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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C


Unless you want me to draw to you?!

    ___________                     ___________   

  \                          \                \                          \

|    \ _____________ \           |   \ _____________ \

|    |  Room 502         |            |    |                           |

\    |  Room 432         |            \    |                           |

   \ |  Room 600  ___ |               \ |  ____________ |

Day in the Life of a Harvard Law Student | EXTENDED Week in the Life Version


The Harvard Law School Student Experience


Teaching the Harvard Law School


Maybe they will sound like how to get me....down, not this satellite - Ice Age 5 - the Collision course !!! I think that film is to laugh from the beginning to the end. 

At Yale

A Day In My Life at Yale University



This looks ....bad. (Sorceror Stone), so this is the magic and Dumbledore is me?

Anyone telling you that looks very very bad on any side?

Do I think....Dean is the whole street swapping personality? His spring breaks ...Maybe the Beauty and the Beast community they limited in itself. This UB Dean, I am not sure...OU fucking like porn you mean. But the one you married to....

Dean and Silas works...UB is ...State not Canisius.

Sometimes think a little bit wiser...the future.

Harry Potter - Ron says to the mirror about when he will gain the future?!

No, you imagine to be with a person next by you, til you really have every plan inside your head and truely having one person next by you, and you imagine she is dead.

That is why, its not working like that, not really.

None of you have to work the medical board standard, its not like that. They be watchful and make sure things hope for the best. But you tell them.

If that is what the movies meant, or I imagine = ROC and see, you want to swap the bf, or hurting each other because .....that, you still tell the medical board you feeling fine in that relationship. Square's dad did that.

Yes, tell the medical doctor, tell the board. You mean it, you work on that relationship. 

I will tell you there is a future, or how long you try to live, or anything about your dad hook up your own seat belt, no matter where I see that. .....Just one thing your dad did for you, that SUV car front seat, those small little things, or jacket you zip all the way up, all that.

You have no food, or you must be very very very resouceful.

Biden and Ireland PM will be charged if they found anything like the ship sunk it in the Pacific Ocean, you all may not coming out of the jail the day the jury or the Judge seeing any of you. You imagine you might, it might be someone they let out, just for a little while. 

Its not really the Bible story, ....

One Tamang's case.

Correct, no more TV seeing them when that day be settlement.

Right Zawanna comic book.

When that time Frozen came....2014

There are Sandra Bullock with 3 guys on the stage with Dean's 3 award, looks like Karen. Not sure if their house be bombed at, that is what the hive means.

Zombie 3, Dean's 3 award on the ceremony. A guy will never be in an award. Both they have the UB some kinds of the award ceremony, I seeing their both parents, I am the receptionalist.

You see George Clooney was married with a lawyer brunette. I personally don't know which story were true during this entire time, Mat flew to Italy having a visit. No one was on the Google+, and X man, or the movie decoding, its just me blog on that my own google+, Keanu knows where I am.

Simon + Lauren.

If you create something in one time, having a 4 stove, that is 2 boiling pot !!! + one rice cooker !!!

One pot for the pasta, one pot for the vegetable to lightly boil + a rice cooker + a slow cooker

Pasta (salted in the water)

Light boiled salted veggie.

A clean rice

A soup. the lentil, or the chickpeas soup (with some Indian spice or the fresh tomato)

(You soak the chickpeas over night with the baking soda)



UB that 2 groups under Jonathon's father, Ola goes to Alex that side, someone looks like you. You want to check your own body size, you might really care about it if you are the sisters?

Literally speaking.

Jonathon's father

           |                  \

Jonathon                  Alex

(UB my facebook)     (Roswell intern, look like Ola, and Ola)

Some of you that hanging, need to help that Jonathon's father or Jonathon to lose a quite substantial amount of the weight, really. Talking about some of the recipe or the cooking methods in your social media. Later you put it together, connected to each other facebook. Right now you can just work on it, you care about them to see those cooking recipe. 

If you really care about that middle school or the high school friends on your facebook and if they betray you over this "they return to the university degree like APO Tim" without telling you, he got a nursing degree.

You can just say, "Me is on this going back to the school money troubles, do you think I should suggest others whom wish to go back to the university for acquiring some degree."

If they say what, you say, "MBA".

