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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...

Space Project

You have heard so much about this

In-line, in-line, in-line

(Your senior officers wishing you all well, meaning your business, your future, your money, other than this Science Museum Expo similar to this China expo in 2010)

You are all classified other than the Black Ops, or the Space Project groups

花千骨 ( speaking Chinese, Flower Thousand Bones

Westlife (Wild Dream 2021, Hero)  Here

Female Leadership, me talking Here

Where is this Nick Carter, or you all Itune very well your brand new assignment, my 90s boyband, we are in 2024 soon-to-be.

That is not what they say, let me imagine what should be said inside your brain.

(Its at the box below, you need this whole page with the geology 1, you should say the geography though, but these Hunger Game / Catching stirs away from Prince William's major, he has a French them territory, he speaks French. Correct, I have another page for the American Eastern military, when they will get at the Westlife, not 2 years ago, not last year, certain probably not gonna be this year. That is the geography page  )

There is something about Father, son and the Holy ghost

Talk 1, no sounding. Here

Talk 2, its your senior officers on singing. Here

It must be one of those the father has to beg the son or the daughters one of those. Imagine used to be that Purna, she grew up at least knowing that is a responsibility herself to actively seek out to sit in that stage front and talk. She grew to know that is the responsibility. The basic argument is one of those Royal Chef guard cannot discuss no more, but she goes and to do her jobs on the assembly. 

No she was very short, whomever has to erase those line on your own profile. 

No, when the taller guy has no camera that Era those....looking it down from the height to down, its not how you say, how short you are making a sense. It doesn't make a sense out of it, I can tell you that, so ....whatever you did wrote, well....its not entirely to erase if I know what you should be writing it about. 

Because that sovereignty cannot be reach at all. It will forever never be compromised, I am not sure how you all saying that in English. A certain thing its one of those music song from 宮崎駿

Its not like that, its square's photo, the behavior is more actively.



No she has never left that temple gate, where the assembly were. Her late German husband was a little bit outside that gate before he was admit in next by. He had some experience. 

Never gonna be any of this. No. Both of them + the rest of them, no. 



Right ...but in the real germ, the virus or the bacteria level. Its micro

The size. 

Virus << Bacteria  <<< Parasite.

Meaning? That colon dissection in the physical eyes can surgically on the dead body to open, to use a clap, not the surgical knife, a clap?! Take it out from the wet body flesh. These can all be disinfected near the blood when you open it. The blood is right next by upside down, GI track is a structure I keep saying it. 

All those thing are infectious. 

But, this part is where your naked eyes can see. The herbalist can go very far, to the parasite and the bacteria I believe. The viral infection are purely the pandemic one = the virus. They are very deadly.

Without a vaccine science.

What does that mean? Both virus or the bacteria cannot be seen in any surgical works no matter what, unless you have the microscopic. Those are infected once the dry air on Earth is air going in the flesh. These human meat is not process, so its all infected once the air going in, and the blood vessel all burst out. That is all the details in those room. 

If you eating meat, well....I already say that thousand time, never end with this. Things be processed because the grocery store those meat are being processed, guess with what? 

The chemical.

You have no other way but one way their way to processing all that, unless you don't eat the meat. 

On Earth, on Earth, on Earth

This is where you cared the most.

1) On Earth, the navy shirt eating. Here.

2) The digital Era forever my look. Here

No, not Loki those looks. 

I am talking about a real reality, you are in-line zone, not those travel entertainment be put on the TV format at all. Those are the drama or the theater school, or the music academia. 

They have to learn the music notes, to read, to formula, to sing, they work with Shane's idea, or 5 of them have to all coming out that per pitch, per note, per saying. All of them. 

They are the commercial groups


The Whistle Blowers and Conactee


Check Archive: Oct 24th, 2023

Today Oct 25th


Good Morning Mars


International Monetary Fund 


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