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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


UB 750 = 1000-250

Time unit: kalpa, or eon

Or a Brahma day open or close. Buddhism Sariputra is or always will be number 1 Chef disciple.

3 3 10 三生三世十里桃花 

Three Life, three generation 10 miles peach flowers. X man is about you waking up in a body.


The modern chase between the police gun from the governmental body. It’s all modern trendy you will use the library system to access the webpage.

Not Youtuber it’s at Dailymotion site


Other than this life you might be homeless in the end I guess your money may not be enough. You are not supposed to have any kid. I already say that many times. 

Inside this entire 4 points frame,

Ancient or modern including these very TV soap opera format such as the Asian killer financiers. 賀先生念念不忘


You can see through the air or the building of every brick. Not every air inside that reality or any reality including the devil wears Prada. No one can hear. In the correct police order of the none us World, it’s or will be especially true. It’s the star galaxy uniform police. It’s the deadly metal or the laser weapon.

What “you will meet again”.

If we take one PowerPoint slide of the a correct hospital runs World, it will never be the drama. He is very very very very impatient - the kid is cute all right and he must always stay with the dad.

It’s all very realistic capitalism. Even if you gone to the border or the regular police station, if you did see, some are very very very senior police. Very loving almost you saying you talking to him they all understand but none of them will ever be the part of your life, it will NEVER be their paycheck or their own home. Forever. It is a mediocre police. It’s just a useless police.

Because he will forever never never be inside next by your life eternal. But he comfers you.

Same the every doctor til you pay, you can see this person’s voice, an office entry, or a tea someone hand to you with his Secretary but none will be your life, inside forever, eternal. They will vanish once no pay, they can still watch for you behind, but that voice or caring part you will once no more hear from any human like him or her the secretary, forever.

Never a sound ever again, forever and eternal.

Ever and forever.

Harry Potter memory 




I personally don't know if they will prepare for you to tell you "Time Return", meaning inside the equation of the very remote idea, the modern idea. The modern idea to us here would be all Korea TV soap opera if not the Japan in the past. And then the Korea modern fashion of the dress its every weekend, people like my family cousin they buddy with their brothers or cousin to go shopping.

If were at their given jobs that would be Mon - Fri.

Eating sometimes on the weekend. Day-to another day, nothing difference, they grew up in the same room, the same parents, the same talking, stable other than that norm. But no one for saying 5 guys rotating on dating, so there is one guy only and he screw her world up with a child.

These corner of life of 4 one day will die out some. Its a quiet life or retire life, you will see no more than the sleeping tiny bed, the same couple staying together. The mother pass away, you probably thinking this one guy is the only friend, or for the rest of that life, its the rest of that life.

All the TV, movie, concert, to where anyone saying one word of another guy, all these sphere of the eye insider their very corner of the ugly face or aging, or fatty, or the 9-5 minimum wage, they will tell you the weekend to shop for one extra clothing at that Korean vendor all around, making them feel.....

Making them.....feel so pompeo grand of more human entry there just like they used to since they were the teens. They need to be away from the jobs, one extra clothing its so needed in the closet, for some reason, its one extra price tag.

This person one day will lose the parents, only the brother will never spend one more dime of that piece of the cloth on that weekend, its the only thing she breath for 40 years on.

That life is pathetic, its 8 billions people lives minus the 100 Forbes.

Every corner of every walking zone, dead zombie inside their own dull eyes were the stress load of every book inspiration all fake.  Its their fix plan of 9-5 must be. They cannot get out of it, they need a a break, the guy or the girl. 

The girl will be forever one piece of the outfit doesn't wear the same very next weekend, "the mommy" or the daddy please....just one time shopping mall, together, it means the whole hell the world to her. That life will end 40 years on....the life every day dying out. You saying line up 10 guys, its the TV drama.

Its forever will be false 41, 42, 43....til the day that hells arrives, no one knows the story ending, no one knows its the chain iron.

"But hey, it was nice talking to you."

"A cute hair, how did you do that?"

