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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


UB Bill, behind you there is an Asian guy, horsy, wo, louder, say it !!! Ola is not there pushing to die

Dr Chambler =Wing, gun on her tempo

Dr Ester does on purpose, it’s a variable she didn’t think she needs to…SUNY Brook supposes to watch.

And there is every variable she knew it or she consent or she agrees Congress eats that one person him walking by himself down to Washington DC.  She does on purpose. 

Hank is an Asian !!

Where is Ola station at? I heard? You all say as long as …well, I heard. “North Pole”.

This is the case, UB Bill, how all the investment went to Wing to stablize one Asian short guy, no name, no family, never gonna be ROC any of that. A very short guy to expel or push the white girls to die cases, to that the end of Shadow someone meets...they will tell you....

They 3 location are permanent staying there forever until the day they die.

They born kids, they meet the new love and new lover, and creates the family or seeing things to relax them. All the money are surrounding these 3 spots of the America from SD, TN and TX (FL), he travels, if that is by the car of the day before he will relax, all these variable are watched by those younger age of the 15+ years old to keep a records as long as they reaching to Ella Enchanted, you saying the justice be served, or their hell sentence be notified?

Its the Sailor Cosmo story, in the ending someone chooses all around the friends to come back, and she told you she comes from the future. There is a whip, and that is a bubble gum chew in Sigapore's subway. None of this Asian has any family background. None of them have any value. Trump knows that, or his daughters is not in the middle of it or someone set up that, all the money to stablize them to one scene for another that they needs to know;...

1. Everyone screw it up,

2. Yeah, Horay, GREAT, feeling sos sos so sos so good, the penis Friday night so shooting Big Hero 6.

Tell me, you can live all like that, someone so sure, you didn't know anything on that TV is against any of you all that decision making were not Constitutional. 

(Passing it by if were)

"oh ~?!"

"This is where the Gifting peace would be at? You believe the girl's look or we were told this is the guy whom's genetic stock were the medium yoker, for trespassing where? My territory? He is? All his profile written?"

"So what is him? All these money combine total sent in all around the flower peddle scandle he wish to see himself not a monk that cost. Meaning outside the world like its own worth, you have the plenty of the pharmacist except this one."

"This is what you say, or this is what the Bible told you, no one says anything such as this setting as the middle points of the reference, or the supports cause of the prayers like Kail kisses to ALL? He is Yuri's height? "

The ending of Sailor Moon. How long this Time or Eon you waiting?


"Til the end of the world", that is what it means  天荒地老 Til the end of Time, No matter What. The love.

It's a song. When did you say the biblically situation all your military living on the sea, the judge living on the sea or the Iceland, to come back where?

It means everyone gets the Asian short girls to fuck, except getting the Asian guy abused mentality to got fucked from the white race. Like those thai girls, you just never been to Thailand to see what the real scene from European. The Australia, that George Clooney movies at to Thailand with an old pal muscle loose to break the hip women his brother is Eric?  Those flying routes, you seeing?

They were not told the motorcycle are all looking ARCH by that Keanu Reeves, and its the short girls riding those big giant European White fatter guy. Me and Nick honey moon there Mr & Mrs Smith there seeing.

The breakfast is Musli and Soy yogurt and fruits. Very very cheap. If you wish to fly from America to Thailand, you must stop somewhere, this entire time, you better eat something. I vomit when I land there. 

Rice kind best. 

Tell the whole world, why he was there by himself.....imagine he gamble once of his life, so away from his parents to get killed.

Its the Buffalo Wing chicken reason, not the military, the mediocre, so that is not a real military at all. They all knowing or guessing that. Its the Buffalo Wing like his parents have no background other than....the medical service needs to get there for their retirement. They don't have the pension that is what I mean. 

Anyone ask him, he heard Anna says, so he saw the Conan means, so he gamble he is the Buddha those kinds like Sariputra, so he is....a Devil no one checks...and all this UB never asked him? 

My birds laughing outside the balcony.

Is every news fake now every time I read anything at all? I heard this from our news yesterday. These news are real, or I just hear them to sound real? If the current president still in service, that is what it means he is still in the service of that uniform. He is that position unless they impeach him.

Trump edges out Biden 51-42 in head-to-head matchup: POLL

The president's job approval rating is 19 points underwater.


Wing's love

Its the kid always run away, like my mother's youngest sister. Shen's side. She runs away, cannot stand the parents inside the house. That is the true love. Here would be Ola and Karen on the monitor. The very reason they allows that it was his parents need to retired, for the rest of their life, they will never see, hear, know whom he is. That is your only medical student objective at.

This kind of the profile, in their parents old time, needs to hide away them, or put the kids somewhere the financial points, there is nothing hidden behind like he believes the money, or the homicidal will occur. Both that 3 included, the inhabitant fight, if they don't have enough they themselves. 

They could be gay, or they could be both. But they are the ones run away to the foreign countries as long as they shall ever lived its because they will just forever cannot live with the parents, not hear them, not near them, not take care of them.

