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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Your cooking recipe + your Linkedin profile

I didn't really check ....what do you have. That is real or someone just all added in your social media you saying in the last 20 years, that is all you ever did behind your parents. I told my mother MD 6+1 to Hailey them MD 4+2, that is already exaggerating enough.

If given to you, or you know these people by alphabetical or imaginative you really know them, or saying Hallo goodbye, meaning you work with them or you gone to the medical school with them?

Anyway, too many if you are all on my facebook to move to Linkedin even MD 6+2 that is 8 people + a Mat

CAC and none related Ph.D etc....

You have a future Eon problems. I heard its something more like the flower idiot behind you, like Ola. A lot of those talking thin, no substance. The idea was you didn't acquire the Eon ago this solid networks, meaning the professional people to help those Flower Idiot. 

Either they assign you to do, like Karen's Linkedin profile, we all know she was not the CAC president. We all know that. Meaning anything if American medical board asking you to do including the social media, you must deliver it. Not me deliver anything. 

Deliver means.

1. Your textbook.

2. NEVER mel-practice

3. You intend to say the medical technician. You mean the medical equipment operator.

4. The LinkedIn itself meaning right now Adam or Hailey's both dad is the professional networks themselves, meaning your language, your attire, your look, your posture, your resume, your specialized area inside this networks both in that 10 Worlds Mormom itself or something if they still gone to their own conference, or they are aware of those included.

  • 4a.  Do they still taken the license board exam
  • 4b.  Are they deacon inside the church those, to provide the service including the wars on calls.
  • 4c.  Both each state the license board or the American medical board committee
  • 4d   Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

These kinds of the information were in SMTV.

So My Linkedin description, I just went to write the Truth of it.

I am reading it, Silas is on Dean's 1st degree, not 3rd degree anymore. Is Dean warning me, or that is the front page he got back leash that time, anyone saying anything to him at all? The homeless people street imagination, if Florida is warmer, or Texas warmer? The guy like him has to be paper writing with those tall posture, they talk small volumn, so tiny warning means he is what?

Impaired and inept?

I am trying to see if there is a pre-cursor. Maybe its both. There is, its at Florida. Its a dark hair girl, taller. 

I tell you, the mediocre students format can only say in the lower scale of the medical intern journey, level of MCAT. No one knows if you pass it, that is undergraduate, you bundle those like Silas psychology major its at the foot step of the door, both PCAT or MCAT. Because within these exams, your scores are rank. You try to tell your parents, your tuition fees I bet they told me its nothing like that.

Its nothing like that.

Its nothing like that.

So you can lasting the face for 20 years, your parents all will be dead, and these same high school in Twilight, someone cover you on the top like an umbrella. No particular PCAT 97 will ever thorn out. Meaning when you are 50 years old, you will see that Twilight again, right now you think you are 40 years are should be 20 years old marking. You know it so well if you talking to your parents very often right now.

They calling you every chance I Anna say something or you calling them to report you yourself to them, because....you require them to beg you? Is that so?

Maybe you imagine that attitude long enough, your networks are exactly you seeing it that relevant to their photo and the name tag below. 

Eon later the wrong things ....

If right now, you go collecting a lot more patient and helping them, because they claim you are mel-practice, at least, someone stopping you from the first Life. Meaning you learn that lesson to the right degree what it should or shouldn't do. 

1. The mel-practice might be surgical

2. Your diagnosis in your general medicine, you prescribe them the condition wrong.

3. You will claim, its Taiwan they do that on me, not you.

4. I tell them you all will be dead.

5. Someone goes to jail in the public = universal truth.

6. Youth included. Things are not sensicle, you go to the jail too.

7. If Adam's dad die, his mother was before or after harass this Peyton. 

8. I cannot understand a word what Hailey they say. I, the far away home no jobs person brush them away. I didn't see it, I didn't say, I didn't find the help for them, I keep quiet like Melinda. The Asian normal way doing things. 

9. You still got charged to be sent to the prison. 

10. That American committee board phone line suppose to be daily calling in, no matter what your English sound like not Class 10, your communication as the professional MD is how they seize that opportunity to demonstrate. 

