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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


China Drama 《賀先生的戀戀不忘》

The Earth doesn't really have a God's program, meaning the separation of another Kingdom.


Babaji human-celestial he is living in this pink sky heaven all that with the golden arm, he comes to the physical universe because he is the 3 Esteem. But that is his character. How he ends up in the hell or the hologram, or anything of that million years ago, or whichever that story was told, might be all irrelevant. I told you, everyone is all different when things get bad. Those things are not any of your control. The TV made a new, its to me. You telling me.

The Kingdom of this God assign, is the Heaven world, your mortal to ascend heaven, most of them are some kinds of the very steady spiritual practitioner, its the monk or the nun. Your sky look will be normal as you live on Earth. Everything as the same as the Earth.

You farmiliar when you get there, when your physical body die. They go there to meditate or to pray, a lot of those groups going that way. They just soak in the meditation. That will be everyone you ever see. To pray, to meditate, to squat sitting in the meditation folding your leg or the feet behind.

Most of you...don't get there anyway. To even imagine what those scene are.

I think he is alive somewhere, MB Human-celestial, but this things might be the million years ago was put into a situation such as the hell, and anything you see or gonna witness, it might be him, it may not be him. He has a 26, the Flower Thousand Bone in the military, so is this my bed 帝君, that is his girl. No I don't care about it. I sleeping outside. How or why they have to do that....No she has a kid, she is a military women, rank.

You are lonely because ...in the regular mortal sense, you create a facebook in 2004, and then, you will have a Linkedin one day. As any mortal. There is a way how to run that. 

That many God's program, or what you label as the final rulership are few. I already draw that for you.

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