This profiles are in one scenario of their own freedom will, its all in their will, they reaching the far distance of the horizon including to die there.

I am talking to 194 countries Pixie and 194 medical profession this psychology where people sent to far away, or they argue from their own planet, to land there, would be here Wing. Such as that Red River Manga's youngest princess. That would imagine if Belgium has a brother, too. Her name is Alexandro. 

No, it would be a modern girl daughter. Except like everyone knows already, it will never be Julia Roberts those sounding mouth any word open out of their mouth its forever never gonna be, when the guys get their wing back, or succeed in their business.

Its forever do without, not those girls, not Asian guy even stand at. Just 2 mins her mouth opens and make a sound out of it. Like Annie Hallway and the Jewish, or that would be Hudson river meant....and tale. Her mother would sound like her favorite, isn't that right or not dead yet. 

Every guy on the planets to that half eternity all knowing that. 

And Kate M, I understand what you see. No, the investment goes only British Royal. You are the outside line, you think everything looks the same to you. No. Not Belgium, they cannot take any TV pressure. Prince Harry no matter how....well, he stands there looks like a correct human his whole life time. The rest of them any world Royal cannot take any of all that one second on the TV, such as her brother. No.

But I know what you see that your next by kissing Ma k o ? That kind. Both are the same sex gender idea I think. But one thing he did say the truth were your voice. No guys can stand any girl opening up their mouth if were not on the money, or any sexual imagination pretentious including any Thailand drag queen show. They pretend its okay. Right...

The voice. 

Adam Levine creates a boxing arena, because there is money in it after that 2014 Wedding stuffs his MV he did, both on "Go Now", or "Sugar", he has another boxing, the wife left.

Its Dean and Wing's case. They both do on purpose. Its one life + a kid full life time life. If someone knew people like that are super irresponsible, its when they feel like and they plan that. Its the money not lasting, and its a sperm shoot out, and the wife took the kid anyway. 

They throw the baby or the kids inside the trash can.

No, you have the investment when you grew up, you are fine. Yeah you probably have some of that conditioned your background but I just look where you staring at, that is fine. And I tell you. 

Right, Ola's voice is like you. Levine is the Judge on that show, correct. It would be using an instrument measure, anything above a number, you are forever shut up or dead the day you show up. Every man is like that. They bother them with a sounding method like that. Every TV girls inside are all false but they give supports for the half eternity to looking for a job will never require a guy near by. 

Not giggling those stupidity to make a social event sounds like a table manner. If its every day you say the money on their eyes sight. That is where the guys cannot get rid of it. I say, "The door you walk out, to see the sky" = the money on the road and pick up. Every single day, the fishman story

Move: Miss You Already.

Meaning not idle at my own couch.

I didn't think of Britney's case. No. No time to watch it. Yesterday I got told. She thinks what? Her records in that manner will be look like if she was in the juvenile records because that Demi Levado is or was in rehab in the news "Let it Go" lady.  I am sure every girl with that kind of the creation wants to know that the guy first thing they ever do on her. 

If I watch that movie and reminds me? "The One For the Money" (Big Britney name Katherine, you mean Tina)

oh ~ that is what? No, I think of the New Yorker that Katherine, the spelling? She makes my life miserable and its on the patent this gadget looking a wire box. I want to know why she comes to hit me that time. So I went to the patent in 2015. I cannot understand it.  She and Rockefeller. I hate that.

The only thing I can think of would be that time when me and Nick get together the almost instant time Carla is traveling long long hours from West Virginia psycho enough to be with Tony, and later she found a job near Buffalo somewhere as the nurse, traveling back and forth.

But Nick was pushing me.

He kept telling me, telling me, telling me, telling me, telling me, telling me, the story he told Tony if someone like her shows up with the leather jacket or the leather boots, because they met before, just not getting married. They 2 are literally getting married when I show up.


I never use a credit card in my life. Not online service, to get a credit reports. She was nearly bankrupt in the 90s. I give it to Nick.

The leather jacket is a high school in Kentucky those Derrick their fashion wear for some reason. I don't ever dress the leathers jacket. The leather? I only like the polyester, the material science those touch-and-feel kind or the fleece. 

I was in pieces that time, because I have to go through the borders and long driving. Right now I freak out. That time I never think? I never watching the news. Now I am freaking out. Every so often, I will see myself driving inside that car at those lines on the ground, I am. Not like the seizure, but I am getting that. I cannot do that unless its an emergency. I need to stay on the slow lane. 

I have a record on the green card, and that Heip makes me doing what I hate that at the border. There is a lot of things inside my own very life, I need to find the exit.  The green card when they interview you, they tell you they need all the exit time!!!

They what? I freak out. 

The combine total years have to be written those years inside the American land.

The cup cakes, you mean the Tim Horton, or Star Bucks those Blue berry muffin, or the begal, one of them is the vegan. I don't eat any cup cake in my life. Is that the muffin the same, or creme on top? No, no creme on Top. No.

Koshi in UB, maybe I buy there too. When I met Nick, no. I already don't really eating that. Koshi they have those triangle jam or jelly inside the pastry? 

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