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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Here is some of these medical school MCAT starting re-take, and making them the double major about when they gonna found out. No one knows when. Their own planning since about 20 years ago - 2003, they were the UB freshman. (From the 5 Lakes, down stream)

MCAT, USMLE 1 and 2 and 3.

Business or the focus talk page ( They are waiting ...)


The music and the material science (The current event, 2023)



Everyone is all having a different situation in life. In general you identify people upon you first walking into a 250 venue gathering when you are not famous on any Earthly planet existence that ground that keep you all grounded. Your eyes to identify because no one will ever tell you from the behind a real bank account.

💝 I am not close to the police ....💝 Is this the script somewhere? oh ~ I say that myself.

  • The birds keep talking about it.  Here

A dive ....oh ! they  re so hell already. (Look....)

  • There used to be Wayne Dyer. He dies in his age 75 years old Here
  • You cannot tell what they trying to do. 

Those are all the combination of the La la land. She is the third country poor old lady running away from home, every guys knows the girl running away.

Not Heaven, here

Not the main stream media 1: here

Not the main stream media 2: here

I told you what I was told to you. Those are the gays him. He is finding his love to whom a guy, and he is willing to give up his entire world for that one guy. That is I am dreaming, or that is not what I hear it right. You imagine people buying a certain thing, we wishing people well, just don't know how well that really boiling it down. 

You are a teenage, you are a teens, you are still in the school, you trying to graduate, you trying to self-cultivate and even imagine away from your parents, to any any any any Earth sphere you check their country flag, is that the communism, or Cuba world, that color doesn't look like a illegitimated business, you mean a legitimate child? 

You trying to identify its because you have the education or you have a 194 borders jobs. None of this my classmate cared about their outift, so while these Black Ops have to be the clearance nature, one of those will be the height and the look. And the 10 second identify what I list here. Repeat this bullet points. You doing your jobs, or I remind you what the job you sign up for.

Their life and health - the small platform.


📁 What? The online them like the Youtuber business? 📁


How do I re-word this, when I used to be in the leadership...

Re-word this : Here

10/21/2023 - 印太司令

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