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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Babaji the Department of the Transportation

"I have a second thought, I calling you often one of those....you know you are right and I am wrong, but if I won't be saying it that often it so, you don't think there is a reason why I am so? If you know the argument it was lean toward the technology side, you gonna tell me in the end of the line that many degree / points of this argument none of that sustain in today's how this all involve with a manufacture process? "

I think I am taken back what I say, not just said that many times in many ways. We have a difference, not accord at all. Not in my mental sphere, not in this what I see right in front of me. Is this what I see in front of me. That is everyone seeing, or you will be telling me I am too old too trespassing. I need a very clear answer you open up your mouth and tell me...today.

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