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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


高階的政客死掉 + 一個低俗的低階女子 ( A high profile politician dead + a lower class rural poor background girl combine death)

就是電影故意讓人幻想活著 ...是一種低階的女子才會在 Loki 納編故事

Its a movie on purpose to make people induce illusion fancy to stay alive....that is a lower class rural idea to Loki


Meaning the court room file-ing location is about Taiwan democracy society system below, a branch of Power under Constitution, I have heard the Florida has a politician




Going back to the past

有好幾個電影我列給你們 1) 柯南的 Baker 烤街 2) 凡爾賽玫瑰 3) Harry Potter

I have a several movie 1) Conan Detective the Baker's Street, 2) The Rose of Versailles, 3) Harry Ptoter.


One of the prince on purpose to make someone dead

She wants to go to Germany? No, Ola's is more mild voice than Adria. She is soaking inside her own mood, too proud to spell its own program, when...she doesn't really have that kind of the IQ, so she thinks they trick her. I say false. The women next by this girl, she looks like someone....4:24

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