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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...



Movie: Silicon Valley 5 

This is a TV maybe (2014-2019), they used to have other Silicon Valley documentary I have seen it. There are 2 other Steve Jobs young and older movies just like that Mahavatar Babaji. This is what I wrote: 

I watch the beginning of the Silicon Valley documentary. Not Steve Jobs any movie both 2 known Hollywood Star, one of them is from American, the other one is from British - Michael Fassbender. It was Bill Gates trackers on the sand beach ended.....at that sand beach probably.



AD 2000

Write a Book 

Why don't you set a margin next by that 1 million movies, Write a Book 

Why don't you set a margin next by that 1 million movies, Write a Book 

Why don't you set a margin next by that 1 million movies, Write a Book 

Why don't you set a margin next by that 1 million movies, Write a Book 

Why don't you set a margin next by that 1 million movies, Write a Book 

Why don't you set a margin next by that 1 million movies, Write a Book 

Why don't you set a margin next by that 1 million movies, Write a Book 

Time Motion Solution
BC 500 

Why don't you set a margin next by that 1 million movies

Write a book
AD 0

Why don't you set a margin next by that 1 million movies

Write a book
AD 100 

Why don't you set a margin next by that 1 million movies

Write a book
AD 500

Why don't you set a margin next by that 1 million movies

Write a book
AD 800 

Why don't you set a margin next by that 1 million movies

Write a book
AD 1000

Why don't you set a margin next by that 1 million movies

Write a book
AD 1200 

Why don't you set a margin next by that 1 million movies

Write a book
AD 1300

Why don't you set a margin next by that 1 million movies

Write a book
AD 1400

Why don't you set a margin next by that 1 million movies

Write a book
AD 1500

Why don't you set a margin next by that 1 million movies

Write a book
AD 1600 

Why don't you set a margin next by that 1 million movies

Write a book
AD 1700

Why don't you set a margin next by that 1 million movies

Write a book
AD 1800

Why don't you set a margin next by that 1 million movies

Write a book
AD 1900

Why don't you set a margin next by that 1 million movies

Write a book
AD 1920

Why don't you set a margin next by that 1 million movies

Write a book
AD 1950 

Why don't you set a margin next by that 1 million movies

Write a book
AD 1960

Why don't you set a margin next by that 1 million movies

Write a book
AD 1970

Why don't you set a margin next by that 1 million movies

Write a book
AD 1980

Why don't you set a margin next by that 1 million movies

Write a book
AD 1990

Why don't you set a margin next by that 1 million movies

Write a book
AD 2000

Why don't you set a margin next by that 1 million movies

Write a book
AD 2004

Why don't you set a margin next by that 1 million movies

Write a book
AD 2008

Why don't you set a margin next by that 1 million movies

Write a book
AD 2010

Why don't you set a margin next by that 1 million movies

Write a book
AD 2012

Why don't you set a margin next by that 1 million movies

Write a book
AD 2013

Why don't you set a margin next by that 1 million movies

Write a book
AD 2014

Why don't you set a margin next by that 1 million movies

Write a book
AD 2015

Why don't you set a margin next by that 1 million movies

Write a book
AD 2016

Why don't you set a margin next by that 1 million movies

Write a book
AD 2017

Why don't you set a margin next by that 1 million movies

Write a book

My birds want to write the books too !!!!


An instructive media outlet - UK 1 billion dollar library has a media center. You borrow those past records in a different formatting.

The student ID card borrowing

1. Ear phone

2. SD card

3. The tool to run that SD card (for example), the projector included.

UB Capen 2nd floor near the Earthquake library or the Map room

1. Micro-film

2. Tarzon video map + the birds photo.

3. An interative video dynamic learning

Side by side.

These are called the interactive dynamic media

This is my middle school

2 friends, I am the third, so I left. the shoulder length hair shorter she did this side by in front of the short hair girl door. The short hair girl looks like my aunt - Debbie. 

The other one is the high school.

Square and Irene are on the map IP address, restaurant Plant = they were the high school friends. My singing video that is Square.

I told you it will be 1000x worsen looking every single day on and on....


Right now Ronan is not clear yet. 

AD 2000, just a Sweet Nov.

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