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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


That channel is MIB, but we have only 6 channel on the lower numbering here. Ocean 8 I am watching from the start.

Today is Friday night.

Ocean's sister is in the jail. We have any political women looks like them?

Okay I tell you my house someone knock knock (Keanu Reeves' film) when Ruben walking out they stood at this 1963, Ocean dies scene. Later right now, its the art gallery, the younger guy looks like....KR.

I think ...

Its democracy world on the first president here in Taiwan, she is a girl. Taiwan is a democracy world and that inheritance since the year 2000, however the evolve a story since that Bible about Jesus AD 2000 gonna return, you have the inheritance money coming it down, including that 1776 on, right now we are in 2024. 

You saying George = President in America, the war for the middle east oil. The oil business. Here we don't have the oil business, but I believe there is a democracy money circulating in the world, meaning to the across ocean - China is the communism. 

No, none of these are gambling. Its all legitimate, because when that Senior Bush could lead the military to the Middle East, the American Congress has to approve.

I can regent, I say that many times, there is a history of that "tradition" thing. You would be indicate somewhat the celestial world interferes the mundane world a bit. All this classify materials you can say, they interfere the timeline, so that might be partially from the celestial, and therefore you have a whole definition to do that in the Congress. The definition. They took that you just believe whatever I got told that story, and written that down. It was a regent I believe, that entire things looks to me, her both story as she grew up. 

And here I won't be knowing whom grown up will never know that 20 years ago Senior Bush, you saying right now its us, to the future 20 years whom are the Youth in the political worlds to?????

The ligation outside

You will be facing all the commerical interest of the democracy world. I have no idea where this Zawanna military iconic or kail this sitting lawful....all that from. But assuming, our Education department, you can all go first.

= no one plagirism people forever entering the education sector. You know what that means.

The system people after with you in the Congress. There is a lot of this you saying from the Heaven standard points of view, you are led to another planet sphere existence both the W2 forms, and the current relocate of the resident, if that dying words in the Hunger Game what means, or the money makes the wealth upper to talk through....the MB, the Master indeed returns back and take the salvation through or by, and therefore you set up a healthy environment right now with all that. 

You asking the BTX final equation and that Loving Silent Tear first Train 500 + a month, with Dean UB represent, and Devil inside Emily. 500+ suplus per month, if were the best scenario because its a limited witness program line in and the Sandwitch shop from 5-8 talking for catching up each other worlds. Anna I say scenario. No its not like that, but you at least will have 500+ surplus per month. That is very very very very bad. 

The current court gonna give them in one time compensate. 

And how do they lose the money?

I explain that before already.  Some walking in the casino, in 5 mins everything gone, drive home in 15 mins, sleep through at night and wake up the second day, the exact same sucks days of the jobs continue, and no one knows he lost all the money - Dean.

Loving the Silent Tear 

Page 2 (what is the next frame = 3 blacks)

I will tell you Ola and Dean is the worse among them the psycho format, but Dean is that way I describe, being shown. Ola she is going to wage one lifetime war on - this necklace. The talking with that Canadian police (the Ocean's sister), not Square Square (Annie Hallaway acts)

For some reason she believes Mat will be there one lifetime no matter what. I told you that music before this, where did they go, its a fucking music. Really. The guy they sex people for real, you never find that out on that Friday night, and she will insist the telephone or the cell phone if the guy answers, it means she gets her points. She is going to stay in that court room one lifetime never stop hurting people behind. She wants that life, whichever this far you seeing after that Canadian (Blank Space, Taylor Swift VS) police that entire plot. She believes in it. 

She does write it down, she thinks her IQ with all the evidence from the movies its the way they say, the way they already proven she is. Not like that. I already say that, not like that.

Tina's first bf did to her, one house right next by her.

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