  1. You message all your facebook, the one you didn't talk to.
  2. You just find out, periodically you are not sure if they are using the facebook.
  3. You think I lie to you.
  4. That is an autoresponder.
  5. You just say, "I want to say hi because I need to sit down and study, if you want to join me too." 
  6. You go out and find out per literally speaking, every studying table across, you ask that person in person, seeing that person. You care about it.
  7. About the lying part.
  8. You prepare some crackers, those rectangle wheat, a little bit salty? Not expensive, similar to this Legally Blonde, the studying groups, something that table are full?
  9. Its near the movie, not so near the movie?
  10. If you find out one, then you sit down, wait until you calm down, you go and tell your parents. You go and discuss. You may not try the next facebook, you might just flip all your facebook, really at this age. 
  11. You may not try the next facebook, but it might really hurt you somewhat, you wish some people sometimes well too. Meaning you can rely on them, or they are reliable, not saying their life is floating, and drifting together just like you
  12. Me Anna if were used to be that facebook, its the same UB people you hear, I just post the entire words stream, "Listen up !!! Broadcasting microphone to the Mars that side, I need to know, whom you gone back to the school, your university study, someone they want to buddy together to group the study room together, to catch up whom lying to whom."


20 birds right in front of my open windows. (fainted.)

1st like 6 then 2nd like 15-20 birds.


Clap for them, they are shy  小鳥很棒


In life, you want to find out something, so you saying you gone back to your own study, you know it might be right, and someone repeatedly telling you, its the correct path. Why don't you do something for yourself, meaning the things that bothers you, you literally took some action and go for that, finding things out, its not everyone seems too good to be true on the facebook?

You can help them, or finding others to help them.

You don't know how to deal with the Mormom that side, you never had a family or anyone older than you are, you imagine the future if someone younger than you are, being punished? All that?

You sit there to think, then you considering what kind of the help you meant that is the professionally speaking, the recipe, the recipe book, the simple step, the very clean method, or short time, you inventing that. You taken no one seeing the food for saying being considerate only a very simple home chore inside the house. 

  1. You prepare yourself like 5 really genuine things, everyone learns from. 
  2. You question yourself why you pick a medicine field.
  3. You re-check your career goal why those things weren't that middle school, however those suppose to look to you.


高階的政客死掉 + 一個低俗的低階女子 ( A high profile politician dead + a lower class rural poor background girl combine death)

就是電影故意讓人幻想活著 ...是一種低階的女子才會在 Loki 納編故事

Its a movie on purpose to make people induce illusion fancy to stay alive....that is a lower class rural idea to Loki


Meaning the court room file-ing location is about Taiwan democracy society system below, a branch of Power under Constitution, I have heard the Florida has a politician




Going back to the past

有好幾個電影我列給你們 1) 柯南的 Baker 烤街 2) 凡爾賽玫瑰 3) Harry Potter

I have a several movie 1) Conan Detective the Baker's Street, 2) The Rose of Versailles, 3) Harry Ptoter.


One of the prince on purpose to make someone dead

She wants to go to Germany? No, Ola's is more mild voice than Adria. She is soaking inside her own mood, too proud to spell its own program, when...she doesn't really have that kind of the IQ, so she thinks they trick her. I say false. The women next by this girl, she looks like someone....4:24

I saw the otter things.

Something middle


My birds have to talk, and I have to talk to Shane.


Hi, on Earth

International Monetary Fund 

The movie: The Mission Impossible 5 - the Ghost Protocol.

This is TMF


I handle my own math. I processing my own billing, but the correct country supposes to handling that would be through American Classify, and through that treaty 1954 those time during the President ElsienHoward, no I was not born. He had a great grand daughter, near whatever this Loki here the King Charlies III at this time. I will be telling you I am aware of something like that. This American put a quick notice of this they are / were the United States of America in the Chinese format wording here, as I got told and screen shot that on and from this internet law or the online protocol, I assuming something were done prior to this Lawsuit 275 can be triggered, right now that exceeding lawsuit will be 780+, the kids they told me I cannot do that, so I am reluctant to continue to this lawsuit writing but they were saying I won't be living that long....

Therefore the overall combine things to this Princess Diary 1 or 2, I will inform you that I am aware, and aware the inside story and seeing through. That handling agency will be the American Congress.  My more recent works starting this BTX will be drawing back to the 90s TV starting, the early 90s, so that spanning of the time would be 30 years down now, you saying comparing the mortality of the human race, it won't be blogging on you or whom coming in here 40 years prior or 100 years ago, or 400 years ago for one prophecy, one of those exotic travel, waiting one Keanu Reeves Google +  2014 so say online statue. 

That I can even duplicate myself to imagine where else I land for 2000 waits....at all.

I am sure we both side understand these easy words as my IQ isn't their IQ, or the slow snail pace for imagining that delay times of the court room were the Earth surface crust drama they with their own family at this time - I believe that will be flooded at your own monitor how many this exceeding the local rural country side of Buffalo, is very very very far away from Washington D.C for one check up the chiropractor doctor visit or the small farmer's market, they will be located probably more at this North East side. Correct, I told them, their commute time will be 1 hour per day coming and going to this daily Washington D.C general travel.

