

Ola with high school Mat (finally bossing him show up or return the Judge's call)

Lee and his ex-gf, Anna

Dean and his gf Ana (FL)

How does that proven the movies worth, to....every ghost realm or the boy's cartoon, I am living in one. BTX.

A lot of people gone through break-up

There must be a break-up manual people don't do in America. So starting from the fresh, that is a red hair. And going through together and buddy with another heart cut, heart pulling to where it ends with the slide all together, with the friends, not the wolf. You gonna tell me the real wolf shows up in the court room.

I don't want to know.

"I am calling the power of the God, replace him to set the Laws straight to punish you."

Sailor Moon line is in Dream Exchange Game.

"oh, yo, shi oh ~"

Not shishi O.

= shi = shut up mouth.

You have 3 pairs, that is not the Power of Be.

No. You have 3 pairs, not the 3 individual shows up. You are the exception. They meeting outside the court room, and between them they can seek the arbitrary. Not to get involved with your claim, any claim. 

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