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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


That is a claim

You claim to the Judge, but you cannot make the guy to bend by the court, he disagree, and he wish to solve outside the court room - the arbritrary, and you decline. You want to force the guy to bend, to kneel, to call you back, to.....listing 1 to 100 things you wish him at that court. He can decline any of your claim, he is unware, untold, and you refuse a group of the stranger pairs to solve outside the court.

Meaning you wish one person dominating that Judge, and you have. If they participate with you, I don't know.

Your claim would be, between the time of "xxx year to 2013 year or 2014", we are in 2024 soon-to-be, that is 10 years, and I assume 8 years before was me and nick, so you and him were almost 20 years gone by?

Your file original date.

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