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When Ola and we were UB them groups on the facebook (you remember Farmville)

Its you can visit each other's farmville. Right, that is not the movie. I will tell you what Hank got another gf after Tina, and they have a daughter. (Loving the Silent Tear)

Dean that time, I don't know if he added all of us in. He was very clear his real life is, very clear....whatever that is. I can just say that. And when the movies is shown to that kinds of all the girl's personality, I don't really know what Ola did to Mat or Dean meaning to demand of that one lifetime commitment because she got a lot of the money, so they be celibacy. 

For the short girls we were all on that Dean's facebook, I think everyone seeing these at least he was being honest. And I will tell you a lot of the guys the very reason they are the guys its because they are a lot more open to that relationship to anyone their height in that nature - the sex subjects will be real. And that is inside the movies.

Probably we cannot relate that as the girls, I will tell you, that is every girl's face on this scene. The movie: Ocean 8, but the girls won't understand that part. In Chinese, the movies name is: 八面玲瓏。

No, a lot of girls believe that kind of the surface skin, such as, this is so glorious moment, but that 2 girls might be lesbian like Square in the real life. The guys don't necessary believe the glorious moment to wait for you one lifetime. That is so psycho whatever if she says or she sent them a message saying the celibacy in one lifetime, its this or that. Its very very psycho, I can tell you how the girls they believe like that.

Its not like that.

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