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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


uh, I am not like that anymore ....

Ancient Chasez  - I know what this is to the below, if they coming in, its starting at the war outside. The same Pinterest profile I given you. They are all train like that, or they all lie to me. But my own room this is a barren land, not....any of this Babaji's prospect of somewhere far away island his Karma, or his military upper to reach a politician, that yesterday I saw the movie, he just goes away for a while. 


I didn't mean you have to join the military, but if they know you theft, you will be taken all out all by themselves the military near by. Talking a lot more normal too. Not trespassing the law.

China - Smart Living (I thought I say this is for the victimized girls or the women included)


Imagine both him and me knows from the TV, whom theft?  That kind of the feeling is no good.

uh?! The shampoo and the hair wash those?

Prince William that side has this pharmacy visible store, my side close down. The one I say its the hospital outside the boundary on the natural scenery at the map. All the way outside that Y and North. Its a bus route.

Well, you just use the tape water like I say.

1) Let the water flow rate 20 second, both the bath tube and the fountain sink. You doing nothing but keep doing that all day long. The teeth, the face, the eyes, your entire head going under the fact, so wash all your sink all around. 

2) That pharmacy inside has exactly what you need the affordable shampoo and hair all those stuffs. I use those. All the grocery hair wash is fine. But what the hair long like me right now, you have to keep your hair rinse, rinse, rinse that water flows while you open up your per big lumpy hair, all the time, like spread them from your both hands behind. Open and spread them.

Inside your mind, you keep counting like 1 to 5 second, I don't need to anymore, but you get going that habits. You probably close your eyes too scared or the foggy, or you cannot see. You open your glass door a bit.

Keep rinsing rinsing rinsing......that entire shampoo away, and your forhead, all this area, the poison line (the sweat line, between the head skin to the first forehead hair line), this is the poison line, if you want to poo, that is the sweat line, Be very careful if you were on the bed, one of those touching your face thing someone does on you.

Exactly like the Ancient Chinese.

But most of you don't care about anymore human, I highly doubt one guy, especially this guy will ever be anywhere near you. He is that important, or your theft behavior is forever important.

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