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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


You do not wish people well, you do not work with another person, you compete and compare

You never have one tolerance over someone...NEVER handicap. You be sent to jail in the end of this, if someone already says that to you. Do they? You ask someone, what's wrong, its out of the force, or out of the desperation to the real MD doctor?  One full life time, you continue....until everyone on your Linkedin in a different time on the jobs, each of them sent to jail, and that is the end of their time to be on the street, because no one will hire at the jail records. 

You keep saying they do on purpose on you - you never introspect you kidnap everyone because you are so willing to keep mouthful jobs, keep pushing, the higher you go, the sooner you will see how you becoming ...

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