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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


You would not do that for Nominji, never gonna be any other disciple 你一點都不會幫那蒙古小孩,或是你的任何徒弟

You copy paste a URL and sent to your own very hampram guys groups. You will not do that one full page for Nominji to send to her own one ex husband or every other ex bf, if she is going to the nunhood in Mongolia to pray for the world peace or that cut in half Mongolia.

你只複製貼上一個網頁,送給你的那群群擺的男孩子任何他們,你並不會幫那個 Nominji 送給她的哪個前夫,或是哪個前男友,她是不是要做尼姑幫蒙古啟導它們怎麼變成一半的內蒙跟外蒙呢?

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