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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


I go to sleep

Babaji: Go.

Babaji says? oh ~ your family is the capitalism family the first thing leave Taiwanese when they anyone need a help.

Probably you are from San Francisco to pretend you are the church service in Utah. We know that is a very well known City in America.

He talks like that, don't mind him really. When God fed up being a God's job I wonder if that is where I will be one day. I becoming so blacken the first day starting that time ....too many branch and the department all over the Universe.

You 2 are dropping the baby inside the trash can like that Tony Carla, Tony put the kids inside the garbage bins, that is the world, or that is every medical board makes people going for those life. Drop the kid or the baby right inside the trash can.

They do that to the dogs too.

A man has a certain character inside them.

You are not careful, or will ever be.

I have too many things, not that it was a boba, or babble.....I told Shane too many responsibility, you now how to make the money the only things the mankind exist. Someone has to put up that jobs, and never ends these issues.

You have a perfect Ella Enchanted, I have the left behind what, the movie is called the Left Behind (UK version) because that is what they were popular in the Christian Worlds that time, at that year. I still remember it.

They later made into the current movie, you say that Nicolas Cage portrait. That entire story has a paper back book, and they can borrow the tape from the church or the book from the library. They later make a more this Hollywood Actor scene.

I haven't explain to Shane, you want to bragging your history with the Rapture?

I cannot understand a thing that Hailey says 我其實不知道她們在講什麼

是 Hailey 說還是 Adam 說,我說頭髮的意思!

不知道耶 ! Boba ~! Who is Boba?

Eben is the Guru, debts human the least thing anyone wants to find out a short distance to my brother's mouth behind it was a piece of 和氏璧  15 City !! on JC or on 羋月傳,痛恨極致那個情況 (魔鬼終結者-未來救贖),怎麼不說來救救我! 

If you staring at Westlife will be so much better of than Eben Pagan, really.


A girl like you showing you are the option or the optional, meaning its your mother cooking that kind? You sell your dad or you sell your mother and your ex / bf? Those kinds?

To live in Europe is very expensive, meaning...let me imagine all the white girls are so bad, so England did that kind of the currency drop the pound and left EU, and now every man goes to Asian find the happienss, because every white worlds girls are nothing but a piece of junks, like you, like Elizabeth. You all didn't know how the guy perceive you the white girls.

A piece of junk.

A worthless joker of nothing but the garbage known to the mankind of the eternity sin.

He doesn't like you, everyone knows that. 

This is the morning time when? oh ~

You want to re-do how do you talk to your parents about I wrote this morning all that bullet points? I am not sure they understand you how you approaching them to screaming and yelling that they accept the way you are.

I am so glad I don't have to go out.....

The natural sunlight ~~~ the air to breath

That is how you guys do the kitchen? So bad.....

When you by yourself....not because the love reason, you are less motivate to get one meal done right?

You think? How do you position the meat, or the soup, or stew that nurturing someone's stomach, like my mother's? That kind of you yourself just drinking the water?


  • Like the eggs, done.
  • Like the fried pork, done.

Meaning to done right. A very clear seen things, because right now you are going to be the first batch here be seen not just by the Hollywood, but all over the universe, not just telling me Loki, or this Captain that side this whom looking the same position. You gonna tell me you cannot generate one food correctly on a tray. What do you supposed to put on the tray every day often?

  • The spoon and the fork + the table napkin
  • The soup bowl (to add the soup)
  • A bowl of done food
  • A plate for
  • A small plate for
  • The strawberry yogurt, how big is the tray anyway.
  • The chip bags.

They must meant to say OU langauge is I becoming the celestial realm. They don't use the money for everything I talk, where would be my money, you doing this on purpose.

  1. First the crown
  2. Second the Capitalism, you mean the first one = true, you confasicate all of my stuffs.
  3. And Loki got jail = me.
  4. You do on purpose, I becoming the celestial being.

Maybe imagine this, because most of you don't live this real kitchen in a commerical kitchen world, research and forward your idea including math?

The proposal?

The Kitchen Job too tired, I know. But imagined? The Japanese this very nice food presentation under the florescence light. To be honest, if you listen to this music, and imagine the correct things with the police or the governments, those natural landscape, shouldn't be happening !!! This is modern !!!!


What is that guy's name? Are they the same guy? What if that guy is a psycho, the winter solider? These girls are nothing but the psycho resume not just CV so cc? You know, if you tell a guy your jobs sucks, and psycho,....the less things is to becoming the partner right next by in that same work zone. They will know you are very psycho doing this CV or resume compilations. 

Movie: Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier

You wish or I imagine ....something seen as ?! You mean I seen my ex bf to be an agent, and he got shot, so is that means I imagine he is dead? I am like that, or why this guy is black and wound all over as the Winter soildier, or the Winter Solace. 

21 22 23 22

March, June, Sep, Dec (4 season solace) 

Do they mean Westlife - Soledad ?


You mean my ex bf is a CIA, is that Meet the Parents means?!

Nick is the professional driver, if anything happened on the road like that and he cannot survive the beginning of this movie, he is the only professional driver I ever know. It means something on the road is very very very bad. Base on I can see like that? He is the enemy of the police, something if they show up, and he cannot survive, meaning get off the road. I understand all that. Any road. There is a president looking all alike?

Not the winter solider, that would be the homeless in California is the most, its warmer.

The rubbery all that, American has a lot of the debts. 

Maybe the guys will never get married, or its to get married and never THAT?

A kiss means? He was too old, she is a lot younger?

"Change in the wrong Business", well any girl in which operation 1984 born, you mean the Facebook Mark looks like this Captain America?

"Call it resume"

oh !!!!


Can I conclude myself all this story up to this One Photo - 花冠安琪兒


I feel being with the family together to watch the movie, or discuss the movies for the family soon-to-die

The relative that means to me, like those relative means to Westlife too.

You know, life doesn't need to be that demanding a love, while all the things are laying around unsolved, you be with your family to the court room. They are scared, they are talking in English or not in English, so all that part were you = the child born on Earth, grow on Earth. I think the family is a better choice at this time, where everyone sorting a very ugly faces inside the court room, to talk to the Judge. You need to bind your family to go to the Judge, same the guys, the boys, the kids, the mothers, the father.

That I told Westlife already too.

When the movies turns real, they will wish its their cousin, their parents be bind it together with their ex, or ex bf, or ex gf all that. I don't need that, but let's say they never ask me if they want that part of the life. I prefer its my family, I am not close too close to any ex bf or any other friends. Its a stranger.

Now that is the only 2 handicap in life, if they want to grow and I got more resource, you think I get jealous over the things this far, someone did look after for me? I got jealous not to watch them, teach them, guide them at the court Judge? Wish them well, per step we sit, per hour we pass by, per degree translate, or talk more paraphrase, just the 2 very handicap human !!!

You never never never gear to work up a World, that every beginning of the OU, you didn't get from that step A wishing that step-by-step, to make it in life. For a lot a lot of people. When I patiently explain to you, your parents beside you, you think I devote all this time to waste my time so the UB community is not something you cared about, you live there?

