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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Very hostile. Keegan and Heather. (everyone else turn away, well...if they know inside them its mild and normal, its best they all slim down)

They will find out if one day everyone shows up and seeing this 25 years later. The one being hostile.

No, Silas has his every other friends, talking normal. They were the media room so probably not acting like the clubs them inside at the SA side. No.

The shape.

You imagine what it is, its exactly what it is.  High tech recording per feeling 24 hours a day, the moment they tall guy its far away from the floor vision, to walking out of the door frame so near at their hair, fat human what do you all do anyway? 

To get in a very narrow, small car, those seats, or the ceiling top roof of the car. Its bothering them every sense, or the snow or the cold. The hat or the scarf on the ground, imagine fatty to bent their waist line to the ground. Its 24 hours bothering them what it is in the personal life.

The hostile people.

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