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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


I want to go to sleep

Babaji: Go

Very painful - that pelvic line, one palm up

from that pinnicle you turn your hand behind, about a palm height, that entire horizontal line, paining like a hell today. 

No, its the bird. I know its the birds. 

Talking ... not good mood (4:31)

Organic Part 2

When you all departing each other in that CHE 251 or that CHE 201 (that is where Wing lower down to for his pharmacy school for PCAT didn't require the 251, not even I have the textbook), its different and I used the CADS 201 / 202 organic chemistry. For the mass people outside, no one will know why that class is so damn heavy. 

Its just me and Lee.

Organic 2 (if were not saying Orgo 1 whether that division were 251 not 201, there is a way how they situate that both class, you are all just never gonna teaching of it. 251 Honor class is emphasize on the mechanism.) 

In the orgo 201 so Wing lower down to, these are the charts of many reactants and the ending products to memorize of that formulation to that yielding on a different synthesis that took place, that is the only way doing it, and they will tell you the lab real worlds, there is the catalyze or the boiling temperature to where, things to be solidified, so you have the a pharmaceutical industry rather than the versitile vapor, in whichever either term, will never be the hazards waste format.

Imagine, any of your Dr. T or Dr. Chambler to feeling pale on every frames of their faces. 

Whatever that means to them. 


I think...Its the CHE 251 you need to substitute one class (you have to ask the UB if that is the TV meant what I was thinking, that was being told. )

Just substitute for one class, you don't regret for the rest of your 20 years later on.

This is the smaller class.

Maybe CHE 201 general orgo is optional, to substitute, because I Anna says. That is the bigger lecture hall on the power point slide - that will be 250 students probably or 200 students.

In the general chemistry, where the reactant and the products over a basic energy charted, you understand why there is a reason for describing all that process because that is the basic construct of "a reaction."

The organic chemistry is nothing but the reaction, what you gonna do? 

That is the definition of it. Without that concept I guess you saying S2, S1, E2, E1.

Westlife - You Make Me Feel. Music

To that organic chemistry will come to a structural setting how the stereochemistry is a part of that backbone carbon neutral chain no matter what, you cannot change any of that, those is the basic frameworks, not necessary you saying you define the organic for that, its always existing as the backbone, its the way how you look at it, so that gives rise one day that L or D the real upper class or all professional school cannot be lacking at. One of those missing wrong idea, its the pregnant women be missing an arm of the baby.

That is 

Jonas, Jonas' girl (pharmacy),  Justin, Wing (pharmacy), Khan !!!

I see now. 

Sakura Clear Cards are only 22 episode. You all didn't get your assignment meant you will be the hell of the MD or the Pharm D. What is the future, no one knows, to that having some of your UB back to that excellent works, to your old ag in 55 on, that is a treat, you wishing them well, because a lot of the people will die out.  If you found them to be good at what they do, it will bright up your spirits.

What you mean you rely on that someone, you are so sure of it. 

The vinegar is Jonas...that side the acid, but you saying where you becoming an alcohol I guess, when you naming that in the correct organic chemistry term. 

The vinegar is the ending of it. You have a more of the oxidation saying, you meant to believe, its naturally becoming of it.  The alcohol being oxidized to becoming...---> the end product. There is only one product.

The carboxylic acid. 

I told you....

How do you keep alcohol from turning into vinegar?
Put a Cork In It

Any wine can turn to vinegar if oxygen gets inside the bottle and reacts with the alcohol. This happens when a cork is defective, of poor quality, or when wine is stored upright instead of on its side. The storage position is crucial because to keep out oxygen, a cork must remain wet.
Maybe I should say you live on Earth.

Organic Chemistry (pharmacy and pharmaceutical, meaning the medicine part), to that your shampoo called the ETDA

While we populate on Earth, the carbon 14 is what you saying the dating element were not one of those IR or NMR you spot the seeing inside your lab results, but MCAT or PCAT, well....I am not sure PCAT anymore but HEY, this is one of those percentage to guess, let's guess what is ought to learn, its every year worth living for that per liter air you breath. The oxygen is 1/5 of the total atmosphere, no one saying we breathing on carbon, but there is a carbon dioxide.

To this entire organic chemistry one day, other than the instrumental results to that lab results you "identical", not access. Its to identify what is the missing component to that "EVERY" background of the carbon natural this whichever compound having a spine background looks like the lobster, its when you learning how you drawing the Fischer projection or the Newman projection, but hey, none of that will be on the PCAT, its one of those MCAT I never took, might if were missing all these component someone never required to learn anyway, to get in the PCAT or MCAT, will never be in USMLE 1 or 2 or 3, isn't it?

So the background of the skeleton of the carbon natural chain...its a single bond to that double bond being introduced a concept of the close ring such as the resonance structure of the benzene, if were stable of something, its not the triangle bond single, but its rather the the orderly order, 4 member ring, to 5th and 6th rings are the most stable.

But hey, its the Benzene double rings, you will have all the reagent later for saying the aldehyde or the ketone being added on, but long time ago, all these 251, were never be or ever be 201, for saying if you were helping each other to that studying time, really all that MD 6 is not MD 6+2 that 2....for organic chemistry why that ever needed to furthur knowing it in the pharmacy medicine field, not the doctor's path medicine field, it must be the collaboration works, you must trust that one person or 2, to imagine the spell or spilling of the drugs on the counter top, all you remember or will know that the basic general chemistry or the analytical chemistry part.

Your yielding results.

Imagine if were paying a lot more attention, one of those days anyway....means. What will be the end results.

You always wonder if not on the first day...like lawsuit 777 were the 2 years later, or 20 years later....really.  Someone does a Youtube Organic chemistry channel, its fake or real.

Someone works in CADS, its a fake skill or lack.

Someone does that a name in Sailor Moon, someone wonder its real or never losing the memory next 20 years added the before, 40 years down road anyway.....


Wing, we have this Jonas, or Justin in my analytical lab.

I think its the weight scale in the general lab we does this weight scale for a powder white going in Asparin, and weight paper to set zero, and imagine you taken a small tiny spoon, imagine, what that later set zero were to?


That is to write? ___________ 

Then that is there is a bottle you hold to read the number such as tablet. Imagine Erin mistake in the hospital were not dead dosage, she was a nurse cannot understand the English.

You trust, Wing? Which time of the date, the National Emergency?


You know as both Dr. T or Dr. Chambler one of those days will retire, or soon enough that is not 20 years they were in UB students flock back to them. None of them were the lab reason, but your job description I am sure just like you mean it the technician what's the difference pursuing a degree lacking the 40 years down road of the lost forgotten brain? 

