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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Vicky is a deformed face. Wing is losing his face I think....

The eye bags, too stressful. Your kidney issue.

Osmosis water, not necessary Wal-mart those distilled water? The organic store you carry back.

When you becoming old and dead, Ola? Kneading dough on the feet or on the wheel chair....its white hair, clouds looking thin bone, thin face wrinkle. Its a ghost format, you don't have a physical body. No.

In hell? That is the astral body. 

Sometimes....you have to know nothing is fix in life, they given you a brighter picture for me. What if they change all that you one person find out in the end of the day?

Like the Titanic old lady those form.

Yes they might still watching the TV. The MD they are. Hailey's father.

Is the physical body have no strength older time? 

Correct, Ola her whole life she doesn't kneading dough I think, too thin, arm strength.

What would happen?

I guess you keep doing it, that will be the metabolism going it down, but you don't have a body, so I don't know if that is the panting means. What that worlds would be, let's say Hailey's dad knows what he does, he knows exactly what that means.

Because her choice of her labor was 24 hours a day doing nothing but the physical works, rather than intellects. Look at the Tv monitor and make a dough, its a real dough, a real flour mix, and cut small or big in rolling, a stick rolling out. All that very very you say waving your 4 limbs, and no more you require to think.

Hailey's dad may not personally done those jobs.

I did.

No, there is a difference, I was practicing.

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