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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Those UB near by, might be just your age all near by, you say agent.

One of the reasons? Not all the reasons. The air stagnant.

I describe you again, maybe you listen the 2nd time you understand. Inside your parents life they delicate to this family household for as long as they could possible and remember that. Go home all the time for you, be there for you.

  1. You look up the sky.
  2. Whom exists?
  3. In the last 25 years I am so busy, because it was the school, and the governmental / classify, everyone could see the classify material got buzz at. 
  4. You didn't stop.
  5. You didn't stop and look.

Every day you open your door its your own very life that might be a guy or a girl, or 10 guys, 10 girls front and behind at your work place, not your age. Its older than you are. Not a particular shape even say near. 

The entire Silicon Valley lay off news, A Day in Life, everyone sees it. That is called the Life.

It won't matter what she comes out that materials, you cannot tell ME, looking at this to fix your last 25 years you lose your memory and your attention focus what that life existing in front of you.

===> Inside this entire UB 100, just one of them if its the military close enough or find someone classify nearby, just tiny follow what I say

Project Avalon

Project Camelot 

Follow something I say to all around the video I pick and choose, someone will tell you that is insane 25 years, how long I live that life. 


You cannot come and rescue me, or make an easy for you or for me. 
Its 10 years pass ...you don't know what is so insane of inside out, outside in, the book open and close means? 

You have a so important life in front of you, not me. Forever will never be me. 

Inside your consciousness loosen, you didn't give a damn what that classify really means. 

But somewhere near your parents whom are just tiny bit near that classify, they will agree that is very insane. Again, she was not rescue.

Second tier classify, Sorry...
She is not rescue, again,...

Third tier classify, what? When?
She is not rescue, again ....

You saying a literally 10 years on conscious she gets up her position just deal with all this all by herself 24 hours a day indoor, online. 

All are the electronic format, to even she lost her arm, and what did she did?

Tell me more anymore this insane, you want to say one of those comment tiny your IQ dropped....your eye sight loosen consciousness for 10 long years, where you been?

I never think that was insane enough ....if I knew that one English word, that word never told me, taught me, used in my life. Whom is insane?

WHEN I found out the English word "Insane" means?

I can only react and response, see and response, see and response, 

see and response, 

see and response, 

see and response. 

I cut off the facebook so no more thinking any human exists.

Why don't you just say those are so insane, call the police?!!!!!!

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