That substance of the magnitude were saying the brush of the face of any one piece of the paper is very irrelevant, I will be here just telling you now, before anything begins, that let myself make that very clear, we aren't knowing each other for anything deep skin rooted reason, they were more a lot like "I know whom they are", not we are the friends, including the parenting to throw them all out or if were already.

My mode: your 400, 2000, or 100 years ago, every exotic travel were if looking at the 4 points frame to look for the "Good Gospel News." such as that Zawanna if were not him, it will be only the exotic traveler sense, already move out of the Earth sphere about 2014.

Or all that later time before 2018.

The very first time I inform the American military or the American classify, or the American Congress. They take note, and so to my memory intact to my mortality years, those people none relevant, will not be anything clear to any scene of this background checking, and to that correct language tone or I was disclosed, it will be one of those we or I understood....if were waiting a prophecy on any planet journey to Eon or Kalpa travel, its only just a stop by.

If they are not already in the next location, away from this.

We have this COVID 19 as you all might be aware of. Its my deepest sorrow this air infectious reason, a lot of the disappearing of the life judgement were that the God's decree were not met, the punishment are here, ever after lasting. 

Loki and Thor

Here me and Thor, right Thor's world is adore women, so that movie taken them back to Asguar, was his mother or wife one of those, that entire image he got taken away was he is the women, or he in love with someone. The useless population of them are the entire women got massecred, I won't cared about a thing, correct. That is what he meant, or what he mean to tell me.

His extra-curriculum were that too scattering, so there is this UB side by data. Side by side. His daily life on another planet home those Sunday Choir Gospel singing activities one of those, makes us alike, side by side. He is the commander-in-chef meaning the fake Obama those, trying to say the genus bar, so Biden Plagiarism?

I am very sure some of those regulation he meant his degree of love inside were deep rooted enough, really. It were saying the carrying the gun mobility to make the space voyage, so that sunshine makes a grass greenish.....its not the mask everyone else to pretend, he has a nicer life, I am sure. To any Earthly uncunning mind of those to imagine the future, because it was one of those Zawanna one of the hell time of the evolution during the course of the Eon or were not Kalpa again, telling me again he remembers, or I should remember for all of them, at this time, at this junction of any kind of the mouthful babbling, it was not appreciative, whom that I am, will be exactly I am I say I AM.



32 that will be the order masscred the entire women population.

Our planet here is not those Asguar the old cloth makes a fashion human talks in dim sunlight. I assuming whatever that is, like an under world or the underground....felt.

The last thing I ever wish to see or hear, something is equation formulated and Thor he meant he is the Savior of that exit road. One of those from the Grey = the bad guy, the very bad guy.

Sorry, Tim Cook energy bar. Its the male.


I personally don't have that kind of the speech format such as this 賀先生 and for the last 2 days, he attempts, or this his buddy same color darkness skin tone, they each other blossom were not the frenchnizing with the enemy, their entire world sphere of the argument with these military women or 26 disturbs me with their own Heaven Celestial women.

Very occupying me time or any other worldly seen, I am right here. Other than in my room they are just always talking.

In other words, the spirituality such a big deal inside Thor's saying tiny bit, anything I wish to know the decomposition of that one Ronan earth bound here, not he will have the testimony if were none of those from him or his lawyer, or I imagine I have a TV upper, he is the lower 花千骨? All that is not favors this twist and turn guy too well, isn't ? Thor next by Loki, if were not our Earthly Loki, those wealth or the succumb none of this will make any substantial point, not at this time on any table.

We through this IMF...

Thor told me Laura got taken to this planet, the tin color working cloth with the chain on her hands, that Ice Age 5 how that bump each other is real thing. If she is coming back and forth, she needs to die, one of those argument?

I have the visual image.

They are all the slavery, the tin color, no pant, the patient's outfit for X-ray those.

MB human-celestial TV here. I see....the 背影, 40:11

The God's selectee to entering upon the Physical Universe has probably all military rank involved near by. I was told. Its not a common thing a human is God, or God trespassing the Physical Universe and everyone blast on the public television as one of the kind, one of those.

Babaji's job correct is?

Laura kills someone in the real life? 

She is a brunette. Every brunette. 

Good morning, Mars

Voice Memo: Here (5:43)

Ice Age 5: Collision Course (2016)




Its Friday night. I have to talk on the phone a bit. Go to sleep

Babaji: Go

Taiwan Youtuber

No time to watch



Someone goes to deal with that.

📁📁 No, I think the way they are, all similar to Keegan. They go in front of the Judge, and make a fuss. 📁📁

None of them are the law major.

Eric....he got a label, already.

📁 When you entering the court room, you have a reason to stay there for years to argue anything in front of a Judge.

