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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


UB Bill (Brian) I actually know what they look like.

Right, they will never make a friend with you, at all. You imagine a certain thing at their direct line above. You want to try on Keegan. He is at my UB facebook left over remainee....He is a Jewish but he didn't sound anything different than that Pierre (Taiwan Youtuber) at all.  My facebook doesn't have anything left over that much anyway ....

Wing will never be and to what you think a person has this much junks from the university school, its just a regent, it can be either position. No particular reason. The children we generation all already educated enough to know about how to keep them legal all the time, even the police knowing that.

oh ~ so ...it has to have a reason that me and that all that exists. Its you all inside that position cannot be more stiff enough at your own neck or the back spine. Don't you agree? No one commander position will ever had one friend near by, they need to change all that attitude, and you debating you are or you will be? The whole ship wabble you guessing or you gamble on it.  Its Biden's position.  He may not be aware of you, but he knows he always be. 

I think you got mix up these UB, even they are the white groups. That would be Brian, Bill and Keegan. Or Andrew. It would be the senior officers saying that. They know what FRIENDS means. The higher talking to the lower, or might be just 1. You got mix up, they wish to hear there are the problems, everyone go and solving it. All around the people need to know what's the problem all around. If its legal, out. It might be prison already.

Correct, they are all very comfortable senior officers, that is why they talking all like that. You are not supposed to do anything trespassing like that Ireland ship fooling-around-women officer, not the girls anymore.

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