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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


oh, you didn't know UB someone did that? Not sure SQL or Unix...that time APO talking, you wasn't hired.

In that tiny store on Sheridan, the UB bus straight to North. Even they had drove me to the flip loop, that same crossing Sheridan, has the enterprise, and Dr. Riley, its they walking right across the parking lot, that is his office. My eye doctor, before the UB ends the undergraduate.


Probably navigation left, rectangle CSS, highlight one => buttom "name "








No, probably UB Honor Program, its UB Robotic got called....imagined. Not sure APO, they do IT Hardware sale, and they have a job to go daily. Why would anyone to be that bore, to seeing all that? 

You want me to read it to you all loud and sound?

There is a short guy in Madrigal, the waiter male guy, remember a lot of us?

You look like next by Jonathon, on this Ocean 12 movies. Becuase if I drag Nicky = Brat Pitt, someone is missing, you are?

You 2 are Lee's height. (UK, UB + Lee)

He is a Bio 205.

I never knew why the American medical board so delicate to find the IQ inside those brainy. I got both the brain and the stability as a healthy human. I never knew until I tape into people's IQ brain and the corner or the behind their eye (balls) looking outside, per frame, per seeing, and the high tech from above their face how they raise their head up wondering if its on the top of the sky, lost the mind, lost the eye sight.

I used to say, isn't it.

IQ so badly 25 years come by.....literally no IQ remains.

No wonder.....no wonder both American military and the American medical board they have these policy or look out things. Because to God = the humanity prevailing freedom and equality right....as the Gods, its a little bit compassion a lot more to the whole humanity. 

No, I go along with a lot of the information I collect, not that in the basic humanity, meaning I proclaim, or lawsuit at, or even take one tiny public space for one fame, you mean I have what happiness wishing other people's well.....These are so bad IQ and humlity inside, it was the IQ no more. Your parents ever wonder where you been, really?

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