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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


I show you

What? He thinks he is the American SWAT?! ....

I just told you the thousand times.....

Cocktail. 雞尾酒 (0:11)


7:08  blondie bonnie rabit ears.

7:13 Military someone senior or police compound shootinig gun.

Something about he has to get married with his wife.

7:20 Well, that is the black hair singular.

7:24 He does that all the time, outside the house, outside the car, inside the darkness. Similar to Smallville. Outside the home.

7:32 The little kid sees him does that,....

7:34 the black hair singular girl....

2 Shorts





The kid says,

"4 people are not alive anymore, right?" 

He uses the Christian bible to controls some morality of those police friends, or the tall height similar to him, the gays, some proper occupation in the bar, not necessary the shooting gun place, that is another building ID he can enter. 

This ID can enter building, such as South Dakoda, its where the comfy chair and IT department resources similar to UB IT. The University resources.

They are probably some Christian drinking bar wine places, the shooting gun at those are the officers, those he doesn't have a clear picture where the friends are, other than that senior one older guy, with few, they are all in the compete and compared mode.

He thinks as he grew up, that is the American culture. He is the local grown up American, he speaking English like the Constituional right of that declaration of independence makes me memorize in that Friend Lake.


He reports to the senior that rank guy I think something he cannot get through his cases. 

If UB you all just ask him, "Are you working on the police profile cases, so we don't need to pass the patients case profile to you?" He will tell his every assignment its to arrange his best career.

"Is that legally blonde?"

NO, its Two Weeks Notice !!!

====> I just told you this is the gun man sees him having no gun walking free cases.

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