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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Burst out cry

The police that day.

"ITS MINE STUFFSSSS!!!  I WANT THAT LIFE, ITS MY STUFFS" ~ you put a microphone actress make it the recording and sent it. Kneel and hand coff.

Its the entire floor police station, she has never seen this much of the police uniform including the guys, for the first time .....

For the first time in life.....

For the first time in life.....

For the first time in life.....

For the first time in life.....


10 years in the jail is very long. So I would say, something not like 40 years jail, but its long enough, that is very bad. But assuming inside that jail she keeps studying in. Someone is been to jail, so sometimes people imagine they will never get 10 long full years of the jailing records.

For a girl, that is very very very very bad. VERY.

It might be no more studying 10 years inside that cram jail. They never think the consequence to be that severe. Both side people, NEVER think would be that much of the 100 people they literally see and imagine the next day.

When you are home, 

or When you are away from your parents home, but you are indoor.

Meaning next day you have a bed you sleeping at home.

Right....that day forever will come. They will realize never be any indoor space like a normal people's life anymore. They never think they are wrong, that is why they keep doing it. 

If they hindrance me, it may not be the Pixie, it will be the police they hindrance, I cannot do my jobs, or I got hurt badly. All this material all the way to outside, are all classify, someone is willing to sit there sorting, things have to begin somewhere. 

I think still in the same program when they finish 10 years. 

I think....its the police do to them, not necessary why Westlife or Justin they pitch in, they may not. They heard about, but they probably wait to ask me. I cannot be in anywhere so I never told them this or that 1 hour ago the 10 mins ago.

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