📁 Okay...try me. You open your mouth make a statement.

📁 You claim ...you have a personal hurt, what else. 

📁 The obligate the free will to control another person, did you say that to the Judge? 

📁 You have to understand what is the jurisdiction court. You starting this 10 years ago, I cannot know or even be aware what exactly you gone on how many session, did you got detain by the police. That is not the hospital service. 

Meaning your parents show up with you to the Judge, and you got any charged, by how, I want to know? Is that consecutively you got jail even in 3 months, or 1 years include or 45 days?

From my side, I can tell you, its consecutively done. The day I found out, I faint.

But your classmate doesn't know, that every legal process, your parents are there with you !!! Meaning the phone or the police can contact the family to let them know, you are in the court room session, that is a legal proceeding, how you end up in there.

You enter from the front door, to see a Judge in a small court room.

Here, you went on 10 years, or 2 years ago, or 6 years ago, and you continue going back and forth. No, I want to know per word you opening up your mouth speaking per word literally to the judge. You never read a court room case, or anything on that sort doesn't make you register what is a court room write-up to becoming a case to look like inside there.

Meaning your statement or your arguments have to have a validating proven to support any claim of that. For your personal hurt, I already told you the public media law was always long time in place. They have a reason why that is there, you cannot make them disappear. 

100 years Micky Mouse, that is exactly what they tell you. They do not require to tell you what that classify material meant or from, they just have that sort long time ago in America.

What do I think they MD the rest of them program gonna do in life? Meet a love, and withdraw everyone's lawsuit like they might have behind talking to each other, and bump into each other or the Judge.

These people you never met, I had.

So in the 10 years or next 20 years saying that Judge never make any one thing happen, but in any date of the Heaven's time, one someone strange shows up, that is the time they will hear what the Judge says.

  • For a few phone call, or for any stability of that any living setting, they will let go a lot of the stupidity of them. First they pretend they are normal to that love one.
  • Second, this thing I say to them, "Stay in-room 4 side wall until you make it that MD program."

They will not do anything I think, and I am not forcing anything. I just say clean up. 5-7 months. No more any of that talking, not those past. Stay the new time now. 

If I got told to join that program, right....I finish the program first. Its a lot linear method they meant? Meaning including the interview, you just need to make the classroom 4.0 + the double major undergraduate + MCAT to USMLE 1 or 2...up to.

I never try out that side of the career choice. If I were them .....

You will not get any love but focus on the medical board says on the map?

Correct. But I am not in any of that program. It would be I think the Pharm D.

I like to go to the school, but I got so distracted by so many so many so many things. I cannot focus on anything straight to English or any textbook. If I were to re-do ...they suppose to tell me 10 years ago.

If someone upset you, or if your bone behind got hit the wall to try ....your brain has some kinds of the emission response (you asking me honorable superior a question)

You have a mood so you have a response such as, "You should be dead."

If coming from me, I have nothing inside my body or the brain, its a fact, not its an emotional response. That is not the triggering point. I have nothing to be triggered at.

Per emission, per response.


So if I am hungry not fasting, not detox and I whine?

Right ...

Right what?

You are not on fasting mode or on any bodily adjustment of the ancient route or any ancient teaching of any doctrine, to live in life accordance to that the only teaching for, that you will just hearsay, not hear meant say.

Japanese bone doctor, here

If its the maintenance program of that every session is the same...

Right, I only go to see the doctor when I am in town that time. In town.

All the guys and all the girls are forever impossible the same. I keep saying that. As the women, your entire elimination system is very very important to clean up. But correct, even the guys will feel totally different. Some of the things, because that is where the nerve system all that included. 

I found it from the yellow book. On the ground those free yellow book, with a bigger ad, those I can see? I forget though....that time. 

Whom? 花千骨 Ep 13


Second aunt and my brother

Irene's brother and 花千骨

Its a generation upside down, not sure what it says. 

Something about Catching Fire, the visitor.


Ronan and Justin, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJ5DX61whgg

We getting old.

Dr. someone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoDTWkHo2Qk

Reflex, soft tissue

Most people eat a lot of the meals, not breaking between the meal, if inside a home you say you are with your mother, like me. Or another guy. Usually when you are more stable, the finance, you could stay with your mom or if with the guys. 

If with the guys, these washing mechanism just never never stop. Really. I probably say that thousand times, because its 2 people eating. Sometimes the guys free off that part of the brain about the food, they go and be more free everywhere else. Its a stable home and the food. 

Here we can just buy something very quick outside. 

... ...when I am getting off this spinning state. Orbiting all around and around.

I cannot use my brain for some reason at all.



You put an attitude to your patient, saying something out loud to them. 

