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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


"I am from Ukraine, I have a bad blood issue right next by a communism polish witch girl side by side be seen everywhere on the TV on the book. I know we are the issues."


"In my life, I was the private school high pride of the parents gem, but when we all gone to the UB university life, we have the glory life, me ....as that leading I think I am up to the year when I graduate, I got devastated the life in front my real life. They told everyone we were in the medical school, and this is what happened for real behind. This is the details with the high ego structure, the high complex of the self dignity, the parents jem, and my parents gonna die because its 15 years passing and gone.

And someone else putting us on leash were my same age. She becoming.....the miserable both my grade or never gonna make it a life in the program makes me taken the plan B routes.

Its the street culture since I was in the middle school to imagine I will get tall, and one day be on the street washout the parents what if, I will sleep with 2 or 3 girls, to born one of them the kid, so that the guys and some girls will stay that form, for the money that bound to the house flat, its a life that street everyone dreams of through the movies. 

I am the guy whom will drop all the court money on the casino personality in 5 mins, and walking out of the door, no one greets me at that exit, and go home sleep next day, and wake up fine, to continue my life.

All the money vanish, I didn't see that is real or not real.

Can you help me? I believe this is my only options in life. I don't want to be in the program anymore. Its one lifetime program, never gonna get a real life, nothing but studying, I cannot be the MD doctor, and that is unjusted to my freedom right. I suppose to live and breath exactly I feeling like as the American, not those Ukraine my parents. I am the passport here real. Those are wrong things they keep doing to me."

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