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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


... ...when I am getting off this spinning state. Orbiting all around and around.

I cannot use my brain for some reason at all.



You put an attitude to your patient, saying something out loud to them. 

You know what you are saying at them, you say to them if they keep pushing you, you will write them as the mental? That is what you did to every patient your parents want to know that? 

They call the clinic or the medical board, someone came?

The rest of all your lovely partner ever knew what's going on in each location you all practice on your own communication? Not just in front to fake, behind to go to your parents, you suppose to fake all the way. That is a real life you are living it right now.

I don't have a boss, or a father, or a mother, or a grandpa any of that.

So I cannot talk to him 帝君, I do not know what to say. Its to ask the spiritual question that sort. We don't have a spiritual practice concept in Chinese here, they are the Indian Buddhism, I always go and take care of anything so my life NEVER says a prayer EVER.

You probably mix up your practice but what standard in the Chinese Buddhism or the Master in India overall says. 

And they are Vampire too, so the military is hologram them, one of those. Its better not to talk to them, they eat you, when you die .....you will be a no head, the ghost body of what she says. 人面 face front look of....just no head.

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