You know what you are saying at them, you say to them if they keep pushing you, you will write them as the mental? That is what you did to every patient your parents want to know that? 

They call the clinic or the medical board, someone came?

The rest of all your lovely partner ever knew what's going on in each location you all practice on your own communication? Not just in front to fake, behind to go to your parents, you suppose to fake all the way. That is a real life you are living it right now.

I don't have a boss, or a father, or a mother, or a grandpa any of that.

So I cannot talk to him 帝君, I do not know what to say. Its to ask the spiritual question that sort. We don't have a spiritual practice concept in Chinese here, they are the Indian Buddhism, I always go and take care of anything so my life NEVER says a prayer EVER.

You probably mix up your practice but what standard in the Chinese Buddhism or the Master in India overall says. 

And they are Vampire too, so the military is hologram them, one of those. Its better not to talk to them, they eat you, when you die .....you will be a no head, the ghost body of what she says. 人面 face front look of....just no head.

China Drama 《賀先生的戀戀不忘》

The Earth doesn't really have a God's program, meaning the separation of another Kingdom.


Babaji human-celestial he is living in this pink sky heaven all that with the golden arm, he comes to the physical universe because he is the 3 Esteem. But that is his character. How he ends up in the hell or the hologram, or anything of that million years ago, or whichever that story was told, might be all irrelevant. I told you, everyone is all different when things get bad. Those things are not any of your control. The TV made a new, its to me. You telling me.

The Kingdom of this God assign, is the Heaven world, your mortal to ascend heaven, most of them are some kinds of the very steady spiritual practitioner, its the monk or the nun. Your sky look will be normal as you live on Earth. Everything as the same as the Earth.

You farmiliar when you get there, when your physical body die. They go there to meditate or to pray, a lot of those groups going that way. They just soak in the meditation. That will be everyone you ever see. To pray, to meditate, to squat sitting in the meditation folding your leg or the feet behind.

Most of you...don't get there anyway. To even imagine what those scene are.

I think he is alive somewhere, MB Human-celestial, but this things might be the million years ago was put into a situation such as the hell, and anything you see or gonna witness, it might be him, it may not be him. He has a 26, the Flower Thousand Bone in the military, so is this my bed 帝君, that is his girl. No I don't care about it. I sleeping outside. How or why they have to do that....No she has a kid, she is a military women, rank.

You are lonely because ...in the regular mortal sense, you create a facebook in 2004, and then, you will have a Linkedin one day. As any mortal. There is a way how to run that. 

That many God's program, or what you label as the final rulership are few. I already draw that for you.

冰原歷險記: 笑星撞地球 Ice Age 5: Collision Course (2016)

You know what is the Chinese film name of this ?

The Ice Pluteau (Tom's) Venture's Journey: The laughing comet (star) bump the Earth


I saw a little bit, but I am drowsy today, I sleeping through.

I see this flower crown girls on that with 2 friends, she talking like a MD with the jaw idea.

Right now or the very beginning I told you the academia performance will come to this high school one day to write a book. In fact, that was the first thing I say 2 years ago. Right now, only one person MD has a book or more than a book.

He is Ph.D, MD.

The entire readership actually do look at this book publication case where their credential to be, most people didn't think that writing a book is important, some will tell you that is almost impossible, all that. I told you the first thing 2 years ago, I tell you again this year.

The Reader's Digest (Devil Wear Prada)

No, nothing to do with the MD, but in there, you can hear some of those terms, right...there is only one Ph.D is gearing towards the M.D.

None of you are the friends to each other. Not even genuine to each other, other than you wishing your parents will keep your room, or keep your toy, or anything in that norm. Right now its happening around that North East UB all that side you saying everyone moving out. You yourself know inside your head, you wishing no one well, and that is the Silicon Valley lay off news, and all that happened after "A Day in Life.".

MD program just meant the stability of that make it doctor path, meaning you be selected, and most people will tell you, you are not stable. It will never be AI streaming numbers to make you believe you have a thought or a random distress thought, all that included. You are on Earth, not the high tech world.

A lot of things I told you on the first immediate time, you have heard. That's about it.

That girl inside the movies is not Ola. And that kind of the girl, if you really seeing her exists in front of your face, the only things she will ever ever ever talks about to you, would be.....

"I will see my doctor today or the therapist."

All day, all the time, every chance you ever hear.

There is another frame in 9:05

The same first story, 




💝💖Happy Birthday ~ Wish you and your care taker having a great weekend ahead, you have your other otter friends share the same channel, are you nervous on the screen?


I show you

What? He thinks he is the American SWAT?! ....

I just told you the thousand times.....

Cocktail. 雞尾酒 (0:11)


7:08  blondie bonnie rabit ears.