Even if you are looking at this drama, for saying seeing a real current faculty no matter what stress they are undergo with their jobs in mind, you feel breathing. But once they retired, have you cared to really ask them, their retired days of the years, because... if you find out they will never show up to the SUNY Brook or UB, including Dr. T's wife, I am very sure to tell you the day you walking, or could, to any campus, you will never acquire their phone number to end up their face where to asking them, any question they are so ought to know every answer, to make you feel the lacking 40 years later since 2003.

Because someone might just dead or gone out of the existence permanently. 

You never given a reason why the world existence must build on the solid foundation, and to that foundation were not your too arrogance attitude, to that another 20 years down you determined to saying it will always be on purpose a medical technician. No one will be helping with anyone I am telling you, the youth will come up.

  • One person in this entire world, could have understand you.
  • One person exist with that vocabulary, you used to know since 16 years ago.
  • One person exist to your own very classmate, right next by Khan, Harvard.
  • You believing or not, its one of us having the brain IQ just by knowing we exist, you breathing fine.
  • And the entire world won't know how terrible that is right in the middle of it, cave in felt. 40 years of this time before and after 20 years each.
  • Everyone might get lucky, because the medical doctors never requires to know, so weren't ever a medical technician, anyway. 

Organic - Part 2

Is this about right or wrong when you are assign to a job being "restrain"? You mean you already file your own claim, anyway. What is so big deal they force and you struggle?

You debate continuously. 

The air is getting colder every min. Your whole life doesn't have a voice, and you getting more on hands on 24 hours a day, you need 8 hrs to sleep  + you do everything to make people begging you to talk or to record behind everyone's back, to that Evolution Time, seems right now, you really need is one less thing = eating less to get the stomach ulcer, but hey

But hey

Raise up your right hand.

Let's say "yo yo yo  But HEY!"

You don't need a National Emergency house you are in America, you already claim your own state, so now learn it right this 5 to 7th months, you will have more of the mouthful jobs to forgotten today.

Fear is never one thing you keep saying or keep lacking too much of it. 

美少女戰士? Sailor Moon?

Something .....is not your last life exit, sorry last exit in life?


Is this about the Earth Prince? 這是跟地球王子有關?





Babaji: Go

Something about my mother or this John commander got extremely mad.

Pre-cursor is Fatima. Something about Sailor Moon? My brother used to love that Sailor moon, this is not going to tell me what that commander I imagine inside where his working place will ever had a word such as the Sailor Moon mini skirts? 

How I imagine I look to the future....

台灣新聞 : 講男孩子樂團還是總統大選? 三個零還是六個零的意思 .... Boyband or Presidential campaign, 3 zero or 6 zero.


Meaning you thought or you naturally don't require to know, don't know how to order the Pizza

是在講印太司令 ?

Its the Indian-Pacific commander?



怎麼訂購 Pizza, 喔~  

How to order the pizza !!!


Its talking about the money, or revenge, means no one needs to eat a thing?

怎麼在五星級大飯店訂位,誰出席的意思? 你們很有用的同學還是哪個男孩子很重要?

How do you reservation the 5 Star Hotel , whom gonna show up? Your very useful classmate, or which guys to be that super important?


Its not your daddy mommy's frirend?

你們人生計畫不能被打斷的一開始 ? 那是你的一隻腿打到槍彈,你才會改?

Your life plan cannot be disrupted from the beginning? Its your one bullet hit your one leg, you will then realize and change?

前幾天不是你們最重要的台北市長在哪裡出現 ? 身穿? 你們不是台灣這麼小的部落聚集地大概 ...

Isn't the few days ago about your most important City Mayor him shows up where? Dress? Your Taiwan this small tiny tribes to meet at conjunction roughly...

OG gala practice 21.02.14(2)


The Prince of Egypt Orchestral medley, When you Believe, 瑶族舞曲


我說過,人不需要看著別人比較,一直跟誰比? 做好自己眼前知道自己腦海裏面應該做什麼事情? 我怎麼就沒有那麼多心情,除了我自己的四個牆壁裡面呢?

I have said, we don't need to keep looking at others to compete and compare, whom to go and compete? Doing the right things inside your own head, what is the things to be done? How come I don't have that much of the mood, to say where I should be doing inside my own 4 side wall?




Babaji: Go

American medical board, my waist behind these bone so soar. I lay down, that is why I miss my food time. The entire behind, lower pelvic a lower all that band area. (The bird sounds)

You do not wish people well, you do not work with another person, you compete and compare

You never have one tolerance over someone...NEVER handicap. You be sent to jail in the end of this, if someone already says that to you. Do they? You ask someone, what's wrong, its out of the force, or out of the desperation to the real MD doctor?  One full life time, you continue....until everyone on your Linkedin in a different time on the jobs, each of them sent to jail, and that is the end of their time to be on the street, because no one will hire at the jail records. 

You keep saying they do on purpose on you - you never introspect you kidnap everyone because you are so willing to keep mouthful jobs, keep pushing, the higher you go, the sooner you will see how you becoming ...

You understand you are the everything wrong wrong wrong,...or you take another 20 years never understand its everything of you wrong, you never go home. Only I exist.

Only I exist.

📁📁 You all UB MD 6+2, these are the student formats, meaning you one person living in the dorm, in the student format.....not one house even your own classmate, literally having a home

Sit down with

1. A table mat, you might eating one time in the 1 table mat with someone.

2. But this household does not have 4 table mat

3. The fork, spoon, the round plate, the cup.

4. You keep slim, but eating out, not preparing your food.

5. You conclude, no one else forever will ever get a life like that or everyone goes on the street, because how you live is the only way. Dean.

Just like that Twilight everyone standing to look outfit.

The movie told you the plot. You ensure no one will ever get that kind of the family bound life, to look normal, talk normal, having the friends, because your entire Linkedin, or the networks, all students formats, all their parents will tell you one person if you just collect all the parents to solve their kid issue, but you all refuse to be the proper MD. 

小鳥說吃飯,擺餐桌 display the food table ( 🦅 student format ) 


You always keep assuming if someone else like me getting that life, you lose, I win. Babaji says that in Iron Man 2. Sitting down with a proper meal, when you introducing anyone even the hellish Babaji that he is.

