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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


The chiropractor


When I start this Cayce Edgar materials, its just intuitive because the women's pain just eyes staring at it most of time what he says, and so any time at that time, my brain can only register was since I was already in America....I gone to. But correct, the medical school if saying to go for a major, I never think of that EVER in my life.  NEVER will be this anatomy and physiology hanging somewhere both in China entertainment or ...just life !

You know this eternity begins here, not necessary, that Cayce Edgar or a several people like Dr. John R Christopher will dissipate, because in the modern trend, its all a lot faster medicine, like the instant pain relief, all that. With Cayce Edgar, saying the women, saying never wasting time in life, and under the American Capitalism, I am telling you, I have a very fast working methods in life, and I am not lazy, or sitting there doing nothing.

I did a lot of things, so if you saying a regular public citizen, to filling in a never stop resume or CV, as a girl or as a women, and have to use that phone per Friday night starting to Sunday, either to parents or someone else, to cry, or to make a drama, because if one of these 3 days you cry, the rest of the evening is abolished and gone.

Your morality you saying 40 years old? When the metabolism will start running it down?

Me, no, this stomach acid after detox, I need to eat something, but if saying somewhat the sexual energy parts its 20-30 were stronger or that body is a little bit different made of. That my ex bf saying something might be very very true. I hear what he says so I done something. 

No, its not the same felt, that 28 or 29 those time was a lot more crystal feeling felt, I don't know what it is. Maybe that was I am on juicing, water a lot...one of those.

The body is a lot of this mechanical doing rather than if you inject too much of things inside your head or what you see on the TV. You only care that your mommy or daddy, I will tell you all that, really.  1) The food to eat down 2) a room you used to have 3) something you grew up never left town, one of those.

uh ..NO.

Eat the fruits or the vegetable because you might get a lot of this constipation, meaning not going to the bathroom.



I tell you, I haven't process my lawsuit to have any spare money, but, even that....if I go back to a little bit down term of my weight, these things, you take like a few bite, only. Literally with the spoonful if you go out to eat. Literally. Not the rice, not the meat, never cheese.

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