Really?  The UB mug, the UB alumni, the UB Shirt, or the UB page on that Linkedin? There is a Dean or Lee, tell me that 16 years of the UB bull mug means to them why it has to be inside the video, it were? 

Inside our current world, you meant you demand everyone has to work for a living, such as my mother is a handicap, or me. To be the fair or justice to run down our health.  You are doing it for the compassion reason you wishing anyone well other than a very very harsh response to your parents, and first to run off with a love in the mind, if not in UB around, because your home town is not UB, its New York City, or Washington D.C, you seeing a love to demonstrate in that process, I will bet everything you first run out of that door every 5 oclock without your parents knowing where you been, where you will be, whom you meet.

Its too precious. 

When a girl can take up a job to nourishing a situation, you didn't make sure you deliver that job by patiently and wishing things be heard, step-by-step, repeat, and step-by-step. You will be so impatient to treat everyone like a junk. 

The UB Community all around has all this MY FACEBOOK parents, that is my business. They are from the local, they are literate, and they are retiring, or they are nicer people, down-to-Earth, you don't like anyone in that Hollywood, too tall, too loud, too much publicity, all that.

The UB Community, if I am not there, why don't you all be happy to collect them, help that One Photo, the Flower Girls to be that region all together because your home so near and so dear to you. Talk to each parents, talking to them all slowly wave their fear out. Everyone fears, or I live at which sequence of Time and Space. Try to be a decent person in that world, because you love that world, all around. That supports are there, the down-to-Earth family. 

Movie: Thor 2

The Darkness.  9 Worlds?

Nick Canada ->> Trump Towel (Tina and Hank), --> Before the airport (Director's ex / wife Japanaese lawyer), I went to demo in Trump Towel.

4. Frozen house (Irvine)  ==> Center that young girl on the phone with her bf (Mexico)

5. Persian

6. Isebel (painting), my brother's birthday

7. Kim

8. Hank / Tina new rent place (BTS Dynamites' Basketball) , Hank's parents arrives.

9. Watermarket (Irvine, near the University of Irvine)

If its Nick -> Irvine -> Persian -> Isebel ->Kim ->Watermarket -> Silicon Valley -> Canada -> Taiwan (9.Home)

Buffalo, Canada, NYC

California = Darkness (4th World), he and Jeans (Hollywood), Brat Pitt is the scientology 430.

David. (Tom Cruise)

Home Taiwan 5th worlds is the most comfertable world.

Trust me, you are not supposed to have any of all that.....no matter which space and time, never THAT anything inside that scenery, of all kinds. Its not I understand can make a ease, that is the gap between the space or time, or a crack of the space and time.

You mean the fault line? !!!!

No, I go to California its to work in AGT, not the scientific with Elon Musk, any of these people make me gulp. 

That is a real scientific holding an instrument like that?

Did they say the Queen die?

You know what a human supposes to do if they tell you a real life thing? Eat, sleep, watch the movies like them the Hollywood they are the iconic things.

Eat, sleep, rest, watch the movies.

Laugh, happy, and doing my laundry, take a bath, not to be stressful like that running with an outfit or that is a very very very bad assistant I got that day, I got a period, no pads. She did nothing but staying the phone with the bf. That is everything I hate. Its a long time I never really gone to the real world working, you mean the job demands to make me perfect. Which part of my face looks like demanding on any of you?

Like you know what is a AGT?

A very very hash critique from a man instructor like a coach, either that Eben or Lalla, to make you a what? Bimbo on the television?

There are the people train to do already inside that Hollywood. I don't like any of that real work. Together with Nick was nothing but washing my home stuffs. Right now with my mother, we share that responsibility, its a home feel. I feel better a lot better at home when all of this happen, not any place on Earth, not love, not cared, not friendship. 

I want to go to sleep, and know my medical bill exactly how I plan my perfect life, you cannot tap into that life. I am right at the front door, where the hospital I exactly knowing what it is in front of my faces, the high tech, the billing, the saving for 65 years old, the walking distance, the shopping distance. Me and my mother, and my sibling coming back when they feeling like. Its a 2 people space for the other relative, or the sibling.

You may not think that is important. Its is important for my mother, all her life. 7 years, I don't really need to run about anymore with this. 

  • That senior care
  • The medical bill
  • The comfer at the temprature
  • The commodity purchase or the food cost, the utility, the transportation

I don't need to hurry my life with the love idea. Yeah, I told Shane, already. 





Babaji: Go

So, do I want to ask your parents, they understand what you say?

I am very sure from one side to another tear glittering dripping, its your ex bf, or ex friend, whom they talk to each other, and you need your ex, or the ex name to lean on the arm to make your parents afraid of you or him? One of those? This drama never ends on my side, so psycho of it.  You describe what happened? What exactly happened? And? You have a point you break down other than running home at the door. You break down the bullet points. As you go along to describe each item list chronologically speaking?

  • Someone on the way to Hollywood start being ambushed about 10 years ago.
  • She was living near UB but her ex bf at North mounted hill up very far we checked the location.
  • The name of the county, its a cottage country. 
  • Both ex bf and her mother is worsen handicap she doesn't know.
  • I got a job, they got a program going from the UB Honor Program, if not limited to the UB Honor Class.
  • I used to remember that class. I don't really remember her, but her facebook was every single day Ella Enchanted.
  • The movie turn real, we got nailed.
  • Me, sorry I got the problems in my life. Really, right now. There are things don't add up, I need the help, you here at my side, we talk on the phone you make an arrangement you be here right by me, how I keep a job, or how I keep a shape, or how I can keep a bf.
  • These movies everyone is breaking apart, just not the shape.
  • I am losing my health soon.
  • Me, sorry.
  • I don't think you know what I am saying.
  • No, none of that she was saying, the first 5 points. 

She says to some of the girls we probably guess to know, they will never get on a date anymore, not to say this. Forever. Some people never get married, ever. Never in thinking, not in battling, other than get the jobs right. 


We or they freak it out. Sorry, me. Everything inside the TV is fake, that is what she says. You believe that? 

  • She is not in the MD 6+2, or MD 4+2 meeting that 1999 Mummy, but its a WWII interface line or TW MD 2 + Reno Washington MD 1, Ph.D. We think this is getting worse and worse, she is actually literally saying it all the things she can find in the anatomy and physiology, she only knew these two class has anything to do with the medical school. 
  • She took the PCAT
  • She never even know what MCAT might be 7.5 hours long.
  • She has a score in PCAT
  • Right, she is not the actual UB Honor Program, its at the Cooke Hall first floor. The is the UB all general undergraduate seeing the same advisor. She was old, probably dead. 
  • How long do you think I gonna be dead? Really? Passing the life like Harry Potter? 

Do you talk to her, email or behind my back? The phone, or the cell phone the international area code begins 1-886, Not 1800 Utah number. Its in the TV FRIEND (90s), everyone knows. 

Come back to your parents now coming to online, once I move you all UB name out of my faces?

We talk long enough? The last time they heard me were that UB MD 6+1 at the law librarian, remember that? Everything about the Black Ops under my video stream. The whole session were nothing but you all name + your parents side by, not very clear they exist. I say go to the UB librarian before all that video were made.