1. The table plate, the table mat, the house utensil, the cup, the drink, the pop drink, the champign with the ice.

2. The proper casserole for Jonathon's father or the mother, or Rosewell Park has some of his frirends.

3. Including Dr. Shen with his wife or one of the MD kid to join that conversation with her husband or ex.

4. City of Hope had a mushroom professor.

5. Sayor, all the 4 Bio Heavenly King, to look for the blonde hair might be at his 20 years old, no one knows. That is Dr. Bing's job.

6. Both the Western food or the soup, or the align of all food, so you all saying no one else life can be perfect. That is not the American medical board intent, you go and mouthful jobs until you seeing the food, you are hungry, but you saying that is one table mat, that house owner tell you, you eat that, there is nothing else. 

There is something wrong with that Dean, I am telling you.

American medical board

My period end yesterday, but stain this morning, no pad, but I wash the underwear, its those ink. I do that often just washing the underwear. Its just the ink.

I think its Oct 17th, that is the 1st day. It is strange. 

I think Ola Eon down has 2 scenario.   ....one side that

2) or this is the real = she turn around and see the true reality. Something must meeting the cliff before her so she turn around.

She looks up to the TV monitor, what that Eon ago should have done right. Everything must done right to the future evolution and she got none, including going to the jail. 

It might be nothing exist anymore all around, what does that mean.


Good morning Shane !!

I ask Shane, "What are these otter red white ball in the bean bag? At the space station eating... UFO?"

"Its one person seat ?!"


We are sorting different things right now. Right ....Usually Shane he has a plan so I told him my plans first. The rest I cannot understand a word anything he says. And why it has to say it from the Otter?

Is today's physics?

MB a bit sort, being sorted? 


I tell Shane, I actually don't know Dean.


No, I don't need to be anything in this program, not MD, no. Its at UB Pharmaceutical. Conan Detective Sherry.

Its the same things I say in Pinterest.

Why don't someone has the head to ask them why that is a mail from that Department Director in UB? 

I just told you its the same TV, you don't pay any correct attention. Its on our news here. China. The pharmaceutical company. 

Dean's attitude


You will be 40 years in 2 years. You don't hold on my life forever, or at all. You trying to see I cannot go anywhere. I can. Just everyone has to get to the stage.

"How to meet the parents for real."

I have a whole load of the parents. Talking one by one update? I am not you. We are communicating, and with all these birds too. They have the roof just like us. ~~~~~~ Talking about Loki ~~~ let me tell you where we are .....!!! Minion means small pawn soilder.

The home neighborhood watch program. 

UB James, he got the City somewhere this growing plants soil, for free. He calling them in, it was in between the 2 lanes of that road Wing knows where. In the middle of that 2 lanes, its for us, or its for the entire neighborhood. We are doing the home owner manuel, I don't need to inform you that, I thought its everyday we doing that. The trash, the water, the City hall file-ing, and this giant furniture be removed truck by these Tina Jojo stuffs. Like nick not to that Carla. I throw their entire junks outside. 

Calling to American medical board

"hi my birds on the roof wish to call you, and I don't just have the PETA issues, that is in Virginia United State, I am outside the United State territory, its Taiwan near China side by a small island with a flag, so correct its a country and we are the democracy world here. I don't know how long is your voice message as I  might have calling too many times to end up the repeated message. I gonna call you again on the second message. here its about the MD 6+2 to MD 4+2 the System file this far triggering if not enough the 7 states. I don't care how many states, its 8."

"I have an issue of the Chinese monk little kids, they are in mel-nutrition not to get fat, but the Chinese folktale legand myth books you can charity them, or Taiwan itself our current president name its Broken English, to ending back at this too fat PCRM President Xi, I was not calling them about. I have too many files to calling in, so I make it short. You have a reason to hang on these WWII interface line, on my news channel here, its the second war broke out in GAZA strip, I want to know if that means the American troops were back pull to the United States land, as they entering upon from the East Coastline side. No particular reason, I keep calling, last time was the Afriganstan war, he commander in California is locating at you all file, on my head to keep satellite this radius of sea zone, Japan, Korea, China and Sigapore, as I describe to you length, I gonna email you the entire situation."


"You have the subject title here as the China classify material clashing into your system data. There is an actor Canadian ABC ending at this Tall Circle Circle Lady marriage to what, he has the cursed word inside his mouth or he doesn't read the Chinese because he is the ABC. Its the 3310 Peach blossom, meaning the Eternal Love movie over the beginning of the war, someone behind pulling out a troop or donate the troops, everyone dead, and one girl remain, later to make someone 2 eyes blind story. That is not romance, that is homocide if not all her entire family, its the parents the first degree murder ending at the W Two worlds, that person is in California United State, next to my father. He might rape people or he is really a color blind with the anger management classify material inside the movie as well.  His brother was a MD, but he retired, and getting a second spring, his daughters is demonstrate her IP Gluten free diet on the map. He retired, and his another son just born a kid. I wish to know whom got taken by the police I think someone might also including in this system data, to one-on-one street roaming making your brain clear program, if not one of the parents included too. "

The second email:

"Hi, I am the satelite if your MD system data will coming in to your physical desk format, through your voice message in the next couple days or until next Monday. My mother just had a return to her happy world zone to the meditation retreat center, as she retired in 65 years old. She is lost memory those 1 person she remember, for the rest of her life, that is 7 years I live here with her, I have no friends other than your System Data MD 6+2 or MD 4+2 ending up on the street roaming with their parents guessing the police sent them out in or out never stop the cold street floor to sleep to make your brain a clear.  My facebook number past is not the current map with the UB community, the UB classmate along might exceeding 1000 people that is not included the police or the already sent in MD to handle the problems.

I have spot 2 local taller guy here young, their faces are exactly reincarnated into the television. We have the ABC issue, or we have the leadership issue on that China side. Its the youth took over, and I am the satellite. 

My mother sprain her ankle about 4 years ago, and me was worse, but I get to sleep at home on the bed, she never talked, or she decides its her will power. She is not. She has a multiple conditioned never end. They move the center location to the New Land. That older location you inspect?  She is not staying there overnight anymore. Its the overnight retreat, too hot over there. I am home, or I cook. Today she told me no cooking is fine.

What does that mean?  I think she is losing weight, or maintain the weight just like she was at the beginning of the COVID 19, I have a question if that means the multiple-handicap people a lot. She is exercising every morning one hour. No, she didn't gain one kg. 

Pang, Tina and her, all fitness with a huge slack of the medical bill in America, and she is the only person here I watch her. We have so many problems, why you have these MD 6+2 to MD 4+2 on my seeing? 