You keep saying you didn't pass the exam, that name or the medical facility is the less works the better, you are just the medical technician, without the equipment.

You need to go to jail to learn that lesson, not the genius bar hindrance me on the way to check all your Vita Health report, all those reviews be sent including my situation here, none of you doing anything, or trying to ask me. You wish me to beg you, that is what you did to your parents. You might already gone to jail so many times, in the duration of those small interval, you feeling the student formats soaring high....ten.

My Linkedon wrote:

Does Dean put Silas major as the psychology to warn all of you, he is using the psychology things, his voice small tiny. I wrote these description, he lower the 3rd degree to 1st, he does that on purpose to warning me, or you all figure it out he is exactly that type of the personality through poor rural boy mentality, if not on the street, its the program trumpet?

The small voice people like him, needs a lot of the face with the girl, exactly like that Slam Dunk red hair, at the side line edge. If you calling his parents, their parents would have told you, its every chance he with the gf to demonstrate Chris and Karen.

At the mother-in-law whichever the food will sound like the daddy daddy, where is the money pocket, as his medical school failure somewhere, if now he is not on the street, or inside the jail?

Check it? 

No, the police puts him on the street when? I say Tamang, but did you check Dean, its side by side to Smallville. 

No, you have to go through the police network to ask that question. Not flying it down to check. They put him back. FEMA camp I keep saying that.  What did he do to end up like that? 

Where are his both parents, ever moved down right next by him, programmed? 

You all need your parents desperately. You tell the police including the UB campus police. You can use that UB library chat room box. 

"We have a lot of the situation, one of us concluded, things are too blurry on her side, too far away, she thinks his parents need to be in the program going it down from Buffalo to Florida or Texas, if he going back and forth, right beside him like 24 hours opening up his mouth what bothers him, he is small tiny voice. He may not be on the street, but he is like that Tamang on the car how to wreck the traffic washout the paralyze or burn in blindness so reluctant to do." 

You all assign MD better just bookmark this Pharm Board, or American Medical Board, or the Medical Liscence Board all the time, talking to someone. You have no way how to write, how to talk, how to find a help including you yourself is not mobile, that is why I Anna told you to stay indoor, start to fix your attention to 4 side wall. You cannot handle a real case without endanger you yourself.

Maybe you print out a sheet of these phone number right at the wall. ( I don't memorize the in-line my office phone outlet box too giant digit, Adam and Hailey's dad are the mortal aging ) - I am telling you the leisure having an office and a home in-line. 

  • American medical board, pharm board.
  • 3 State + New York State medical board license phone number.
  • You start dialing now, I don't care you pretend to be fake, just dialing once its at night.
  • PCRM
  • Leave them a message, "My name is so and so, my license issue number is, we have a situation. Some of us are not cooperating to tell each other the serial number of their current practice reason in that each state." 
  • "To this medical center of the location to their address and the correct academia title would be University of South Dakoda, Stephen Tamang the gun man, he is one of those 6+1, but another Wing is Pharm board, both are the Asian anomaly exceeding our resources if they stay indoor, none of us the other 6+2 can travel, not at this moment. We have the situation in our hands, we wish to express our urgency, this is not on my draft, I am literally telling you per word, if in the morning while you receiving this message and give me a call back. My number of the cell phone, and in-line home number would be. If you would be a lot more connected, you will be seeing my name card, I print them like I capable to use them. I hope this resolving the conflicts will soon not inflame to any of the parenting groups from UB, how their kids will end up on the street with the police order or already was, and you weren't informed the difference between you or the police network." 

Calling PCRM

"Hallo, where is this Dr. Bernard? you used to know he was with a several doctor on this SMTV? Hi ~ My name is MD so and so, my friend Anna doesn't own the SMTV for having you inside this monitor. My liscene MD number would be.....I have an issue on this W Two worlds Dr. Bing's face gun shooting all of the SMTV workers inside, and you wasn't informed?