And? That ended me and them. Now that would be 1 year pass, no more you UB kids, them?

我以前大學叫做 UB (水牛城大學),對都在我臉書,我臉書的開始是在 UB 的第二個學期,所以在肯德基大學 (UK) 那是不存在的臉書!

很多人我也不認識,講大學的學歷比較好吧 ?! 這跟現實有關,對這 Hailey 弟弟在後面,左後面 ! 最後結尾呀 ! 她覺得很有意義 ~~~我在跟家長講話,我其實不想先管這什麼英國誰誰誰他們的問題,一百人 x 10 有一千多個人 ! 那家長叫做 x2 ? 有沒有覺得我很煩? 

你們看這清海無上師以前也會做過這種事情,記得這 英國首相發起這 A Day in Life, 多久之後這整個矽谷大裁員 ! 記得這所有相關的,而我在台灣已經過了七年現在是七年又一個月 ! 

酒精測值是 1 ? 在講我的那媽的 Line?~ 青天白雲滿地紅 !

喔~我常常覺得這提娜 Jojo 那時候 (霍建華),是光仁音樂班在瞎掰這誰是音樂班,周杰倫

回來電視上的前幾年是某個猴子的故事,因為我只看得懂那種花千骨,猜是誰? 蕭敬騰 ! 

喔~ 因為周杰倫變老了~ 

這馬英九 跟 這 social media 很多轉來轉去的不是趙又廷,我在講蔣萬安 ...好像在助選侯友宜。我有在看呀 ~~胃酸是 2 我罵我媽,我爸的八字是三,重念,胃酸是二,所以這酒精測試 1 有什麼關係? 

十年前是不是跟這 Wiki 他們是敵人是唸書的時期,或是什麼時候工作在美國實習的時候? 我現在的問題在他們醫學、藥學系,是發生什麼事情? 看過『魔法灰姑娘』的結尾? 當年雖然是說我叔叔在加州實習生化,其實是當初善待我的醫生有個女兒,跟這西城男孩的 Nicky 不是有個電視太太,她爸爸是首相愛爾蘭的,以前的首相,在講 25 年前! 

所以怎麼了? 當初做醫生就是善待別人的這個人,因為我之前有個男朋友,我記得這件事情! 她矮跟肥 ! 在肯德基,現在這結尾叫做一堆人,是在 UB,意思就是光是新的同學有 100 個至少,因為我有大學部 ( undergraduate) 跟大學之上叫做什麼? ( graduate),但是其實是現在專業學校 ( professional school) 這已經不是 GRE 或是 GMAT。

是 1 )醫科 2 ) 藥劑師

美國把這兩個分開而當初真的約談我的,其實是柯南裡面做研究叫做 pharmaceutical,在討論華盛頓的時候是講美國華盛頓,在吵這件專業學校但是裡面有很多家長其實是第一語言不是美語,而出生地也不是在美國,是 ABC 如果有飛回去。

而這件事情叫做系統制,是跟 Hailey 她爸爸 clash 醫生總數,你們有去問她弟弟的醫藥費嗎 ?

腳跟 Weasley 一樣 (在有翡 ),男的叫做印祥,但是在公主小妹叫做 Weasley,因為他爸的是烈火如歌裡面的白色衣服那個跟方方,你們餐廳這邊叫做 Plant,沒有 gluten 有人過敏!在電視上的是去一個蠻昂貴的大學,而 weasley 只有高中畢業 ! 腳當初是要截肢的 ! 這件事情你們有去忙過嗎 ?





Babaji: Go

💝 When I this turmoil coming back ....footstep sticky mud and to tell you one exit road, one exit way, its you flat yourself to the American medical board,.....💝

You just need to go near, talk to, nag to, becoming to, you may not be in that program or the class; but if I were to be near and not as Anna, but hear that, and seeing myself with my IQ brain and all around me to say just work out your IQ and you be saved, and someone literally telling you that? !!!

One lifetime, the IQ not to sabotage yourself. I think I do it or not, someone else is Anna? 

So why don't you trust what I tell you?  They given you all one exit way, you just go along and becoming, so many on the map, join that, not join what? The Harry Potter? 

Join the American medical doctor program.

You don't have any other ways, only this medical doctor program way. 

You don't need to keep going around and around with this.

Those UB near by, might be just your age all near by, you say agent.

One of the reasons? Not all the reasons. The air stagnant.

I describe you again, maybe you listen the 2nd time you understand. Inside your parents life they delicate to this family household for as long as they could possible and remember that. Go home all the time for you, be there for you.

  1. You look up the sky.
  2. Whom exists?
  3. In the last 25 years I am so busy, because it was the school, and the governmental / classify, everyone could see the classify material got buzz at. 
  4. You didn't stop.
  5. You didn't stop and look.

Every day you open your door its your own very life that might be a guy or a girl, or 10 guys, 10 girls front and behind at your work place, not your age. Its older than you are. Not a particular shape even say near. 

The entire Silicon Valley lay off news, A Day in Life, everyone sees it. That is called the Life.

It won't matter what she comes out that materials, you cannot tell ME, looking at this to fix your last 25 years you lose your memory and your attention focus what that life existing in front of you.

===> Inside this entire UB 100, just one of them if its the military close enough or find someone classify nearby, just tiny follow what I say

Project Avalon

Project Camelot 

Follow something I say to all around the video I pick and choose, someone will tell you that is insane 25 years, how long I live that life. 


You cannot come and rescue me, or make an easy for you or for me. 
Its 10 years pass ...you don't know what is so insane of inside out, outside in, the book open and close means? 

You have a so important life in front of you, not me. Forever will never be me. 

Inside your consciousness loosen, you didn't give a damn what that classify really means. 

But somewhere near your parents whom are just tiny bit near that classify, they will agree that is very insane. Again, she was not rescue.

Second tier classify, Sorry...
She is not rescue, again,...

Third tier classify, what? When?
She is not rescue, again ....

You saying a literally 10 years on conscious she gets up her position just deal with all this all by herself 24 hours a day indoor, online. 

All are the electronic format, to even she lost her arm, and what did she did?

Tell me more anymore this insane, you want to say one of those comment tiny your IQ dropped....your eye sight loosen consciousness for 10 long years, where you been?

I never think that was insane enough ....if I knew that one English word, that word never told me, taught me, used in my life. Whom is insane?

WHEN I found out the English word "Insane" means?

I can only react and response, see and response, see and response, 

see and response, 

see and response, 

see and response. 

I cut off the facebook so no more thinking any human exists.

Why don't you just say those are so insane, call the police?!!!!!!

I have other roommate, right.


Min was on my facebook, Sherri (PhD Chem) + a whole church people inside my apartment

+ Carol (facebook + 1 Taiwan bf association)

I am talking about my facebook.

Tamang and Kevin and Jonathon 205 not on my facebook.

Olypmia was on my email, forgotton already.