7:13 Military someone senior or police compound shootinig gun.

Something about he has to get married with his wife.

7:20 Well, that is the black hair singular.

7:24 He does that all the time, outside the house, outside the car, inside the darkness. Similar to Smallville. Outside the home.

7:32 The little kid sees him does that,....

7:34 the black hair singular girl....

2 Shorts





The kid says,

"4 people are not alive anymore, right?" 

He uses the Christian bible to controls some morality of those police friends, or the tall height similar to him, the gays, some proper occupation in the bar, not necessary the shooting gun place, that is another building ID he can enter. 

This ID can enter building, such as South Dakoda, its where the comfy chair and IT department resources similar to UB IT. The University resources.

They are probably some Christian drinking bar wine places, the shooting gun at those are the officers, those he doesn't have a clear picture where the friends are, other than that senior one older guy, with few, they are all in the compete and compared mode.

He thinks as he grew up, that is the American culture. He is the local grown up American, he speaking English like the Constituional right of that declaration of independence makes me memorize in that Friend Lake.


He reports to the senior that rank guy I think something he cannot get through his cases. 

If UB you all just ask him, "Are you working on the police profile cases, so we don't need to pass the patients case profile to you?" He will tell his every assignment its to arrange his best career.

"Is that legally blonde?"

NO, its Two Weeks Notice !!!

====> I just told you this is the gun man sees him having no gun walking free cases.

China got mad? Not sure if Stephen Tamang, pervert superman means the penis small, its the children voice to talk to.

A hospital older lady might be like Mexican care taker, short hair like Hiep without the eye glasses. Not the wave hair, Westlife that kind, a little big fat on the ass. Touching his arm talk.

I think my side says he fires that little black girl, that is not a wave hairstyle.

He fired the blondie.

No, inside his mind, for some strange reason. The blondie asking him to read something he kept refuses, or limited edition she told him some code, so he wrote it down. She told him the contract terms or conditions are not met, she cannot work with him on that, one of those. So he fires her.

Inside his mind.

But they continue.

The Harry Potter guy, says no on a several things, he is not feeling discourage, but he had a bad mood to get more gun and powder at this military officers at to comfer the entire world like that, the best friend police or the military like the Conan, walking in something to shoot the gun.

He hired 2 additional blondes, they both told him no. Two blondie girls. Or it is hired. No, he doesn't have that much money, but he is not inside that MD studying program as you can see.

So this will go on for 40 years ....the same story.

He is enjoying to trespassing between that South Dakoda Director chair office one person space + this gun powder probably police best friends all that together, or the height to make a proud. I think that Atlantis, or something alll that claim, the reason to that Blonde, was his prevention of his high school claim.

Movie: 2 Weeks Notice

Its political target. I think that is what it is in Atlantis.

Of course its not on UB, of course its not on any shorty, I keep saying shorty short leg, shorty shortie....shorty human inept, low intelligent.

Every road of the block human is his pawn. He loves the fame (Director of that)

He loves the sweet talk near by those shorty mexican, humble but not White.

He is a superman, the underwear pervert, thousands time.

Because they didn't do all that to him, they told him its the MD program.


In 40 years he will realize its the fulfilling wish jewel is the MD program. 





Babaji: Go

Both need the home owner manual


The chiropractor


When I start this Cayce Edgar materials, its just intuitive because the women's pain just eyes staring at it most of time what he says, and so any time at that time, my brain can only register was since I was already in America....I gone to. But correct, the medical school if saying to go for a major, I never think of that EVER in my life.  NEVER will be this anatomy and physiology hanging somewhere both in China entertainment or ...just life !

You know this eternity begins here, not necessary, that Cayce Edgar or a several people like Dr. John R Christopher will dissipate, because in the modern trend, its all a lot faster medicine, like the instant pain relief, all that. With Cayce Edgar, saying the women, saying never wasting time in life, and under the American Capitalism, I am telling you, I have a very fast working methods in life, and I am not lazy, or sitting there doing nothing.

I did a lot of things, so if you saying a regular public citizen, to filling in a never stop resume or CV, as a girl or as a women, and have to use that phone per Friday night starting to Sunday, either to parents or someone else, to cry, or to make a drama, because if one of these 3 days you cry, the rest of the evening is abolished and gone.

Your morality you saying 40 years old? When the metabolism will start running it down?

Me, no, this stomach acid after detox, I need to eat something, but if saying somewhat the sexual energy parts its 20-30 were stronger or that body is a little bit different made of. That my ex bf saying something might be very very true. I hear what he says so I done something. 

No, its not the same felt, that 28 or 29 those time was a lot more crystal feeling felt, I don't know what it is. Maybe that was I am on juicing, water a lot...one of those.

