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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Neon light of all those, these are brand new, never used ! Still there....that store gone away from Taiwan so many years ago, still there.

You didn't require to will your will to becoming a guy, but for my eternity.....whatever this is, to get away anything of all this Super Wonderous women role play, every Sailor Moon, you know what I mean in the end of the days, For the first life starting, no matter what, announce the whole world that wish might be real one day. The evidence is supported. 

Have you ever imagined a guy, the taller guy to see what kind of the girls the way they talk, the way you seeing them far away, you turn around and left?

Ever? How often you doing that?

These movies, I am telling you ....the person whom does those escape route often, this things is so slippery like a piece of cake, and learning the lesson of that slap, not a kiss, but worsen than anything else can ever imagined in life.

You doing that every single day, I am so sick of it. 

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