I have an English tutor, the south campus bookstore, he can write better than Silas, you want to use him instead. He is the one given me the Lords o Rings. He knows where is the Harry Potter 7 passenges, because he has the several students probably

Harry Potter has 2 Indian girls

Melinda's roommate (I met)

and Min's ex bf (the Med USMLE 1 re-take)



3 Devil Wear Prada (I work) 

Toby and me (Dr. Bing Shen's lab =10

Xie (OU) + Toby (Ph.D TA)

Me + Korea TV

Dr. Bing + 3 girls family. Tina and Hank (+2 kids) +1 me

85+10+5, how amazing, its 100

Movie: Pirate of Caribean 1 and Pitch Perfect 2 on TV.

Fat !  I think that is what it means. 

oh was she dead, execution? Surrounding an irony says, if the wife die, the mother die ....one of those saying? A legally blonde Harvard shows up, they must know Bohr's theory that day on.

Is that Heaven or Hell means, for all of them eternity. That is really bad, you live and you die, and you go to hell. The parenting ....of Pitch Perfect 2. Right, people whom have the kids in their family run down. The reason why to have the kids were never love you that much.  She went to the military deck to run about, and later married to that guard, is that the curses passing it down without, so there is a Kate.

The comic book 白色圓舞曲, 

She can trust the guards, that guard does not trust her.

Both might be the garbage living forever.

Both cannot trust the wife, or vice versa.

You can live a life inside your personal space, you mean a house or a location, you think what trust means in front of your face? One Tina Jojo, its like searching high and low for a little love, SMCH's poem. Every tiny things its a low IQ human saying the Va Salie let's say if you care or not, 

"But mom, I did tell you!"

The human character so bad.

I think my side tooooooo busy. The parents groups tooooooo giant, can you guys go away?

Really!!!!  I read you all the name again

UB Honor class (17+3)

Brian, Eric, Jonas, next by my lab 0000000000000 2 = looks like Eric thin

(geek movie with a homeless wedding crusher, that's the look)

Jonathon, Wing, Zac (Z is Harry Potter)

Fatima, (Alice, Catherine, Hira, Ola)

(seth,     Dean, Bill    silas,    Patrick ) - NSYNC

Dr. Kenneth Takeuchi and Dr. Ester; Dr Chambler.

O-town that guy, braid the hair, Justin

Evolutionary Biology (6)

Seth, Silas+2, Andrew and Black Vince

UB APO (15)

Mike, Tom, Keegan, Tim

Heather, Sarah, Kate, Mark, Huffman, 


Big Albany, Kim, Me, Kyle,


UB CAC (16+5)

Ayo, Courney, Wendy

Wei, Emily, Melinda, Karen, Adria ( Devil Wear Prada)

                                  Chris, Billy

                                   Karen's entire high school+2 sibling

Dennis, Pete + Theresa

Christian (50 Shades and Greys)

Taiwan roommate ( 9)

Erin, Wendy +sister

Sherry is Erin's roommate, Pharmaceutical.

Erin has 2 Thai Ph.D (Tim Cook), + 2 Taiwanese (Tim Cook)

One China Olympia (He and 6 sibling)

SA union (1)


Bio 205 (3)  (Below Bio 403 BAZZAR magazine Ola and the professor Intuitively obvious)

Tamang, that guy.

Brady (Chess Club)

Just roughly 75 x 10 =750.

You need your IQ ...

You need your IQ to one person in front of the Judge, to file or literally in English to tell them more than they found out, if that is a part of the compensation.

IQ to pay off your interests or the debts with the compensation you exaggerate or you fight to get more in which manner.

IQ to later the remains to imagine you moving out of your parents finally or run away with the guys or the girls, both die together, or starting a life where. As long as be away from your parents. (There is a lot of that = you have other cases other than getting hurt)

Hailey that did hide that paper works until Adam was gone, she needs that whole house space to? Psycho how special she was not to her dad.

Step-in, step-out

What is so wrong about step-in, and step-out?

Its not wrong, you didn't see what happened during, before or after inside the brain or outside where they go. For example, if you keep getting a rejection no, and you keep going back where? to claim and the money is not coming it down, what do you do?

Find a survive way other than trying out 1000 times. But they literaly have no life exepreince doing that in the age 23, right now they feel they are so alive, and fresh, everyone can see them, they are live fully inside their life - but that money is not coming in front of them.

  • They could speak on phone.
  • Show up the Town clerk.
  • Bring the paper work, nervous.
  • How grown up 1000 times, no money. Those are no money 1000 times rejection. 

I describe that already. They feeling so alive, everyone knowing where they been, they have this paper shuffle in and out on the plain flat big desk for their height to look on the table.

For the first time in forever, they found the meaning in life, they are grateful - psycho.

For the first time in forever, they make a plan in their life, their parents know they so proud of them.

For the first time in forever, they have talk 10 people + 20 this week, its every voice sounds so helpful.

For the first time in forever, these voice calling them back, it got cut off, but that is 20 amazing voice someone speak to them like a friend, they never had one friend in their life.

No one talking to them anymore.

I told you all that before, long time ago. I say that in the voice memo on the business sector on the Top navigation bar too. I never stop saying it. 

They got no one in life anymore. They cannot wait to join the conversation, they think....

They think, they think, they think ....

"I thought ..."

    "I thought ..."

                "I thought ..."

"I thought ..."

                                                    "I thought ..."

                                                                                                "I thought ..."

  "I thought ..." 

 "I thought ..."  

"I thought ..."  

"I thought ..."

Maybe your parents really need to know 24 hours where you been, really.

Seriously, every year these data are true and sitting both that Power structure.

18-25+, I am no more 18 you know nor 25.

What do I think - copy and paste the full database or the library, and I squeeze my eyebrow unwilling.....you mean I have the IQ problem?  I never thought its literally you all got the IQ problem starting from day 1. How amazing !!! I keep saying that didn't I? I have to believe that myself. 

oh, you didn't know UB someone did that? Not sure SQL or Unix...that time APO talking, you wasn't hired.

In that tiny store on Sheridan, the UB bus straight to North. Even they had drove me to the flip loop, that same crossing Sheridan, has the enterprise, and Dr. Riley, its they walking right across the parking lot, that is his office. My eye doctor, before the UB ends the undergraduate.


Probably navigation left, rectangle CSS, highlight one => buttom "name "








No, probably UB Honor Program, its UB Robotic got called....imagined. Not sure APO, they do IT Hardware sale, and they have a job to go daily. Why would anyone to be that bore, to seeing all that? 

You want me to read it to you all loud and sound?

There is a short guy in Madrigal, the waiter male guy, remember a lot of us?

You look like next by Jonathon, on this Ocean 12 movies. Becuase if I drag Nicky = Brat Pitt, someone is missing, you are?

You 2 are Lee's height. (UK, UB + Lee)

He is a Bio 205.

I never knew why the American medical board so delicate to find the IQ inside those brainy. I got both the brain and the stability as a healthy human. I never knew until I tape into people's IQ brain and the corner or the behind their eye (balls) looking outside, per frame, per seeing, and the high tech from above their face how they raise their head up wondering if its on the top of the sky, lost the mind, lost the eye sight.

I used to say, isn't it.

IQ so badly 25 years come by.....literally no IQ remains.