The body is a lot of this mechanical doing rather than if you inject too much of things inside your head or what you see on the TV. You only care that your mommy or daddy, I will tell you all that, really.  1) The food to eat down 2) a room you used to have 3) something you grew up never left town, one of those.

uh ..NO.

Eat the fruits or the vegetable because you might get a lot of this constipation, meaning not going to the bathroom.



I tell you, I haven't process my lawsuit to have any spare money, but, even that....if I go back to a little bit down term of my weight, these things, you take like a few bite, only. Literally with the spoonful if you go out to eat. Literally. Not the rice, not the meat, never cheese.

Something about Westlife


Little kid  (China drama).


Physics!! Galileo, only the Asian doctors requires to know the physics. 

Is that Westlife they are on the beauty pageant? Ireland or Europe?

That girl's eye look a bit like Ola. She has that attitude, that is what she wished to be seen?




How nice ....

You see his bed with what things on the top toward the ending of that little kid (first clip), I remember my Pinterest, I hate the most its I have to create the entire house floor plan for his bedding....looking like all THAT.


I think they do on purpose, what is in front of my TV, and what is my own reality, everywhere, other than the friends issues. That is one thing I don't need, and I don't have, I am very sure to tell you all that. 

The mansion home or the luxury house in Pinterest, let's say eternity wise, you have those reincarnation set theory going forward, you have to almost like that book teaching you something, I think those people know. "Thinking and Grow Rich", one of those alike book. It might be some lines or some words you missing but those are the most important words in there.

You don't really ever have a home owner manual. Not the luxury home, a regular rental agreement or you fight with your parents to get out of this "One air of the breath". 

With the home

ANY modern design is fine. Contemporary, or the design sleek, all that are fine. 

Technically your reality and my reality not this high velocity either the movie or 4 points frame the informatic all this traffic, driven me karmically speaking or literally I am dragging with this Earth with the velocity. 

You have a culture for some reason, a house is not design as a house. Whichever rural you imagine you are. 

You know, 2018-2020 this MB God, the real parallel that God, my back skeleton are still hurting, its a concrete wall behind, the WHOLE piece of the skeleton are nothing but the bones concept, so you have this Anatomy & Physiology. I don't curse word, but I am telling you, I hate to be spinning all around never stop with this. 





Babaji: Go

You have never been in the space

Darkness all around, and high velocity, no one exists. Worse than this one island under the water coming up, you faint once, not ....high velocity spinning around this Earth, they are very very fast. I tell you, right now I know I can see there are what outside, before, that is even now...if you understand what that is, that is a horror.

Ending at this Tom Hank's movie: Da Vinci Code.

The very end of it.

Every time I see this guy, I see horror !!!!!!!

How that makes me feel.....at all. 

Get on the bus, Greyhound?


My hair and the ducks?

The birds were saying, "The angel's wings", that is a ...chicken wing.

I am not actually feeling well right now. Something about this weight if I gone to 69.20kg down, I am not feeling well at all. With this, I do not intend to be with anyone already I say.

Something is wrong, why I cannot keep going down the weight, you all becoming like the 3x.

It must be the penguine ....south pole.

There is not one thing normal I guess. 

I understand noiw.

You mean Dean or Jess supposes to be seeing everything in front of my face.

Meaning your ex bf, should be seeing all this inside the story they know you should, or you would, or the God intend, or the world told you so, all that.

How sweet. Dean has a Linkedin. You want me to send him that diagram I draw him with Lee next by?! Because...its the same Linkedin account in the public or in private?! 

🥖🍎 I would not see any of you, for saying, why you need a face? Your boss seeing you and your attitude.

194 Pixie, they will never do. They wishing people ill.

194 military, they are technically not mine.

194 Space Program + Black Ops, you will never make it those website why it means to them anything. They have other things to do.

The science museum might be just 1 location, its fall semester they are all out, its empty building.

1 China me 花千骨 Ep 17 saying the 2 side Pavilion. They are the lineage holder. What they did in the pavillion, its a lot of this high tech smaller room, you are....just one page flip one of those photo album at your age Top line is 20+, end line when you dead. I am sure there is in between.


You are not anything important in life?

Vicky is a deformed face. Wing is losing his face I think....

The eye bags, too stressful. Your kidney issue.

Osmosis water, not necessary Wal-mart those distilled water? The organic store you carry back.

When you becoming old and dead, Ola? Kneading dough on the feet or on the wheel chair....its white hair, clouds looking thin bone, thin face wrinkle. Its a ghost format, you don't have a physical body. No.

In hell? That is the astral body. 

Sometimes....you have to know nothing is fix in life, they given you a brighter picture for me. What if they change all that you one person find out in the end of the day?