Its not right now right?  "

The third email,

"Hi, is this the third time you hear if the police force is not you ....  its one of the system data combine, I am indoor, your side the kids+parents one of them is on the street roaming by the police? I need more of this answer or the siblings? I got 2."

4th email

"I have the UB problems, I dont have the MD serial number, but you intend to keep 20 MD number on my head the halo its on my nose upper, they sew it. Still there from the hospital, that doctors office is 902.


My every video is the problem your system Data - MD 6+2 to MD 4+2 to TW MD 2 and Reno MD 1.

This words must common just to hear about it !!! "

Your cooking recipe + your Linkedin profile

I didn't really check ....what do you have. That is real or someone just all added in your social media you saying in the last 20 years, that is all you ever did behind your parents. I told my mother MD 6+1 to Hailey them MD 4+2, that is already exaggerating enough.

If given to you, or you know these people by alphabetical or imaginative you really know them, or saying Hallo goodbye, meaning you work with them or you gone to the medical school with them?

Anyway, too many if you are all on my facebook to move to Linkedin even MD 6+2 that is 8 people + a Mat

CAC and none related Ph.D etc....

You have a future Eon problems. I heard its something more like the flower idiot behind you, like Ola. A lot of those talking thin, no substance. The idea was you didn't acquire the Eon ago this solid networks, meaning the professional people to help those Flower Idiot. 

Either they assign you to do, like Karen's Linkedin profile, we all know she was not the CAC president. We all know that. Meaning anything if American medical board asking you to do including the social media, you must deliver it. Not me deliver anything. 

Deliver means.

1. Your textbook.

2. NEVER mel-practice

3. You intend to say the medical technician. You mean the medical equipment operator.

4. The LinkedIn itself meaning right now Adam or Hailey's both dad is the professional networks themselves, meaning your language, your attire, your look, your posture, your resume, your specialized area inside this networks both in that 10 Worlds Mormom itself or something if they still gone to their own conference, or they are aware of those included.

  • 4a.  Do they still taken the license board exam
  • 4b.  Are they deacon inside the church those, to provide the service including the wars on calls.
  • 4c.  Both each state the license board or the American medical board committee
  • 4d   Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

These kinds of the information were in SMTV.

So My Linkedin description, I just went to write the Truth of it.

I am reading it, Silas is on Dean's 1st degree, not 3rd degree anymore. Is Dean warning me, or that is the front page he got back leash that time, anyone saying anything to him at all? The homeless people street imagination, if Florida is warmer, or Texas warmer? The guy like him has to be paper writing with those tall posture, they talk small volumn, so tiny warning means he is what?

Impaired and inept?

I am trying to see if there is a pre-cursor. Maybe its both. There is, its at Florida. Its a dark hair girl, taller. 

I tell you, the mediocre students format can only say in the lower scale of the medical intern journey, level of MCAT. No one knows if you pass it, that is undergraduate, you bundle those like Silas psychology major its at the foot step of the door, both PCAT or MCAT. Because within these exams, your scores are rank. You try to tell your parents, your tuition fees I bet they told me its nothing like that.

Its nothing like that.

Its nothing like that.

So you can lasting the face for 20 years, your parents all will be dead, and these same high school in Twilight, someone cover you on the top like an umbrella. No particular PCAT 97 will ever thorn out. Meaning when you are 50 years old, you will see that Twilight again, right now you think you are 40 years are should be 20 years old marking. You know it so well if you talking to your parents very often right now.

They calling you every chance I Anna say something or you calling them to report you yourself to them, because....you require them to beg you? Is that so?

Maybe you imagine that attitude long enough, your networks are exactly you seeing it that relevant to their photo and the name tag below. 

Eon later the wrong things ....

If right now, you go collecting a lot more patient and helping them, because they claim you are mel-practice, at least, someone stopping you from the first Life. Meaning you learn that lesson to the right degree what it should or shouldn't do. 

1. The mel-practice might be surgical

2. Your diagnosis in your general medicine, you prescribe them the condition wrong.

3. You will claim, its Taiwan they do that on me, not you.

4. I tell them you all will be dead.

5. Someone goes to jail in the public = universal truth.

6. Youth included. Things are not sensicle, you go to the jail too.

7. If Adam's dad die, his mother was before or after harass this Peyton. 

8. I cannot understand a word what Hailey they say. I, the far away home no jobs person brush them away. I didn't see it, I didn't say, I didn't find the help for them, I keep quiet like Melinda. The Asian normal way doing things. 

9. You still got charged to be sent to the prison. 

10. That American committee board phone line suppose to be daily calling in, no matter what your English sound like not Class 10, your communication as the professional MD is how they seize that opportunity to demonstrate. 

You keep saying you didn't pass the exam, that name or the medical facility is the less works the better, you are just the medical technician, without the equipment.

You need to go to jail to learn that lesson, not the genius bar hindrance me on the way to check all your Vita Health report, all those reviews be sent including my situation here, none of you doing anything, or trying to ask me. You wish me to beg you, that is what you did to your parents. You might already gone to jail so many times, in the duration of those small interval, you feeling the student formats soaring high....ten.

My Linkedon wrote:

Does Dean put Silas major as the psychology to warn all of you, he is using the psychology things, his voice small tiny. I wrote these description, he lower the 3rd degree to 1st, he does that on purpose to warning me, or you all figure it out he is exactly that type of the personality through poor rural boy mentality, if not on the street, its the program trumpet?

The small voice people like him, needs a lot of the face with the girl, exactly like that Slam Dunk red hair, at the side line edge. If you calling his parents, their parents would have told you, its every chance he with the gf to demonstrate Chris and Karen.

At the mother-in-law whichever the food will sound like the daddy daddy, where is the money pocket, as his medical school failure somewhere, if now he is not on the street, or inside the jail?

Check it? 

No, the police puts him on the street when? I say Tamang, but did you check Dean, its side by side to Smallville. 

No, you have to go through the police network to ask that question. Not flying it down to check. They put him back. FEMA camp I keep saying that.  What did he do to end up like that? 

Where are his both parents, ever moved down right next by him, programmed? 

You all need your parents desperately. You tell the police including the UB campus police. You can use that UB library chat room box. 

"We have a lot of the situation, one of us concluded, things are too blurry on her side, too far away, she thinks his parents need to be in the program going it down from Buffalo to Florida or Texas, if he going back and forth, right beside him like 24 hours opening up his mouth what bothers him, he is small tiny voice. He may not be on the street, but he is like that Tamang on the car how to wreck the traffic washout the paralyze or burn in blindness so reluctant to do." 