No wonder.....no wonder both American military and the American medical board they have these policy or look out things. Because to God = the humanity prevailing freedom and equality right....as the Gods, its a little bit compassion a lot more to the whole humanity. 

No, I go along with a lot of the information I collect, not that in the basic humanity, meaning I proclaim, or lawsuit at, or even take one tiny public space for one fame, you mean I have what happiness wishing other people's well.....These are so bad IQ and humlity inside, it was the IQ no more. Your parents ever wonder where you been, really?

Tell me what did I say?



Its just one room an interface, without me moving my 4 limbs a what world? A paper thin worlds.....with 2 maid handicap won't open their mouth to talk. That is an what IQ jobs?

Not the money the lawsuit requires me to claim or each and every term in life conjuction everywhere, I find my exit will always come up life in itself, you all on the other hands, so needed your family members, not as the maid. You trying to pleasing them.....on the weekend, how long or how far they believing in it, if you were just dare to maid them like you growing up, they must remember all that hurts.

My entire family house hold always know...what the pictures represent never end.

Some human has to hate the humanity so much with or without the movie as that part of the character behind a 40 years long, why never be approachable to Sammy, or Martin rather than the witness, the Wedding inside Madrigal?

Tell me the claim.

No, my claim when someone dare to put in the lawsuit in this kind of the movie, its the money or it meant that character you will see nothing but darkness per previling, every single one last you dare, you will have your single moment of the quiet time colder and colder, its 20 years pass and gone. What the chill or the freezing thorny will becoming each day more evident. 

Your age line,

No cake time

Not even the same age someone calling you, you dream that phone will ring tone sound.


Here you all sitting in one room, how soon kiling each other with a bubble gum


Giant super fatty saprino Terry

Brea (Doctor's = Ella Enchanted's uncle, his daughter - a very short fat dense, sad, loud daughter, same none popular group like the edge people Adam Davis.  Ella Enchanted)

Adam Davis. 

The middle girl you chewing a gum.

Young, your hand on my right shoulder, where is my left hand on your wrist, try that once again....


Dean, Keegan, Heather, Ola, Hira and Jonathon.

These are where every time meeting place, Hira and whom else suppose to chew a gum really.

You make it per yearly this meeting, everyone is meant it, any crowd exceeding that nature gang, you are the

Horay human, 1 millioin time never stop saying it....see if what the end power I meant I really have. Til you pushing each other right next by, horay never stop, never end, never stop nothing but shouting inside the mirror, so dizzy you won't even know the floor turning all around.

Say it, HORRAY, Wow WU oh ~~~! Santa Clause coming to town. 

Say it, you got an issue all together, or I will kill everyone last you til you be on the street forever.

Tell me about the rabbit palace here floor in Taipei, near ABC Mart logo.

I tell you what I really am.


You ever met Rebecca, they all in the jails? Brea?

How is your dad, one foot bill, sometimes you wonder what you return that favor....he is in the chair he can see injury.....

That is Dean's parents, Brea.

How is Davis? Simon Lauren's brother-in-law, that would be Sariputra's 7th, Venus, her husband, "Some Kind of Beautiful." 

Let me tell you something about Loki.

That look.....just not darken evil enough, some never imagine what is the ultimate evil name will claim and be crown, why I say, all of you in the end of the road, you wonder that repent of the God, was not a reality, or a realistic God's judgement I make myself God, to this every lawsuit Universal Truth in 40 years down.

"Me fatty and that giant fatty obesity girls are planning to kill someone, she got seen, we both got publicly announce to the whole wide world why I join the military after the UB classroom "

"All the president in the school got warn, and I am so giant fat, I used to be slim once I leave the military, there is a couple more military around. I was told I want to kill someone so going in the military to use the gun and powder how to shoot someone. They got a whole American medical board to stare at this one gun man. Do you think they do that on purpose?"

"If I want to kill someone and motion in it, every step, and this girl fatty cannot shut up, the one person common 60 people will plan how to kill her, so we all work together, she put the entire military force secret or fake or real, completely on the map everywhere all of us location in every block. I plan to kill and I will succeed if I keep low now, and just mild for a while, but that fatty girl is listening, and this person that displace the police force, and the military in every corner block to kill all of us 60, because I used to be the jem of my father. 

I have heard, another guy is also the gem of their parents, went to the private school.

I can get help here MD psychartry here, how much you got paid?"

"I want to ask you because she got paid by blocking us and might be the money more than you, its the MD 6+2, to MD 4+2, and MD TW 2 and Reno MD 1 Washington. All this money I actually care about. Can you tell me how much you make?"

"What about the consumer psychology MD?"

"I want to know the exact number because it always bothering me, and hearing the number directly from you will have a response, do you want to know? Can I tell you?"

"If I got these much issues, you think I will get detained and put away the society bar jail behind with that girl? "

"What is the options you think I got? I cannot stop that feeling to kill someone and planning to. And we got spot side by side, its a very very very disgusting, and its the felony case. Someone's file got move, and they run on the high tech. Some of them I want to convince them otherwise might create a database privately, because when she coming out, she got no help, but she told everyone keyword. These profile is stream on the keyword, every time

The felony, stream, its me and her the obesity Heather immediately straight line. 

This is the argument. That girl Anna display the whole police force put out. Can you read it for me."

"No, I want a better life, not a life will ruin me. "

"None of this will ever be the better life, or her authority on Top of all of us life."

"I was my father's gem, I want that life, and I will never get that life if she is around. She is literally everyday killing us front, back, side. She pretend not seeing, she is doing it." 

"They told her to do it. They even make a film for her, its from the medical board Top. They agree to that. She says its the medical students, not us. But I am my father's jem. She forces me to say this literal per word out of it to you. I am carrying the gum at my current residence and I will. What do you think? If that is a lie from her or a forceful humiliating me in front of the Ub all parents and the organization might be where I work and all the military jem in their parents house or the parents luxury house. Its on the internet someone got kick up from the luxury homey, and I becoming this ugly inside the snow white mirror story. Its everything seen on the TV. I cannot even verbalize to tell you every details bothers me I got seen. Its my face, my body shape, and they do on purpose, that guy got kicked out from his dad running away with another girl got kick up. They say its not targeting us. "

"I am from Ukraine, I have a bad blood issue right next by a communism polish witch girl side by side be seen everywhere on the TV on the book. I know we are the issues."


"In my life, I was the private school high pride of the parents gem, but when we all gone to the UB university life, we have the glory life, me ....as that leading I think I am up to the year when I graduate, I got devastated the life in front my real life. They told everyone we were in the medical school, and this is what happened for real behind. This is the details with the high ego structure, the high complex of the self dignity, the parents jem, and my parents gonna die because its 15 years passing and gone.

And someone else putting us on leash were my same age. She becoming.....the miserable both my grade or never gonna make it a life in the program makes me taken the plan B routes.

Its the street culture since I was in the middle school to imagine I will get tall, and one day be on the street washout the parents what if, I will sleep with 2 or 3 girls, to born one of them the kid, so that the guys and some girls will stay that form, for the money that bound to the house flat, its a life that street everyone dreams of through the movies. 

