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Organic Part 2

When you all departing each other in that CHE 251 or that CHE 201 (that is where Wing lower down to for his pharmacy school for PCAT didn't require the 251, not even I have the textbook), its different and I used the CADS 201 / 202 organic chemistry. For the mass people outside, no one will know why that class is so damn heavy. 

Its just me and Lee.

Organic 2 (if were not saying Orgo 1 whether that division were 251 not 201, there is a way how they situate that both class, you are all just never gonna teaching of it. 251 Honor class is emphasize on the mechanism.) 

In the orgo 201 so Wing lower down to, these are the charts of many reactants and the ending products to memorize of that formulation to that yielding on a different synthesis that took place, that is the only way doing it, and they will tell you the lab real worlds, there is the catalyze or the boiling temperature to where, things to be solidified, so you have the a pharmaceutical industry rather than the versitile vapor, in whichever either term, will never be the hazards waste format.

Imagine, any of your Dr. T or Dr. Chambler to feeling pale on every frames of their faces. 

Whatever that means to them. 


I think...Its the CHE 251 you need to substitute one class (you have to ask the UB if that is the TV meant what I was thinking, that was being told. )

Just substitute for one class, you don't regret for the rest of your 20 years later on.

This is the smaller class.

Maybe CHE 201 general orgo is optional, to substitute, because I Anna says. That is the bigger lecture hall on the power point slide - that will be 250 students probably or 200 students.

In the general chemistry, where the reactant and the products over a basic energy charted, you understand why there is a reason for describing all that process because that is the basic construct of "a reaction."

The organic chemistry is nothing but the reaction, what you gonna do? 

That is the definition of it. Without that concept I guess you saying S2, S1, E2, E1.

Westlife - You Make Me Feel. Music

To that organic chemistry will come to a structural setting how the stereochemistry is a part of that backbone carbon neutral chain no matter what, you cannot change any of that, those is the basic frameworks, not necessary you saying you define the organic for that, its always existing as the backbone, its the way how you look at it, so that gives rise one day that L or D the real upper class or all professional school cannot be lacking at. One of those missing wrong idea, its the pregnant women be missing an arm of the baby.

That is 

Jonas, Jonas' girl (pharmacy),  Justin, Wing (pharmacy), Khan !!!

I see now. 

Sakura Clear Cards are only 22 episode. You all didn't get your assignment meant you will be the hell of the MD or the Pharm D. What is the future, no one knows, to that having some of your UB back to that excellent works, to your old ag in 55 on, that is a treat, you wishing them well, because a lot of the people will die out.  If you found them to be good at what they do, it will bright up your spirits.

What you mean you rely on that someone, you are so sure of it. 

The vinegar is Jonas...that side the acid, but you saying where you becoming an alcohol I guess, when you naming that in the correct organic chemistry term. 

The vinegar is the ending of it. You have a more of the oxidation saying, you meant to believe, its naturally becoming of it.  The alcohol being oxidized to becoming...---> the end product. There is only one product.

The carboxylic acid. 

I told you....

How do you keep alcohol from turning into vinegar?
Put a Cork In It

Any wine can turn to vinegar if oxygen gets inside the bottle and reacts with the alcohol. This happens when a cork is defective, of poor quality, or when wine is stored upright instead of on its side. The storage position is crucial because to keep out oxygen, a cork must remain wet.
Maybe I should say you live on Earth.

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