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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


台灣新聞 : 講男孩子樂團還是總統大選? 三個零還是六個零的意思 .... Boyband or Presidential campaign, 3 zero or 6 zero.


Meaning you thought or you naturally don't require to know, don't know how to order the Pizza

是在講印太司令 ?

Its the Indian-Pacific commander?



怎麼訂購 Pizza, 喔~  

How to order the pizza !!!


Its talking about the money, or revenge, means no one needs to eat a thing?

怎麼在五星級大飯店訂位,誰出席的意思? 你們很有用的同學還是哪個男孩子很重要?

How do you reservation the 5 Star Hotel , whom gonna show up? Your very useful classmate, or which guys to be that super important?


Its not your daddy mommy's frirend?

你們人生計畫不能被打斷的一開始 ? 那是你的一隻腿打到槍彈,你才會改?

Your life plan cannot be disrupted from the beginning? Its your one bullet hit your one leg, you will then realize and change?

前幾天不是你們最重要的台北市長在哪裡出現 ? 身穿? 你們不是台灣這麼小的部落聚集地大概 ...

Isn't the few days ago about your most important City Mayor him shows up where? Dress? Your Taiwan this small tiny tribes to meet at conjunction roughly...

OG gala practice 21.02.14(2)


The Prince of Egypt Orchestral medley, When you Believe, 瑶族舞曲


我說過,人不需要看著別人比較,一直跟誰比? 做好自己眼前知道自己腦海裏面應該做什麼事情? 我怎麼就沒有那麼多心情,除了我自己的四個牆壁裡面呢?

I have said, we don't need to keep looking at others to compete and compare, whom to go and compete? Doing the right things inside your own head, what is the things to be done? How come I don't have that much of the mood, to say where I should be doing inside my own 4 side wall?

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