You all assign MD better just bookmark this Pharm Board, or American Medical Board, or the Medical Liscence Board all the time, talking to someone. You have no way how to write, how to talk, how to find a help including you yourself is not mobile, that is why I Anna told you to stay indoor, start to fix your attention to 4 side wall. You cannot handle a real case without endanger you yourself.

Maybe you print out a sheet of these phone number right at the wall. ( I don't memorize the in-line my office phone outlet box too giant digit, Adam and Hailey's dad are the mortal aging ) - I am telling you the leisure having an office and a home in-line. 

  • American medical board, pharm board.
  • 3 State + New York State medical board license phone number.
  • You start dialing now, I don't care you pretend to be fake, just dialing once its at night.
  • PCRM
  • Leave them a message, "My name is so and so, my license issue number is, we have a situation. Some of us are not cooperating to tell each other the serial number of their current practice reason in that each state." 
  • "To this medical center of the location to their address and the correct academia title would be University of South Dakoda, Stephen Tamang the gun man, he is one of those 6+1, but another Wing is Pharm board, both are the Asian anomaly exceeding our resources if they stay indoor, none of us the other 6+2 can travel, not at this moment. We have the situation in our hands, we wish to express our urgency, this is not on my draft, I am literally telling you per word, if in the morning while you receiving this message and give me a call back. My number of the cell phone, and in-line home number would be. If you would be a lot more connected, you will be seeing my name card, I print them like I capable to use them. I hope this resolving the conflicts will soon not inflame to any of the parenting groups from UB, how their kids will end up on the street with the police order or already was, and you weren't informed the difference between you or the police network." 

Calling PCRM

"Hallo, where is this Dr. Bernard? you used to know he was with a several doctor on this SMTV? Hi ~ My name is MD so and so, my friend Anna doesn't own the SMTV for having you inside this monitor. My liscene MD number would be.....I have an issue on this W Two worlds Dr. Bing's face gun shooting all of the SMTV workers inside, and you wasn't informed?

Well Dean just change his 3rd degree to the First degree murder Linkedin because Anna wrote a paragraph you want to hear? I read it to you, in your night shift caller ID messasge box....."

(Hang up, dialing again)

"Hi~ I was speaking the earlier message what the first degree MD Dean next by Tamang gun man in shooting intend, he was a small voice, this is Anna wrote on her Linkedin profile as.....

I need you to call his parents to move both of them down to right next by him 24 hours, he is that type. 

I copy paste this Anna's linkedin profile to your email address, now I will hang up."

"Hi, this is the third time I am calling you about something this W Two worlds, other than the individaul case, can you come over here or Taiwan where this Satellite MD 6+2 to mormom MD 4+2 or Taiwan itself MD 2 only speaking Chinese with 1 ph.D Reno Washington, to get her off.....like satellite revolving all around.

Its her master television, none of us know them other than we prying on her facebook and no one telling her a thing, because they all doing this hinted methods like the second voice message you got from me." 

Here is the second email you received, their SMTV with her face satellite behind....someone saw it, everyone sees it, you are not or Dr. Bernard is not off his medical liscence serial number. Again this is the email format, I am issuing my MD serial number as. I need you to both contact the Medical Board and the Pharm Board to confirm you lock up these MD Map in America with Wing in the middle of Pharm Board, but it was the Pharmautical UB Director she says he calls her in. I do not know that 2 side, as I given you the MD serial number. I have stay indoor right now as the none-complete the medical student program. She is the satellite.

Again this correct cases might be exponent to

UB MD 6+2 to Mormom UB 4+2 to Taiwan MD 2 + 1Ph.D MD Reno

Meeting WWII interface line with Taiwan right in the middle of its. She is not just hanging on the satellite herself, she is the radius of this Anatomy and Physiology, well, the radius of that Ancient Chinese sword fight, she literally memorize Anatomy and Physiology to look like that. 

Its an Artificial satellite, her entire family is handicap, including her mother. Its more than 2 conditioned combined, and these MD are doing nothing but hint to each other what they are capable to do to each other. We need a real verbal communication within these lock up American Map. 

She thinks her renter has the issue, her mother's renter is right below her. Today is the issue. She doesn't know what's going on. There are a several court room pending, if he threaten anybody, he is shorter, his wife is so much taller, with a kid inside. 

There are 3 other taller guys coming very late outside the traffic jurisdiction about 9 its their hourly paid jobs. Meaning away from 9 to 5. 

Might be the kid himself, he is growing. That house is full of the toys everywhere. FULL.

"I don't bother to email you anymore. This is the 4th calls I am getting through you at night, tomorrow morning you will be expecting me calling you too, if you can return my phone call at my office hour between 9-5 at the middle America time zone, like Chicago."

"Hi me again, I have some other issue unsure, as I collecting some points to these their voice too small tiny, I wasn't aware on the first the guy's impulsive to provoking each other, and none of us know, or some people are not staring their jobs to make a file or the claim. I think some of this map location people is in the police custody, in the last 10 years, their parents know or I wasn't told. I need you to do your jobs, because I think this is the first I think I understand what had happened, that is their attitude is very very bad, so something trigger something I cannot personally be there to walking all around to find out between the police or the jail, or the court room paper in that each state. My obligation is bind to this exactly the line above email you in that Md 6+2 to MD 4+2 scenario, I think if you calling their parents, you have a lot more communication power to help the parents, their parents might have other things, if you can step in." 

"This is the conclusion of these case, its Anna's landlady Marley is in Home Alone movie, she was 70 years old to living alone about 10 years ago. She has the diabetes and too old, too giant. Its in the movie. Can you investigating with all of them, so these kids have to go alone if the police detain them or repeated sent them back to jail, its not the MD program I describe you, but I am in the MD program in the studying schedule myself. I discover this situation a little bit late. She is hanging on the satellite. She was not on the Linkedin to imagine one second over this tiny voice people in Frozen movie too giant success, he was saying? The first degree murder to a multiple direction as he declares what things....or that is the police put that for him. He is provoking to someone, we just don't know what. "

Calling to American Medical Board (next post)

Every Sunday morning …

Pat my hair left and right

My throne pretty alone …when these America or the Congress gonna fix this Genius Bar human crowd ?

Of course, I don't know.  I read Steve Job's biography. I didn't know why Reed is in Sakura Clear Cards, unless he imagine that Loving the Silent Tear. Standford campus known will be a Standford medical school included. Not just the drama club with a radius.