Like the Titanic old lady those form.

Yes they might still watching the TV. The MD they are. Hailey's father.

Is the physical body have no strength older time? 

Correct, Ola her whole life she doesn't kneading dough I think, too thin, arm strength.

What would happen?

I guess you keep doing it, that will be the metabolism going it down, but you don't have a body, so I don't know if that is the panting means. What that worlds would be, let's say Hailey's dad knows what he does, he knows exactly what that means.

Because her choice of her labor was 24 hours a day doing nothing but the physical works, rather than intellects. Look at the Tv monitor and make a dough, its a real dough, a real flour mix, and cut small or big in rolling, a stick rolling out. All that very very you say waving your 4 limbs, and no more you require to think.

Hailey's dad may not personally done those jobs.

I did.

No, there is a difference, I was practicing.

The birds are telling me something ....I am walking bathroom, kitchen talking to my mother, explaining to her certain things, a Day in life, til Silicon Valley lay off, all that included.

The birds are telling me the huge you all movie done things wrong to ruin my inside outside awareness I cannot thoroughly incorperate here to live. Or American is the countries they are not the strongest moral standard. All that ended a life to the future hell to come...that is not the birds say, I say that.

Probably when Ancient Chasez dies ...but that entire length was about 3 or 6 years probably. Yeah I gone to my mother's these friends to eat, what happened to these friends? The human moral conduct. Well, you all can stream down AI data. Today is the first day.

Clean up.






Henry and Jason none applicable.



Dean and his twin

3325178 3325150124137115187169115150161221231450

Karen's sibling



110.245 dot 610.5578920. dot 551.215.236.277 dot



Mike (APO)




For now.

NSYNC Madison Square


Life is not always out there compete and compared, the girl/ the women, all these decades passing and gone, it was not the math, just a piece of the skins? But see, sometimes your mobility or that action forward, or the concept in life, the manner or the conduct to what is a lot more righteous to that in accordance of the Heaven's laws....not really I seeing here anything comfer for me, in the real physicals dimension or awareness, but while you can still dream a little bit longer, all that given you some teaching of the Past, or the ancient, indeed that every Do, every Cherish to hold....weren't just meant a word, you mean you trustworthy that person, thy that independence spirits how to survive in any weather God's will, replace you all among.

All that didn't need to be extreme, but it will be less attitude to where to your parents, very own, sometimes, you mean a lot of the friendship might just be a lot more harsh than those your own very parents, that you needed, not every min you cannot stand them. They understand you the most.


Out there, a load of those stable, you saying the height the look, the responsibility of two buddy together, not these song, 3 blind mice? Sometimes its between the guys, let them be. Some people just wishing other people's well, I am busy, or everyone else is busy too ! There are a lot of those aviation friends.  You increase your literacy, your IQ, your knowledge how to confronting a talk. The stability. 

A warm towel wiping your own neck, your palm in the airplane?  Wipe on your own mother, your own little near by soul and mind? The younger kids because its a giant family or somewhat shed a little bit light for them?! 

Yeah, I told Shane the reality of my voice or look won't ever change, not this lifetime. Its a girl. Why are we everyday has to arguing any of this, later I found maybe that is not what it is. Its the money part. 

uh .....the garbage European boys, they used to be. I remember EF those.

All right, finished.

I feel better about it.



You mean I cut my hair? ! They were saying the Christmas. I am on the human behavior science conduct. Okay, I cut it.

10 mins I need to cut my hair.

Hey medical board, these birds drives my head hurt, but....this whole back pain killer patches (2)

one left thigh. The back feeling it....upper is everything I need, no, I put it to top, 2 palm your neck C 4 down, my hand palm.

Look at this...Ronan Keating !!!


What year is this we are?


They probably don't know what is feeling like hoovering on the satellite. From our map, we are the center of everything, Taiwan. Taipei is at the north side.

How far is this Ireland, its just as far as the America in SUNY Buffalo the 5 Lakes ends ....isn't this interesting. I have to ask whom kept this Ronan as the things, really. 

Maybe its the R group.


Westlife behavior conduct ....

That sounds about right, not dull, not sad, not inept, get up....move your all around, and not to gain weight. That sounds right at this junction of Time, all you ever want, all you ever need is the body shape.

Sounds about right...


Affection is not the only thing in life, you cannot wait to vola to tell everyone else, but you care about it.

One of those they keep saying in the movie, whom care the most is what not, the most all that?

The stupidiest of the humanity makes the whine of the a gulp if not vomiting the other direciton of it, I will tell you all that. The!!! Behavior conduct. Someone has the behavior conduct manner problems, it must be the degradation of the humanity never growing out of the light, I will tell you all that.