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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


"Me fatty and that giant fatty obesity girls are planning to kill someone, she got seen, we both got publicly announce to the whole wide world why I join the military after the UB classroom "

"All the president in the school got warn, and I am so giant fat, I used to be slim once I leave the military, there is a couple more military around. I was told I want to kill someone so going in the military to use the gun and powder how to shoot someone. They got a whole American medical board to stare at this one gun man. Do you think they do that on purpose?"

"If I want to kill someone and motion in it, every step, and this girl fatty cannot shut up, the one person common 60 people will plan how to kill her, so we all work together, she put the entire military force secret or fake or real, completely on the map everywhere all of us location in every block. I plan to kill and I will succeed if I keep low now, and just mild for a while, but that fatty girl is listening, and this person that displace the police force, and the military in every corner block to kill all of us 60, because I used to be the jem of my father. 

I have heard, another guy is also the gem of their parents, went to the private school.

I can get help here MD psychartry here, how much you got paid?"

"I want to ask you because she got paid by blocking us and might be the money more than you, its the MD 6+2, to MD 4+2, and MD TW 2 and Reno MD 1 Washington. All this money I actually care about. Can you tell me how much you make?"

"What about the consumer psychology MD?"

"I want to know the exact number because it always bothering me, and hearing the number directly from you will have a response, do you want to know? Can I tell you?"

"If I got these much issues, you think I will get detained and put away the society bar jail behind with that girl? "

"What is the options you think I got? I cannot stop that feeling to kill someone and planning to. And we got spot side by side, its a very very very disgusting, and its the felony case. Someone's file got move, and they run on the high tech. Some of them I want to convince them otherwise might create a database privately, because when she coming out, she got no help, but she told everyone keyword. These profile is stream on the keyword, every time

The felony, stream, its me and her the obesity Heather immediately straight line. 

This is the argument. That girl Anna display the whole police force put out. Can you read it for me."

"No, I want a better life, not a life will ruin me. "

"None of this will ever be the better life, or her authority on Top of all of us life."

"I was my father's gem, I want that life, and I will never get that life if she is around. She is literally everyday killing us front, back, side. She pretend not seeing, she is doing it." 

"They told her to do it. They even make a film for her, its from the medical board Top. They agree to that. She says its the medical students, not us. But I am my father's jem. She forces me to say this literal per word out of it to you. I am carrying the gum at my current residence and I will. What do you think? If that is a lie from her or a forceful humiliating me in front of the Ub all parents and the organization might be where I work and all the military jem in their parents house or the parents luxury house. Its on the internet someone got kick up from the luxury homey, and I becoming this ugly inside the snow white mirror story. Its everything seen on the TV. I cannot even verbalize to tell you every details bothers me I got seen. Its my face, my body shape, and they do on purpose, that guy got kicked out from his dad running away with another girl got kick up. They say its not targeting us. "

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