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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Outside its everything high tech, and perfect, meaning maid, or the maid boy age or high tech calling, the apartment sleek similar to China drama.

They have the first floor house too. 

You don't have any money, so while both degree of the lower scale true love meet - you need to cook the food, washing the food, set the plate, set the dining table (the napkin, the cup, the mug, the baking urn, the baking casserole dish, and the combination of the guest, the VIP or the guest to that family, relative, or whom is a lot more important)

Not just to make an impression, its between the reason about the money to make that courtesy a lot more like a normal human I keep saying it the outside, THIS is not a career, that is not a job to generate your life time after the age 65 years old. But while the hardship to build a trust with one guy, you failing so badly so, badly!

The hardship you 2 suppose to work together, the life routine included.

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