I am the guy whom will drop all the court money on the casino personality in 5 mins, and walking out of the door, no one greets me at that exit, and go home sleep next day, and wake up fine, to continue my life.

All the money vanish, I didn't see that is real or not real.

Can you help me? I believe this is my only options in life. I don't want to be in the program anymore. Its one lifetime program, never gonna get a real life, nothing but studying, I cannot be the MD doctor, and that is unjusted to my freedom right. I suppose to live and breath exactly I feeling like as the American, not those Ukraine my parents. I am the passport here real. Those are wrong things they keep doing to me."

The MD psychatry is private data.

They can just all going to the MD psychiatry and be honest, "My every plan of the immoral were found, and they plan the police in every section of the junction road in life. I come here to want to ask you per details, if they really do that. If I can talk about this with you, can we start one hour, I might come next week with more question. Is that what we can do here today.?" 

"I have an issue, that is why I want to come here to vent, not to get jailed, is that what you do as the MD psychatry and how much you can make the money as the regular MD? Do you go to the police? I can go to the police myself if in the end of all this. I got scared."

"If today I tell you this one case, in the end of this session, can you tell me how many weeks passing by per one time a week, we can talk about my situation improved in my everywhere inside my personal life, you think this gonna help?" 

"Everything I plan to do, got found, on the comic book or the TV and the lies that will put me at the jail. I lie, and planning to lie more with the rest of the people to get hostil so someone get killed. I imagine everyone will work with me, and I gonna agree with them, wihen the riot starts. None of them are right, but I never think its meeting at my every road block, so I want to tell you, you gonna tell the police?"

No, they are always in the programs.

One lifetime.

But if they don't keep their noise down or per paper works keep insensicle, that unjusted road map its 1 to 20 steps exactly I saying so. 

I think its 40-46 years trying to make it, or make it something in that entire long process program. What do I do? I Kenshine did, when someone cannot lie, and be found....at least that step-in and step-out were honest. Someone cannot lie, he be found every motive and plot, he has no one to talk to. No MD psychiatry I say go to talk about all your evil plans being seen and spot, and calculated every police force at that next step at your face, in front, behind, everywhere. 

Some taller guy, are mild, cannot talk. If he just go to the psychiatry and say it, per plan he used to think that is the part of the life, anyway.

But someone stop it right at his face. He knows he and Adam Davis is side by side, doing exactly the step-in and step-out, and someone has the ability to that every degree you wrong, you wrong you wrong you wrong...you wrong, you wrong you wrong you wrong...you wrong, you wrong you wrong you wrong...you wrong, you wrong you wrong you wrong...you wrong, you wrong you wrong you wrong...you wrong, you wrong you wrong you wrong...you wrong, you wrong you wrong you wrong...you wrong, you wrong you wrong you wrong...you wrong, you wrong you wrong you wrong...you wrong, you wrong you wrong you wrong...

They may not know its at every intersection conjunction of their life be waiting for them, but they had a little bit more sense as the guy, its real. Its every step they dare to breath, and they probably stay on breathing just not every conjunction road block its the next plan.

The UB guys

No, the same program. Its humiliating to be burst cry kneel on the ground, so they have that one sense. 

They think unjusted or unfair that one medical program forever. I say, it will never be modified, so they are planning this Love Actually how to drop the bomb kid a 2 or 3 people living in the house flat, sex around to say young, and finding a job to be away from the parents, and at the same time stepping in and out to the no direction turn, winning the lawsuit.


No, but 1 or 2 their pen written things its the medical program on their file-ing, the program Top has the problems with that. They keep hurting people and no one stopping them or they each other so air head. Its not the burst kneel cry. No, they have that kind of the sense, right.

Its step-in step-out this 9-5 too often. Right.

What happened? Their eyesight are shatter and the age growing old, they getting more of the unsure step-in and step-out, someone found out they doing that. They realize everything in front of them is wrong, or they are wrong, everything about them in life is wrong. They freak out, so they step-in and step-out. 

Not sure. I don't know what they are doing to look like that.

So maybe the law reinforcement gone there to stabilize that one person. I think the age line. It happens to a lot of the people, whom lost the home, not just on the debts. This type of the people looking about the same.

Burst out cry 2


Same. Never seen these much of the police uniform people walking in and out of the door, with the profile inside their eyes meaning, its inside a folder all around someone is file-ing a paper works as the literate people. 

I am not sure they know what those scene looks like. They have never seen 1000 human in their life. Like that Lauren Silverman high school.

I think at least 2. 

Burst out cry

The police that day.

"ITS MINE STUFFSSSS!!!  I WANT THAT LIFE, ITS MY STUFFS" ~ you put a microphone actress make it the recording and sent it. Kneel and hand coff.

Its the entire floor police station, she has never seen this much of the police uniform including the guys, for the first time .....

For the first time in life.....

For the first time in life.....

For the first time in life.....

For the first time in life.....


10 years in the jail is very long. So I would say, something not like 40 years jail, but its long enough, that is very bad. But assuming inside that jail she keeps studying in. Someone is been to jail, so sometimes people imagine they will never get 10 long full years of the jailing records.

For a girl, that is very very very very bad. VERY.

It might be no more studying 10 years inside that cram jail. They never think the consequence to be that severe. Both side people, NEVER think would be that much of the 100 people they literally see and imagine the next day.

When you are home, 

or When you are away from your parents home, but you are indoor.

Meaning next day you have a bed you sleeping at home.

Right....that day forever will come. They will realize never be any indoor space like a normal people's life anymore. They never think they are wrong, that is why they keep doing it. 

If they hindrance me, it may not be the Pixie, it will be the police they hindrance, I cannot do my jobs, or I got hurt badly. All this material all the way to outside, are all classify, someone is willing to sit there sorting, things have to begin somewhere. 

I think still in the same program when they finish 10 years. 

I think....its the police do to them, not necessary why Westlife or Justin they pitch in, they may not. They heard about, but they probably wait to ask me. I cannot be in anywhere so I never told them this or that 1 hour ago the 10 mins ago.

Very hostile. Keegan and Heather. (everyone else turn away, well...if they know inside them its mild and normal, its best they all slim down)

They will find out if one day everyone shows up and seeing this 25 years later. The one being hostile.

No, Silas has his every other friends, talking normal. They were the media room so probably not acting like the clubs them inside at the SA side. No.

The shape.

You imagine what it is, its exactly what it is.  High tech recording per feeling 24 hours a day, the moment they tall guy its far away from the floor vision, to walking out of the door frame so near at their hair, fat human what do you all do anyway? 

To get in a very narrow, small car, those seats, or the ceiling top roof of the car. Its bothering them every sense, or the snow or the cold. The hat or the scarf on the ground, imagine fatty to bent their waist line to the ground. Its 24 hours bothering them what it is in the personal life.

The hostile people.

Its probably not what I think ....the public sitting there, I show up a microphone. (they are all the actors pretending on the screen)

The real things like Zawanna or Kail, or that Thor (or every commanders)

I taken I forget about all of them, get out my life. Not at the public all this. That will make everything worse looking, because most time the human perception by subjective listening to the English, its normal to them and they understand. If you asking them to confront a debate at the citizen below with the audience or a MC, or a real political lawyers at the front. 