That is "How" "Did" "You" "Do" "That", the only remaining 5 letter words this person will ever heard from the TV or the movie fantasy.

5 extra words if he is not stingy at it. 

You are forever never had a worth, not even a talking 5 letters words will spare you. You are the useless skunt of this society, of that every breath you take, you are the fake human that does not have any worth or any dry clean even to be the maid to sound like my boss or the senior those height would ever look down upon you, just exactly how I see you, the skunt of the trash will be forever ending on the street hungry to die, and drag everyone to the buttom of the hell, exactly the movie means, it, worse, that is the Toy Story 1 or 2, truche, its al the impatient human in that City ever mumble the mouth of the words, to make a merits on my account. Its just useless women of the period to dirty of the money to imagine the red marking of the what? forever debts unlimited, so sick of those shorty should be dead in 1000 curses of F words, their worth is nothing but the flat worm, the ugly face, the ugly race, the ugly origin, the hell destine of course, its Fuck up your mother of that born destiny its the slavery correct. Just no worth useless human existing for eternal jokers of the Day. The paper cut wall on your face if were bleed, it will sound a lot more like you deserve to serve you right, the useless human getting in everyone's way, purk your lips, or mine impatient 2 eyes, its the useless unworthy human deem fit for the soul, the stupidest human I ever seen. 

Gravendor !!!

Memory switch to another scene.

"What did you say?"

"I say my brother has a hand wet thing on him, he used to be on the neck and one day he visit me to curls my hair. I put some detox or the body cleaning procedure I did that myself on the facebook. I think I remember he might not tell me, he done something, so one Thanksgiving he stop by."

"What happened?"

"Its on his hand, but not his neck. My mother says the hand when I return to my home, but I never see that on his neck anymore myself. Its his mother says, or its him never gonna says. I stuck in the middle of it."


"If were saying 2 exponent, sorry time 10 times, its the exponent 10th time....you just draw that I understand.....2 plus two plus two.....its ends the multiply, but if were 2 times 2 times 2 times 2 ....... that will ends at the exponent, so that will be 1024."


"The laws proceeding nature in this sense, of course, according to the logic methods of the deductive, well, that is the deductive retrospect how the geometry if were writing in the theory, its everything given the end conclusion so you formulate the everything before, and that is in front of it. I assuming most time its to get answer. That is the whole paragraph answer of it. "  

"The given structure of any triangle has to be 180, to any other unknown shape, it breaks down the 180 its the triangle. But none of that dash lines it I must draw it to deduct the logic right at it. Its I draw the dash line, its not on the piece of the paper, so you have derived, sorry I derived the ending of the conclusion of any of this angle, not the angular, that is the radius, no, not here. But with the angle such as the 90, it will always end up 180 minus that parapedicular, you will notation as this ...like that is 90 degree means. straight and down. "

"If you just swift and flip these entire things, you will find out one of the angle I can assure you, that is each and every time doing that, that physics were....well, the connection points normally to my age no one will remember that at all. If you give me a textbook will help, every time I try the first time, its I invent out of the thin air, they will tell you that. Really. My heart jump, every single time. ALL the time. EVERY voice, every told, every thing if I related from inside to outside my body, I will literally die every single time. Its not the nervous. Its I faint each and every time. Really. "

"I try for everyone to feel normal. There is nothing normal inside my life, I didn't grow to freak out every single day, its psychi my nerve every degree down, if you would have ask me the math, its a lot intuitive sense, not I delay not to take down that Wing that day. If I would have remember, I would done that long time ago. Its every first time I try, I freak out myself. I am trying to think how to do that, that formula is....you memorize the law, not to derive, it may be 10 Class no one has that sheet, you saying one more year, that is 2 millions people download that sheet, I am telling you."

"If you try to know that, I am probably die the second time, because only I sit there know. As the Asian to imagine.....this is the white world court room?"

"The evaluation process, will be my aura is darken, darker, every single second darken nothing but darker. I know that. I can just tell you all that."

"Everything I read, I see, I raise up my head....my psychi nerve its not the heart beat."

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