UB 6+2 (is Mat in his university that animal vet? )

How is the animal business in vaccination?

You already all having that graduation with Lee in the Korea Drama, how many graduation you imagine far far down the road?

It’s just a try, you got a folding chair next by that table, your entire bag of the junks can leave right at that chair on the right side of the table, or you can sit there. (You facing at the table, that right side. )

1) Any prospect to walk on the adulthood carpet ?
Nicky and Ronan on this my American social security number at Conan, the very last long time real I call the Taipei mayor. It was the opposite I say the last time to Nicky. I lock him here alone by himself, Ronan 20 years later gonna kill that Shane, it must be the Jesus right. 
No, my American SS means my heart die they 2 together Last Supper. They are the gays.

2) Why don’t you think of if you ever graduate other than those Wal-mart dollar store session…
Adam’s mother is the Frozen 2 to “I am Found” - Peyton
It’s 有翡 crown guy, that opposite to Weasley position. She thinks it’s her kids fault.
Zawanna says … well. I didn’t give Peyton anything but he does yesterday high volumn water spray to Ireland Prime Minister …instead of the grass lawn more.

(How do you spell that?)

It is a word, the grass lawn mower.
His sister them suppose to be the police when they coming in Taiwan. That’s what I heard.

My mother just walking outside to the elevator ?

Be papa s?
Revolution Girl 少女革命


Thank you Ma ko, my left side is sensitive, the middle finger, the hand back up, getting a second ink or this is a surface issues. I am sure everyone is stress under whether I am in Asia World or any Princess world such as you yourself. 

Why don’t you MD 6+2_1
You quit watching these 2 graduation (Korea or Disney), you watch once and wait one month, wrote a note yellow pad insert at 4th right side Buttom any paper below it. No, you cut that A4 into 4 pieces, glue that yellow pad to one pieces just all leave it there. At the 4th table session right side Buttom. Put a date on it, no, no description. 

You write 777-777-7777 like a phone number.

Sailor moon:

Vision, I have no eye glasses until UK, university in JC Always.
You all can pray for the girls to have no eye glasses.
Get rid of the Asian in here, the white girls can just bite each other to die. My brother I watch him, Melinda and Wei, outside.
Organic TA general Chem fat or anyone other than Dr T.
For the education purpose Asian you be lifted spirits but everything else, out.
TA has the white girls in it, the organic.
Olivia or MIT professor are white.

Taller too. 
Both Asian and black outside. 

Brian Greene is all girls we gone to the UB alumni, is that floor?
Just get rid of Melinda, you girls push each other fine, Wei is not us, I won’t be there. He is by himself not 3 white taller guy. Old.

Maybe you leave UB honor class inside, they got too many problems. Whichever 3 perfect white guys other than us, find your happy Sailor Moon with the Star light, 

That’s a music academia. Well, I am not sure what Taiwan that governments wish to do, to pull back Pang and Tina. They have their own things here with the music if that’s necessary. Maybe not right now. When someone voyage ends or begins. It’s time to say goodbye.

I say home, then that 2 be home. They got a whole China to go other than that, Sailor moon or the beauty and the beast. 

When you and your family gone to this they are too old with your brother, to UB Alumni, just make sure every Asian or black out, that’s what I say, I don’t care how many this Sailor Moon would be APO included. (UB Honor Class, CAC girls …right, you got Courtney)

You can call Evan, he still keeps his shape. The CAC girls side. Called Kim pharmacy from APO.

Everyone else still be lock in at MD 6+2_1 including they be away their parents. They have the 3 things to do next one month so they extent to next 5 months, 6th or 7th.

Family - white race Thanksgiving and Christmas 

If you are the only white girls pushing issues like Carla or Elizabeth, you can just do that alone with your family all staring at you doing that 2 death next morning one weekend party. The white American police will be a lot tolerance it’s not another argument another party you and my best friend Erin. Any of those kind. I don’t care what the TV says. 

I won’t be there I say gazillion times. Your physical 2 hands pushing is red on Fanny’s hands VS, Selena.
Lucy last Christmas. 




I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

Neon light of all those, these are brand new, never used ! Still there....that store gone away from Taiwan so many years ago, still there.

You didn't require to will your will to becoming a guy, but for my eternity.....whatever this is, to get away anything of all this Super Wonderous women role play, every Sailor Moon, you know what I mean in the end of the days, For the first life starting, no matter what, announce the whole world that wish might be real one day. The evidence is supported. 

Have you ever imagined a guy, the taller guy to see what kind of the girls the way they talk, the way you seeing them far away, you turn around and left?

Ever? How often you doing that?

These movies, I am telling you ....the person whom does those escape route often, this things is so slippery like a piece of cake, and learning the lesson of that slap, not a kiss, but worsen than anything else can ever imagined in life.

You doing that every single day, I am so sick of it. 

What is the celebrity means? Hollywood right? So Westlife is Ireland, Taiwan all this is not known to America...but America is known to the whole wide world.

They are a boy band....oh ! now I remember, the dancing part, there is an older couple, that is not her dad, and let me imagine.

Mr and Mrs Smith is on the TV

That would be ...Nicky?!  His TV wife, with the blondes them, to working together !!!  Maybe that is Brat Pitt as himself. He uses the metal glasses one of those furniture. No girls can breath in it.

What does that mean?

Michael Fassbender the metal man in X Man, the Earth Prince is Sailor Moon. People believe in that. The metal means the magnetic, like magneto. All that apocalypses scene. We are the apocalypses? oh ~ they are the Bible church girl? The neon light them...are the Bible church. 

If I am the God, the world would be as shining as the tape water factory never ends the eternity I am telling you, every site treated as the nuclear waste site, oh mine. The high volume water speed spray!

oh ~ that is a black driver? oh no, it looks like a different story. oh no, she looks like conditioned human, he died, and the girl looks like her height and that look and conditioned, she died because he is everything for her. He knows that is everything of her.

no, I think this is ...a separate story maybe. 

The rest of the story is not important, there is a couple, they are under the stress factor between the 2 white taller guy and the girl. And the girl is having the conditioned, and he is helping her, that is all the helping things, helping her mind, helping her speech, helping her overall stable things or the romance idea.

Maybe they need to check if that is from classify where, the American medical board.

Zawanna is a eating flower, correct.  No, I know what it means, right. Smith to Chinese we have an ancient Chinese says, how you rub that iron to becoming a needle, you sewing the cloth with. Meaning its a very long and hard fire process. Heat and sweat.

