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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


People tend to wishing people well, when you spot this Little Mermaid 2 (2000) wherever that child star Nominji used to be.

Well, it looks worsen every step the way, the ET would have told you in the realistically the Heaven Standard, how far down the hell they keep spelling inside their mindset, wishing and wanting that appearance will never return.

在講你,清海無上師,這很書台灣有: 花冠安琪兒

不是我的只有一張照片,抵達再說 ! (我在加拿大,特斯拉的兩個專利在尼克的房子叫做飛行器),你的部分在英國的姊弟大概,但是 25 年過去了 ...英國男生,當初這尼克是義大利人抵達加拿大的剛開始 downtown 那時候做英國人可風光呢 ! 他會這樣告訴所有人的 ! 

She got married in 1997 

她 1997 結婚,好像是一個越南人

Every guy lied to you, I am telling you, you are in the prison hand coff human. The Taiwan 斂財 classmate I ever keep saying in that Flower Thousand Bone (2015).

妳台灣斂財的同學都在花千骨的 90 年代開始算,這種東西是說誰的注意力大概,女受刑人。

你還沒有殺了整個 90 年代的徒弟 + 你德國丈夫叫做靈修部分,他們快死光了沒? 我媽還在 !!

You haven't killed your entire 90s era disciple + your german ex husband for the spirituality part, they almost dying out, my mother still here.


The first degree murder on the TV is already on that every monitor up there.

你就算想拿外面針對地球,地表之上 (大氣層之內) 我都說是 none applicable (N/A)

Even if you want to use outside to against the Earth, on the surface crust (within the atmosphere), I already say those are none applicable

金錢、能力 (能力、做事、才能)、專業、勢力

Money, Ability /Capbility /Talent, Professionalism, and Power

我覺得在乎自己,以後再想男孩子的事情因為你太老了,要去死了 ! 

I think care about yourself, later think about the boys, because you are too old, about to die.

你的徒弟跟你的對象一定很難過的意思,叫做永恆的撒謊 ! 

Your disciple and your ex bf must be very sad, its the forever lie.

Hi ! I used to be her dad. I wasn't born yet you all met? You know what I mean? I cannot wait to get rid of her, seriously in my life starting the First very Life No matter What. The guard for sure for sure for sure for sure. 嗨 ~ 我曾經是她攝政的爸,我含有出生你們就碰到? 你知道我什麼意思,我很想把她丟的遠遠的,嚴肅的永遠離開我的生命從第一生開始,無論如何,這皇家侍衛隊更是長那樣、非常確定非常確定非常確定的。

I have some menu for your PERFECT GREAT Happy ending.


最新的是我今天早上寫的 ! (給亞當夏娃的叫做盤古開天闢地 ! )

The newest: this morning I wrote


Other posts are

Here - the menu you filling  |  Here - the group food |  Here - another page group food |  Here - not obligate the group food. |  Here - BBQ outdoor  |  Here - Daily preparation  |  Here - Potato 馬鈴薯 |  Here - Tempa + sauce |  Here - Rice and Pasta container 飯跟義大利麵  |  Here - Water, tea, juice | 水、果汁、茶  

My website

1. These are the regular food 一般的食物 

2. Juicing recipe - more raw food idea. 生食或是果汁

3. The photo to see the food, here. 看照片的食物

愛最耀眼 - the Love Most Shining in eye catching


Girls case (all argumentative in front of the guys)


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