First, if someone they make it the law school, their talking skills are different. Yesterday I read a bit CNN. 

No, I got told is a fan. I say its the personal staffs.

Westlife side. Right, I see that guy, he is known here. Bii guy, right. No, they are younger group probably. People like those accent things, but when you work with people, probably the more clear I understand what people say in English, my comprehensive brain power does not get hindrance or hatred. What did you say?

My patience becoming very low. I might sad at the night, next morning I gonna kill the rest of them. Like Dean and Ola issue, the book Ice Skating at that interface (What is Ukraine or whom imagine someone is the Russian, Anastasia )

Each country probably they have the public lawyer and the accountant as a team. But those are the legal experty, 194 countries, where I got the 194 countries flagging room? I thought about NYC, but the immigration offices probably for some reason like the West all coastline, anywhere. 

Sunshine or the beach sunshine, or....not sure. 

No, here. Right...I find my way around where all things all around here. Those 2 my similar age is at the Wallace age line. He intends he is probably born in China, I know that. Someone never been to the foreign countries to strive a living, or the drinking water one issue, what homey sounds like a home. Its every street and the building he knows. 

No, I don't really know where he is. 

No, that would be not necessary, they 3 better not to do those things like that girl did. 思慕

Either they already have the parents groups to sit somewhere, and someone talks, or they told me......meaning someone in UB suppose to bring all the parents inside one room without the Zombie Maza Runner movies all over I say; that kind of the UB one weekend the parents sit there, someone reports to them; or someone like me force the kids to open their mouth to tell the parents what's going on.

1. What's going in their life.

2. Where did you go and done?

3. What did you get excited and you lost the job in the end.

4. They cannot see half of the things when they feel they misused me, they gonna get fired.

5. The parents know, when I say that on the Linkedin or everywhere else the words they read.

6. I am not sure if they come together regularly, meaning someone rent the room, tell UB, and calling each other parents' phone, keep a dialogue opens, never stop communicating.

"Hi, how are you this morning? Its every Sunday makes a habit, you feeling better, this is the 5th weeks we doing this talk. I am sure they finding out things when more parents come out and talk and discuss the kids when they are not around. "

"So how is life? Your other community parents also worried, and they calling somewhere, these blacken things blacken everyone's and more worried?"

"No, you cannot just go near that, and the 5 Lakes just means the military or there is the Black thing in it? 

No, its might be the family tradition, you don't know?"

"Wayne is a priest, he used to do those Sunday church after, everyone gets a buffet to go and eat at the long table. Orlando is at his cared. a Porto Reco. No, UK they all have their kids somewhere. My age. I am sure they got told, but I only be in the UB where I actually seeing them inside the book, or their behavior as the second generation ABC, trespassing the 2 worlds make a gesture they are the King of the world all that.

It was a salad bar, and everyone on the long table, I expecting one of them to get up that leadership, was never ending on my Linkedin, they take it its the works side over my head.  It will never be side it with the parents side or else I won't be still existing here. 60-600 human, just listening that yourself UB crowd. UK that time we have no facebook, no. It will be the second year I think Dean told me to join in the facebook or the second semester. I remember that.  No, I didn't know anyone from UK. No.

Right, there are the resource all around if the kids be attentive to putting you all up together as the family household and be there around to talk. Emily gone to those family restaurant, they were old so....she supposes to know that kind of the dining options."

"Right, a meeting inside the UB classroom or outside another place. Both. And a eating out cafeteria long table, or I am not sure the local might know." 

I highly doubts they are too super star to imagine my own facebook name lists, too many guys on it, if they going near someone, if they got yelled at behind, I am not sure. I know what guys I put in the UB facebook? Just the UB honor class, APO and CAC. 

Right, the honor class guy, can go to some of the honor program itself which other guys to next by, you saying another 10 people, if each know one extra Honor Program, someone find the Honor Program director or the adviser or whom to put this things either to hear, or to validate, or to research behind. 

Its the Honor Program itself, not the Honor Class. 

No, they probably are all the girls don't know that, or they know they pulling the girls near, and that one extra guy yelling at that one girl never end. "

📁 Right, it might be the parents got nervous too, so I never thought about things like that.

📁 Right, they stay in that program one lifetime until they make it including when you all parents dead and gone, each year getting colder.

📁 I think its the debts, a lot of the debts. 

📁 No, not Shane. No.  Someone else might, right. 

📁📁📁 Its very very psycho, you cannot change that part of the brain. For example, you seeing some of the fan club screaming right? Imagine the princess and Queen dining options of the guest table, you will all shut up as the parents, that low dignity skunt human like you.

📁📁📁 Very very very illuded. Very.

📁 I won't even look at their every TV, because it hurts the Royal them their home display? 

📁 You mean their one aging chef, not staring at them, no. The documentary their hatred guest invited, or all that stuffs they like about their home looking like that. 

📁 No, to be honest, I don't really know. They put the Kate name in the personal speaking staffs too.

📁 I saw once or twice. A briefing fast. Click click click.  Not staring, not imagining, then the Youtuber I saw their outside. It looks like the White House that time outside when I visit the US for the very first time. Twice I been to that D.C. I did. The congress basement, the doom on the top, its all the interior those...some kinda of the art. I literally gone to a same place twice?

I say that to myself that time. I know that.

TWICE exactly identical place? 

When people grow tall, Karen's mom is very short, just a bit taller than Emily. The rest of the family is way too tall.

The reason why I told her to leave. See if the government can re-settle her. She is getting old, those too tall, they use two hands pushing each other.

The parents have. Every parents is worried, or very worried their kids on the street blocks, right. It won't matter if they receive the money they got scared later on. They are a lot more passive wonder how much that money can settle their rest of their life, and probably not at the parents.


My mother's attitude is a little bit different, but I am sure she is worried. So I stay here , they are in fighting everywhere. I think....she doesn't want that life anymore. That kind of the life anymore, because probably she knows that inside the home, there is a difference.

1. Mopping the floor and tell her.

2. Mopping the table and tell her.

3. The pain killer patch tells her.

4. The trash can very often and leave it outside.

5. Clean the entire fridge every few weeks, literally speaking or the entire kitchen, or the mop she hangs, its in the soap at the base some water line.

6. A lot of that.....and nick too, but he has no choice right now or just 2 people if they have a choice, they have a lot more resistance inner strength, they don't want that life anymore. That kind of everyone is wreckless life anymore. They are seeing something different.

7. I water the plant 1 or 2 times, or trim them. That entire things she brought back I take care. My side of the table behind my sofa. Meaning the cleaning surface or the door or locks. 

My bathroom of course. My own room. I went to show her everything or explaining things for 3 years or 4 years when I realize she was the handicap that time, I starting to inject her things. I start to talk to her. I didn't know what that was. 