They have some of those parable story, one of that which is a mother cut the weaving cloth to teach her son a lesson, to return back to school. She moves 3 times to find a near by school to settle.

===> I would just tell you, I don't care about what it says. Turn yourself into a guy, no matter how the other guy be dead, its always the eternity someone thinks its the target guy dead, or me = another guy dead, and since all guys know we should be dead, the eternity is, it shall be, not a story like that.

Not a couple, me involve. I live on forever....have to be. 

Because I think that kind of the taller girl she dies. 

Right now, I only need to eat happy, sit happy, think happy, live happy.

I have no thought, but...you know what that means. I sleep happy, everyone else can be dead, and I make sure everyone else dead, and I live on forever.

I am telling you, its one person job, I really don't care about that much things, not the guys, not the girls. However I live on, I live on forever. 

Make-up powder happy, pat pat, touching my hair left or right, I live happy, cannot you see?

I hate everything of this.....

Everyone is tearing gland til the day they shall all be dead together, graveyard together, buried ceremony all together.

I would never be part of any of that, no matter what. I don't see human that much cuddling near by, only 2 human this far, Things cannot be more complicated anymore than this.

Judge, or the national flag. 

📁 Ice Skating Book 2 ending, saw it. On the relaxing chairs.....my two shoulder bones hurt.

Today ...(its not Monday I think) - its FRIDAY! Its our Friday night ....

She does on purpose. In the end of all this, she will say, she does on purpose, someone asking her to jumping up or down the bed, she will say she is doing it on purpose. That time. I saw....That comic book, its Karen's ex, Chris. She thinks he might be the Prince William. That kind.

I think Fatima makes Dean's attitude worsen....I personally don't know where Dean supposes to be but Dean's attitude is bad, but there is a pre-cursor. Its blacken I cannot see, you imagine taller, I think its Fatima. Since this morning. Maybe their attitude just hostile?!


Book 3 ...


uh Whom is this guy 正紀 she imagining, or swapping, someone says her brother.

.... I tell you all these drawing, just so nothing but psycho to me. The girl-to-girl competition you mean get rid of the guys, okay, if saying toward Loki that side, that is real.

Toward us, you mean given up the guys to fight against which girls all inside the organization, might be Hailey too, and you saying the guy suppose to support you as long as you open your mouth and tell him NOW.

That competition, right now, or whom you see inside that organization, you compete, you know the guy won't agree, or just tell him, you need him to stand beside, explaining to him which girl. 

Correct, dealing the Capitalism is not the worse things. It is the modern human !

Its dad, or mom type, I am not that old yet. Meaning the normal normal, everything is normal.

But technically you are not suppose to...

Under the capitalism, if you can memorize your K1-K12, +4+2 years, you keep that brain IQ exactly, I think per line per square and the application of it, these TV, if were the meant of anyone near by the community to neighborhood, whomever can do that, they will be fine with the TV name, or near by name and make it the TV says or write out to the public.

Every textbook say, I am sure the magazine, those are fine. But I think its your education you didn't live on the tear glands. There are people can burst out to cry, that is in English word, We also have that in Ancient Chinese. 

The modern Chinese will be drizzling your tears glittering drops.

I personally think....its something wrong with you no wonder they say that America is the Capitalism, you mean its the tear gland you forgotten K1 -K12, so why don't they say that?

Everything freaks me out, except the tear gland, or you mean its for which kind of the guy tear gland.....

The answer would be Seth or Dean.

.... oh !? 

The modern !!! (Look at the Victoria Secrets)

Me.....today, this year is 2024......you mean the BTX pheonix ! The Senior Bush.

I just calm down, I have to start to run again.....I think that is (Human killer another name of that same show, the same sequence, called "Modern". ) 

You know in the future of that eternity, you need to write that out all the time, because they don't check per time.

You don't think those conversation there is none of that sounds right? 

The future eternity will look like a several frame, the air looks different. 
I type out 2nd times I freak out (because they don't check per time).
I read the whole things again, I freak out the 3rd time, I am on the run. My brain neuro function.

There is a lot of those going on.

No, the military they do that very often. I always redundant myself if I caught that, I just never noted that anymore. 

Is the memory always dark? smoke exactly that?

Yes. Its not the memory....if entering upon...

So it will feel no good at all. Correct. No good.

You mix up between the "shape, sound, appearance, figure" world where you took a very personal feeling toward that 2 mins in class, didn't last forever. Or even reunion. The time sand is always running it down. The air will get cold, the environment is not safe, your family is not living forever, or the finance, all that combine....you yourself inside your room, you cannot structure your life, not cooking, not tidy up, not seeking a job and finding a way. Or cope the things in front of you, think think think.

You sit there pray pray pray.

You think, you organize, you test out. If you getting 1000 doors rejected right there, like I pick a safe environment in UB, that is 1000 door you knowing it. What it means the capitalism. You never lose that part of the network. I have to figure it out something, not sitting there inept ! 

At that time, I cannot see, hear, or know. I never even think people will wish you keep going whatever you wish to do. I just behave always get up and trying to make it something. I am in that personality. 

UB 750 = 1000-250

Time unit: kalpa, or eon

Or a Brahma day open or close. Buddhism Sariputra is or always will be number 1 Chef disciple.

3 3 10 三生三世十里桃花 

Three Life, three generation 10 miles peach flowers. X man is about you waking up in a body.


The modern chase between the police gun from the governmental body. It’s all modern trendy you will use the library system to access the webpage.

Not Youtuber it’s at Dailymotion site


Other than this life you might be homeless in the end I guess your money may not be enough. You are not supposed to have any kid. I already say that many times. 

Inside this entire 4 points frame,

Ancient or modern including these very TV soap opera format such as the Asian killer financiers. 賀先生念念不忘


You can see through the air or the building of every brick. Not every air inside that reality or any reality including the devil wears Prada. No one can hear. In the correct police order of the none us World, it’s or will be especially true. It’s the star galaxy uniform police. It’s the deadly metal or the laser weapon.

What “you will meet again”.

If we take one PowerPoint slide of the a correct hospital runs World, it will never be the drama. He is very very very very impatient - the kid is cute all right and he must always stay with the dad.

It’s all very realistic capitalism. Even if you gone to the border or the regular police station, if you did see, some are very very very senior police. Very loving almost you saying you talking to him they all understand but none of them will ever be the part of your life, it will NEVER be their paycheck or their own home. Forever. It is a mediocre police. It’s just a useless police.

Because he will forever never never be inside next by your life eternal. But he comfers you.