Well Dean just change his 3rd degree to the First degree murder Linkedin because Anna wrote a paragraph you want to hear? I read it to you, in your night shift caller ID messasge box....."

(Hang up, dialing again)

"Hi~ I was speaking the earlier message what the first degree MD Dean next by Tamang gun man in shooting intend, he was a small voice, this is Anna wrote on her Linkedin profile as.....

I need you to call his parents to move both of them down to right next by him 24 hours, he is that type. 

I copy paste this Anna's linkedin profile to your email address, now I will hang up."

"Hi, this is the third time I am calling you about something this W Two worlds, other than the individaul case, can you come over here or Taiwan where this Satellite MD 6+2 to mormom MD 4+2 or Taiwan itself MD 2 only speaking Chinese with 1 ph.D Reno Washington, to get her off.....like satellite revolving all around.

Its her master television, none of us know them other than we prying on her facebook and no one telling her a thing, because they all doing this hinted methods like the second voice message you got from me." 

Here is the second email you received, their SMTV with her face satellite behind....someone saw it, everyone sees it, you are not or Dr. Bernard is not off his medical liscence serial number. Again this is the email format, I am issuing my MD serial number as. I need you to both contact the Medical Board and the Pharm Board to confirm you lock up these MD Map in America with Wing in the middle of Pharm Board, but it was the Pharmautical UB Director she says he calls her in. I do not know that 2 side, as I given you the MD serial number. I have stay indoor right now as the none-complete the medical student program. She is the satellite.

Again this correct cases might be exponent to

UB MD 6+2 to Mormom UB 4+2 to Taiwan MD 2 + 1Ph.D MD Reno

Meeting WWII interface line with Taiwan right in the middle of its. She is not just hanging on the satellite herself, she is the radius of this Anatomy and Physiology, well, the radius of that Ancient Chinese sword fight, she literally memorize Anatomy and Physiology to look like that. 

Its an Artificial satellite, her entire family is handicap, including her mother. Its more than 2 conditioned combined, and these MD are doing nothing but hint to each other what they are capable to do to each other. We need a real verbal communication within these lock up American Map. 

She thinks her renter has the issue, her mother's renter is right below her. Today is the issue. She doesn't know what's going on. There are a several court room pending, if he threaten anybody, he is shorter, his wife is so much taller, with a kid inside. 

There are 3 other taller guys coming very late outside the traffic jurisdiction about 9 its their hourly paid jobs. Meaning away from 9 to 5. 

Might be the kid himself, he is growing. That house is full of the toys everywhere. FULL.

"I don't bother to email you anymore. This is the 4th calls I am getting through you at night, tomorrow morning you will be expecting me calling you too, if you can return my phone call at my office hour between 9-5 at the middle America time zone, like Chicago."

"Hi me again, I have some other issue unsure, as I collecting some points to these their voice too small tiny, I wasn't aware on the first the guy's impulsive to provoking each other, and none of us know, or some people are not staring their jobs to make a file or the claim. I think some of this map location people is in the police custody, in the last 10 years, their parents know or I wasn't told. I need you to do your jobs, because I think this is the first I think I understand what had happened, that is their attitude is very very bad, so something trigger something I cannot personally be there to walking all around to find out between the police or the jail, or the court room paper in that each state. My obligation is bind to this exactly the line above email you in that Md 6+2 to MD 4+2 scenario, I think if you calling their parents, you have a lot more communication power to help the parents, their parents might have other things, if you can step in." 

"This is the conclusion of these case, its Anna's landlady Marley is in Home Alone movie, she was 70 years old to living alone about 10 years ago. She has the diabetes and too old, too giant. Its in the movie. Can you investigating with all of them, so these kids have to go alone if the police detain them or repeated sent them back to jail, its not the MD program I describe you, but I am in the MD program in the studying schedule myself. I discover this situation a little bit late. She is hanging on the satellite. She was not on the Linkedin to imagine one second over this tiny voice people in Frozen movie too giant success, he was saying? The first degree murder to a multiple direction as he declares what things....or that is the police put that for him. He is provoking to someone, we just don't know what. "

Calling to American Medical Board (next post)

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