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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Its probably not what I think ....the public sitting there, I show up a microphone. (they are all the actors pretending on the screen)

The real things like Zawanna or Kail, or that Thor (or every commanders)

I taken I forget about all of them, get out my life. Not at the public all this. That will make everything worse looking, because most time the human perception by subjective listening to the English, its normal to them and they understand. If you asking them to confront a debate at the citizen below with the audience or a MC, or a real political lawyers at the front. 

First, if someone they make it the law school, their talking skills are different. Yesterday I read a bit CNN. 

No, I got told is a fan. I say its the personal staffs.

Westlife side. Right, I see that guy, he is known here. Bii guy, right. No, they are younger group probably. People like those accent things, but when you work with people, probably the more clear I understand what people say in English, my comprehensive brain power does not get hindrance or hatred. What did you say?

My patience becoming very low. I might sad at the night, next morning I gonna kill the rest of them. Like Dean and Ola issue, the book Ice Skating at that interface (What is Ukraine or whom imagine someone is the Russian, Anastasia )

Each country probably they have the public lawyer and the accountant as a team. But those are the legal experty, 194 countries, where I got the 194 countries flagging room? I thought about NYC, but the immigration offices probably for some reason like the West all coastline, anywhere. 

Sunshine or the beach sunshine, or....not sure. 

No, here. Right...I find my way around where all things all around here. Those 2 my similar age is at the Wallace age line. He intends he is probably born in China, I know that. Someone never been to the foreign countries to strive a living, or the drinking water one issue, what homey sounds like a home. Its every street and the building he knows. 

No, I don't really know where he is. 

No, that would be not necessary, they 3 better not to do those things like that girl did. 思慕

Either they already have the parents groups to sit somewhere, and someone talks, or they told me......meaning someone in UB suppose to bring all the parents inside one room without the Zombie Maza Runner movies all over I say; that kind of the UB one weekend the parents sit there, someone reports to them; or someone like me force the kids to open their mouth to tell the parents what's going on.

1. What's going in their life.

2. Where did you go and done?

3. What did you get excited and you lost the job in the end.

4. They cannot see half of the things when they feel they misused me, they gonna get fired.

5. The parents know, when I say that on the Linkedin or everywhere else the words they read.

6. I am not sure if they come together regularly, meaning someone rent the room, tell UB, and calling each other parents' phone, keep a dialogue opens, never stop communicating.

"Hi, how are you this morning? Its every Sunday makes a habit, you feeling better, this is the 5th weeks we doing this talk. I am sure they finding out things when more parents come out and talk and discuss the kids when they are not around. "

"So how is life? Your other community parents also worried, and they calling somewhere, these blacken things blacken everyone's and more worried?"

"No, you cannot just go near that, and the 5 Lakes just means the military or there is the Black thing in it? 

No, its might be the family tradition, you don't know?"

"Wayne is a priest, he used to do those Sunday church after, everyone gets a buffet to go and eat at the long table. Orlando is at his cared. a Porto Reco. No, UK they all have their kids somewhere. My age. I am sure they got told, but I only be in the UB where I actually seeing them inside the book, or their behavior as the second generation ABC, trespassing the 2 worlds make a gesture they are the King of the world all that.

It was a salad bar, and everyone on the long table, I expecting one of them to get up that leadership, was never ending on my Linkedin, they take it its the works side over my head.  It will never be side it with the parents side or else I won't be still existing here. 60-600 human, just listening that yourself UB crowd. UK that time we have no facebook, no. It will be the second year I think Dean told me to join in the facebook or the second semester. I remember that.  No, I didn't know anyone from UK. No.

Right, there are the resource all around if the kids be attentive to putting you all up together as the family household and be there around to talk. Emily gone to those family restaurant, they were old so....she supposes to know that kind of the dining options."

"Right, a meeting inside the UB classroom or outside another place. Both. And a eating out cafeteria long table, or I am not sure the local might know." 

I highly doubts they are too super star to imagine my own facebook name lists, too many guys on it, if they going near someone, if they got yelled at behind, I am not sure. I know what guys I put in the UB facebook? Just the UB honor class, APO and CAC. 

Right, the honor class guy, can go to some of the honor program itself which other guys to next by, you saying another 10 people, if each know one extra Honor Program, someone find the Honor Program director or the adviser or whom to put this things either to hear, or to validate, or to research behind. 

Its the Honor Program itself, not the Honor Class. 

No, they probably are all the girls don't know that, or they know they pulling the girls near, and that one extra guy yelling at that one girl never end. "

📁 Right, it might be the parents got nervous too, so I never thought about things like that.

📁 Right, they stay in that program one lifetime until they make it including when you all parents dead and gone, each year getting colder.

📁 I think its the debts, a lot of the debts. 

📁 No, not Shane. No.  Someone else might, right. 

📁📁📁 Its very very psycho, you cannot change that part of the brain. For example, you seeing some of the fan club screaming right? Imagine the princess and Queen dining options of the guest table, you will all shut up as the parents, that low dignity skunt human like you.

📁📁📁 Very very very illuded. Very.

📁 I won't even look at their every TV, because it hurts the Royal them their home display? 

📁 You mean their one aging chef, not staring at them, no. The documentary their hatred guest invited, or all that stuffs they like about their home looking like that. 

📁 No, to be honest, I don't really know. They put the Kate name in the personal speaking staffs too.

📁 I saw once or twice. A briefing fast. Click click click.  Not staring, not imagining, then the Youtuber I saw their outside. It looks like the White House that time outside when I visit the US for the very first time. Twice I been to that D.C. I did. The congress basement, the doom on the top, its all the interior those...some kinda of the art. I literally gone to a same place twice?

I say that to myself that time. I know that.

TWICE exactly identical place? 

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