Same the every doctor til you pay, you can see this person’s voice, an office entry, or a tea someone hand to you with his Secretary but none will be your life, inside forever, eternal. They will vanish once no pay, they can still watch for you behind, but that voice or caring part you will once no more hear from any human like him or her the secretary, forever.

Never a sound ever again, forever and eternal.

Ever and forever.

Harry Potter memory 




I personally don't know if they will prepare for you to tell you "Time Return", meaning inside the equation of the very remote idea, the modern idea. The modern idea to us here would be all Korea TV soap opera if not the Japan in the past. And then the Korea modern fashion of the dress its every weekend, people like my family cousin they buddy with their brothers or cousin to go shopping.

If were at their given jobs that would be Mon - Fri.

Eating sometimes on the weekend. Day-to another day, nothing difference, they grew up in the same room, the same parents, the same talking, stable other than that norm. But no one for saying 5 guys rotating on dating, so there is one guy only and he screw her world up with a child.

These corner of life of 4 one day will die out some. Its a quiet life or retire life, you will see no more than the sleeping tiny bed, the same couple staying together. The mother pass away, you probably thinking this one guy is the only friend, or for the rest of that life, its the rest of that life.

All the TV, movie, concert, to where anyone saying one word of another guy, all these sphere of the eye insider their very corner of the ugly face or aging, or fatty, or the 9-5 minimum wage, they will tell you the weekend to shop for one extra clothing at that Korean vendor all around, making them feel.....

Making them.....feel so pompeo grand of more human entry there just like they used to since they were the teens. They need to be away from the jobs, one extra clothing its so needed in the closet, for some reason, its one extra price tag.

This person one day will lose the parents, only the brother will never spend one more dime of that piece of the cloth on that weekend, its the only thing she breath for 40 years on.

That life is pathetic, its 8 billions people lives minus the 100 Forbes.

Every corner of every walking zone, dead zombie inside their own dull eyes were the stress load of every book inspiration all fake.  Its their fix plan of 9-5 must be. They cannot get out of it, they need a a break, the guy or the girl. 

The girl will be forever one piece of the outfit doesn't wear the same very next weekend, "the mommy" or the daddy please....just one time shopping mall, together, it means the whole hell the world to her. That life will end 40 years on....the life every day dying out. You saying line up 10 guys, its the TV drama.

Its forever will be false 41, 42, 43....til the day that hells arrives, no one knows the story ending, no one knows its the chain iron.

"But hey, it was nice talking to you."

"A cute hair, how did you do that?"

That is "How" "Did" "You" "Do" "That", the only remaining 5 letter words this person will ever heard from the TV or the movie fantasy.

5 extra words if he is not stingy at it. 

You are forever never had a worth, not even a talking 5 letters words will spare you. You are the useless skunt of this society, of that every breath you take, you are the fake human that does not have any worth or any dry clean even to be the maid to sound like my boss or the senior those height would ever look down upon you, just exactly how I see you, the skunt of the trash will be forever ending on the street hungry to die, and drag everyone to the buttom of the hell, exactly the movie means, it, worse, that is the Toy Story 1 or 2, truche, its al the impatient human in that City ever mumble the mouth of the words, to make a merits on my account. Its just useless women of the period to dirty of the money to imagine the red marking of the what? forever debts unlimited, so sick of those shorty should be dead in 1000 curses of F words, their worth is nothing but the flat worm, the ugly face, the ugly race, the ugly origin, the hell destine of course, its Fuck up your mother of that born destiny its the slavery correct. Just no worth useless human existing for eternal jokers of the Day. The paper cut wall on your face if were bleed, it will sound a lot more like you deserve to serve you right, the useless human getting in everyone's way, purk your lips, or mine impatient 2 eyes, its the useless unworthy human deem fit for the soul, the stupidest human I ever seen. 

Gravendor !!!

Memory switch to another scene.

"What did you say?"

"I say my brother has a hand wet thing on him, he used to be on the neck and one day he visit me to curls my hair. I put some detox or the body cleaning procedure I did that myself on the facebook. I think I remember he might not tell me, he done something, so one Thanksgiving he stop by."

"What happened?"

"Its on his hand, but not his neck. My mother says the hand when I return to my home, but I never see that on his neck anymore myself. Its his mother says, or its him never gonna says. I stuck in the middle of it."


"If were saying 2 exponent, sorry time 10 times, its the exponent 10th time....you just draw that I understand.....2 plus two plus two.....its ends the multiply, but if were 2 times 2 times 2 times 2 ....... that will ends at the exponent, so that will be 1024."


"The laws proceeding nature in this sense, of course, according to the logic methods of the deductive, well, that is the deductive retrospect how the geometry if were writing in the theory, its everything given the end conclusion so you formulate the everything before, and that is in front of it. I assuming most time its to get answer. That is the whole paragraph answer of it. "  

"The given structure of any triangle has to be 180, to any other unknown shape, it breaks down the 180 its the triangle. But none of that dash lines it I must draw it to deduct the logic right at it. Its I draw the dash line, its not on the piece of the paper, so you have derived, sorry I derived the ending of the conclusion of any of this angle, not the angular, that is the radius, no, not here. But with the angle such as the 90, it will always end up 180 minus that parapedicular, you will notation as this ...like that is 90 degree means. straight and down. "

"If you just swift and flip these entire things, you will find out one of the angle I can assure you, that is each and every time doing that, that physics were....well, the connection points normally to my age no one will remember that at all. If you give me a textbook will help, every time I try the first time, its I invent out of the thin air, they will tell you that. Really. My heart jump, every single time. ALL the time. EVERY voice, every told, every thing if I related from inside to outside my body, I will literally die every single time. Its not the nervous. Its I faint each and every time. Really. "

"I try for everyone to feel normal. There is nothing normal inside my life, I didn't grow to freak out every single day, its psychi my nerve every degree down, if you would have ask me the math, its a lot intuitive sense, not I delay not to take down that Wing that day. If I would have remember, I would done that long time ago. Its every first time I try, I freak out myself. I am trying to think how to do that, that formula is....you memorize the law, not to derive, it may be 10 Class no one has that sheet, you saying one more year, that is 2 millions people download that sheet, I am telling you."

"If you try to know that, I am probably die the second time, because only I sit there know. As the Asian to imagine.....this is the white world court room?"

"The evaluation process, will be my aura is darken, darker, every single second darken nothing but darker. I know that. I can just tell you all that."

"Everything I read, I see, I raise up my head....my psychi nerve its not the heart beat."