8. I think she is so used to, she forgets the rest of the stuffs, until Tina and Pang calls that day. 

9. No, she doesn't want that kind of the life anymore. She probably wants to grow. There is a lot of things she hears because she used to gone to Taiwan here expo, a lot of the new things she knows, she heard, or she cared all that. She does some of those purchasing of the IT company stocks, she always likes that aspect.

10. I wipe a lot of things, really. And every time she finishes cooking, those will be cleaned, not in the kitchen sink. Pang leaves all that in the kitchen sink.

11. She believes the birds, and she believes everything I told her or she found out somewhat, the sky photo or the birds line up photo, I show it to her. No, I go side by side to point at the photo what that is, or what it is.

No, its every parents worried. I am not sure to put them 2 where.

They....got modified the things mean to go normal. They know they are not all that functioning, and they will strength to fight until that normal things suppose to be normal. That 2. 

Nick and my mother. They got the strength of feeling the strength when I am around. They see hope or something inside them, they have that attitude more and more. it would be? The normal things suppose to be normal. Either they knowing that before or they dream about that miracle or something combine, they want that life to be normal. They don't want this quarrel, or talking one side me, and every time the rest of all that. 

Right, not them 2 be inside the parents crowd, they 2 becoming so loud with that mouth opens, because....I don't even know what to tell you. I imagine a certain thing. There isn't one thing normal about MD 6+2 and they know me behind. MD 6+2 meeting MD 4+2 cases.




I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

You girls will imagine how to compete literally face-to-face telling him

That is false.

In his life, he never considered you a second why you exists inside any of his life, no matter what facebook he was just really being friendly to you. Every guy, not just Dean.

You really sometimes get very high stake this Joann's air, you don't want to meet up, she is in UB around. You seeing the air of those very very very careless Big la la attitude as we Chinese describe them. In each and every step, whatever he did to his facebook, all of you girls hint to him, or make him, or compete him as if right his face, your facebook means a thing to him. He never not even look at the facebook, why your life has nothing to do with him 20 years ago, or another 40 years down.

Try not to make him tear that down his own faces. He is a Ukraine background. Anything to that point, its a forever cut off,. and you always just believe he was a nice guy.

No guys are ever nice, I gonna tell you that. No guy.

When Ola and we were UB them groups on the facebook (you remember Farmville)

Its you can visit each other's farmville. Right, that is not the movie. I will tell you what Hank got another gf after Tina, and they have a daughter. (Loving the Silent Tear)

Dean that time, I don't know if he added all of us in. He was very clear his real life is, very clear....whatever that is. I can just say that. And when the movies is shown to that kinds of all the girl's personality, I don't really know what Ola did to Mat or Dean meaning to demand of that one lifetime commitment because she got a lot of the money, so they be celibacy. 

For the short girls we were all on that Dean's facebook, I think everyone seeing these at least he was being honest. And I will tell you a lot of the guys the very reason they are the guys its because they are a lot more open to that relationship to anyone their height in that nature - the sex subjects will be real. And that is inside the movies.

Probably we cannot relate that as the girls, I will tell you, that is every girl's face on this scene. The movie: Ocean 8, but the girls won't understand that part. In Chinese, the movies name is: 八面玲瓏。

No, a lot of girls believe that kind of the surface skin, such as, this is so glorious moment, but that 2 girls might be lesbian like Square in the real life. The guys don't necessary believe the glorious moment to wait for you one lifetime. That is so psycho whatever if she says or she sent them a message saying the celibacy in one lifetime, its this or that. Its very very psycho, I can tell you how the girls they believe like that.

Its not like that.

That channel is MIB, but we have only 6 channel on the lower numbering here. Ocean 8 I am watching from the start.

Today is Friday night.

Ocean's sister is in the jail. We have any political women looks like them?

Okay I tell you my house someone knock knock (Keanu Reeves' film) when Ruben walking out they stood at this 1963, Ocean dies scene. Later right now, its the art gallery, the younger guy looks like....KR.

I think ...

Its democracy world on the first president here in Taiwan, she is a girl. Taiwan is a democracy world and that inheritance since the year 2000, however the evolve a story since that Bible about Jesus AD 2000 gonna return, you have the inheritance money coming it down, including that 1776 on, right now we are in 2024. 

You saying George = President in America, the war for the middle east oil. The oil business. Here we don't have the oil business, but I believe there is a democracy money circulating in the world, meaning to the across ocean - China is the communism. 

No, none of these are gambling. Its all legitimate, because when that Senior Bush could lead the military to the Middle East, the American Congress has to approve.

I can regent, I say that many times, there is a history of that "tradition" thing. You would be indicate somewhat the celestial world interferes the mundane world a bit. All this classify materials you can say, they interfere the timeline, so that might be partially from the celestial, and therefore you have a whole definition to do that in the Congress. The definition. They took that you just believe whatever I got told that story, and written that down. It was a regent I believe, that entire things looks to me, her both story as she grew up. 

And here I won't be knowing whom grown up will never know that 20 years ago Senior Bush, you saying right now its us, to the future 20 years whom are the Youth in the political worlds to?????

The ligation outside

You will be facing all the commerical interest of the democracy world. I have no idea where this Zawanna military iconic or kail this sitting lawful....all that from. But assuming, our Education department, you can all go first.

= no one plagirism people forever entering the education sector. You know what that means.

The system people after with you in the Congress. There is a lot of this you saying from the Heaven standard points of view, you are led to another planet sphere existence both the W2 forms, and the current relocate of the resident, if that dying words in the Hunger Game what means, or the money makes the wealth upper to talk through....the MB, the Master indeed returns back and take the salvation through or by, and therefore you set up a healthy environment right now with all that. 

You asking the BTX final equation and that Loving Silent Tear first Train 500 + a month, with Dean UB represent, and Devil inside Emily. 500+ suplus per month, if were the best scenario because its a limited witness program line in and the Sandwitch shop from 5-8 talking for catching up each other worlds. Anna I say scenario. No its not like that, but you at least will have 500+ surplus per month. That is very very very very bad. 

The current court gonna give them in one time compensate. 

And how do they lose the money?

I explain that before already.  Some walking in the casino, in 5 mins everything gone, drive home in 15 mins, sleep through at night and wake up the second day, the exact same sucks days of the jobs continue, and no one knows he lost all the money - Dean.

Loving the Silent Tear 

Page 2 (what is the next frame = 3 blacks)

I will tell you Ola and Dean is the worse among them the psycho format, but Dean is that way I describe, being shown. Ola she is going to wage one lifetime war on - this necklace. The talking with that Canadian police (the Ocean's sister), not Square Square (Annie Hallaway acts)

For some reason she believes Mat will be there one lifetime no matter what. I told you that music before this, where did they go, its a fucking music. Really. The guy they sex people for real, you never find that out on that Friday night, and she will insist the telephone or the cell phone if the guy answers, it means she gets her points. She is going to stay in that court room one lifetime never stop hurting people behind. She wants that life, whichever this far you seeing after that Canadian (Blank Space, Taylor Swift VS) police that entire plot. She believes in it. 

She does write it down, she thinks her IQ with all the evidence from the movies its the way they say, the way they already proven she is. Not like that. I already say that, not like that.

Tina's first bf did to her, one house right next by her.