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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Your attitude is very permissive or what is the word 消沉 - sadden sunk it in Chinese.

I didn't embark that road - to the medical school. You glow yourself for the last 16 years over this medical school, the international school, to a resume, to a work place, to every set upon your foot to be, and?

You want to tell me all that was not glowing enough to all those around peers and for free? You will never see, met, hear, heard, or join those kinds of the ground, or the facility, or the close by anything that participate out of the context. You are debating that is or will be, in between the choice given to you, you will have a free will you telling yourself what you gonna do.

At the mean time you ride that all given to you, to your parents, in that hatred manner to handle everyone else has to be put up over you yourself to pamp up, they given you those chance, you silence away....

- because you are too afraid, when you debating that is how real, you keep screwing up, or even you yourself don't believe, you can just keep screw up the patient profile.

You calculate a upper idea of some money, for saying per monthly what is the doctor's office in the clinic you yourself to market yourself how to acquire your own salary methods. 

My computer here says 20,000 US

Here in Taiwan I think about 20,0000 NT.

4 zero.

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